Armored Warfare Reveals Matchmaking Criteria
Skyforge might be the Entertainment game getting all the headlines these days, but they don't want you forgetting about Armored Warfare, as today's dev blog dives into the logic behind the tank battler's matchmaking system.
Each tank from tier 1-8 has a point value assigned to it, which is modified slightly for additional equipment on the tank. For the most part, tanks are assigned to battles within 10% of the "seed" tank chosen to start the battle seeding. If you're in a platoon -- a group with another friend -- the highest-rated tank in the platoon determines the value, and there are procedures in place to limit how great the distance between two tanks in a platoon can be. Finally, there are limits to battle group construction for vehicle type and player quality is taken into account.
There can be exceptions to the matchmaking system if a player or platoon sits in the matchmaking queue for too long, but it's probably better to get into a slightly unbalanced match quickly than to have to wait several minutes to find a perfect match. Do you agree?
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Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Option 1: I hate waiting - Just like WoT/WT is currently
Option 2: Longer wait - Attempts to balance the teams based on tank line up as well as individual rating in current tank and/or global rating.
Default is Option 1, if player wants more "mature" which I think they mean "experienced" players then they can set to option 2 in their settings.
The way WoT matchmaker is totally crap, and I often see completely mismatch.
I wouldn't mind to wait for a minuet to get into a quality match that I can do something.
Also, the light tanks matchmaking in WoT is just totally... WRONG.
The way how WoT setup view range makes it that way which is another totally WRONG.
I hope this game will be much better.
no, I do not agree