Army Rage entered Open Beta!
Yacuba Games announced that the Open beta test phase for Army Rage, a free-to-play online first-person shooter is now live.
This update presents the implementation of extremely important features which change the game, such as anti-hacking software, Premium Currency Store, new game content - update of the sound system and kill notifications, new maps, new vehicles, new weapons and equipment, animation update, lobby and launcher interface update, iron sight, ranking and much more.
Developed by Tuyasoft, Army Rage is a free-to-play online first-person shooter game based entirely on the World War II theme. The game strives to realistically represent the unique reality of the largest military conflict in human history. Here players will experience an addictive fast-paced game play and the greatest dynamics and fire power ever seen in MMOFPS games of this class. When the Axis face the Allies in Army Rage’s lively scenes - challenging modes, realistic weapons performance and heavily armed WWII tanks will clash and challenge you to show all your skills of an FPS player to master the game features. Moreover, here you can not only try out how the most famous weapons of the WWII actually performed but you can even drive tanks and create epic-scale tank battles featuring 24 players and 12 tanks on the newest big map - Philippeville!
The open beta version of Army Rage contains the following changes:
· New Ranking system;
· New tanks – the WWII most fearsome vehicles StuG and SU are now available for the players;
· Two new maps - one small and one huge, which has enough place for epic tank battles;
· New weapons, including the extremely anticipated MP-40;
· Entirely new shop items - Spoil Chests, Premium Accounts, Armor and many more;
· Iron sight for bolt-action rifles;
· Upgraded characters animation and more realistic visual effects, updated animation of the weapons;
· Anti-Hacking software;
· Exclusive sound system and awesome kill notifications;
· Cobalt store;
· Entirely new launcher and lobby interface design;
Find more information about the new Army Rage Open Beta changes at:
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goes free to play in origin
to make best game but i think its one of the best f2p fps games dont belive trolls try it out its just 500 mb :)
Even the dods.
Dont waste time on this piece of shlt, cod2 would let you have fun.
I thought this game had a great graphic, but now I realize I was wrong.
This game is suck, no matter the graphic or game playing, sucking like hell
-crappy jumping mechanics
-tons of bugs and crashes
-going into prone position takes friggin 2-3 secounds
-no ADS sites
-reloading takes forever for some weapons
-reloading is friggin fast for some weapons
-unbalanced weapons
That's about it... and it's already Open Beta? You got to be kidding me...
LOTS OF UNLOCKS, like air strike, shield walls to prevent incoming fire, detonators,
CASH SHOP? Costumes only baby!
Seems not good graphically made, it's an old battlefield :D