Ark: Survival Evolved's Lost Island, Out Now, Adds 150 Square km And Three New Creatures
Also: Angela Game sues Ark creators for Myth of Empires takedown.
Studio Wildcard dropped a new free DLC today for Ark: Survival Evolved. As we profiled in November, Lost Island adds three new creature types to the game, as well as 150 square kilometers of land to explore, comprising jungle valleys, vast mangrove swamps, snowy peaks, and more.
Also arriving in Ark today is the sixth Winter Wonderland event, which makes all kinds of festive decorations and outfits available, as well as a new skin for the Parasaur based on the upcoming animated show. The event runs until January 6 and can be manually activated by server admins with a simple code fragment.
Learn more about Ark's new DLC and the Winter Wonderland event in the launch post on the game's website.
In less-good news involving Ark, Studio Wildcard and its publisher Snail Games are being sued by Angela Game, makers of medieval sandbox title Myth of Empires. That game was pulled from Steam two weeks ago following a DMCA request from Snail Games, and Angela Game is not letting that stand without a fight. MMO Fallout uncovered the suit, in which Angela called Snail's allegations false, saying that the evidence presented by Snail -- a list of function names in MoE it deems similar to ones used in Ark -- "misleadingly presents, out of order, an extremely small set of 'names' that exist in Myth of Empires source code."
You can peruse those names for yourself in Snail's document, which was sent to Valve on December 1 and resulted in MoE's takedown. I'll agree that many seem similar, but are they close enough to enforce a copyright claim? The companies involved obviously disagree on that point, and it looks like it will be up to a judge to make that decision.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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They should not of gone to this and nuch better done a face to face or phone chat to see why and how they can help with their whats known as over thinking.
The winners in any suits are the lawyers.