Archlord 2 Now in Open Beta
Webzen is now serving up an Open Beta for players interested in trying out their latest MMORPG, Archlord 2. Self described as a "Brutal PvP MMO" Archlord 2 offers players the opportunity to join one of two factions and battle it out across a variety of PvP scenarios including 400 player battlegrounds and open world contested zones.
The move to open beta comes with a patch that increases the level cap from 30 to 41, adds the Aquila Arena Skirmish, increases basic attack speeds by 20% and slightly adjusts how secondary attributes are calculated.
While Archlord 2 features a fair amount of instanced dungeons to tackle, Webzen will be primarily focused on monitoring PvP during the Open Beta in order to fine-tune combat over the course of the summer. Regardless of which style of content you focus on though, Webzen wants to remind players that Archlord 2 is an MMO focused on party-based content and not solo questing.
For this reason, Webzen is recommending players try and group up as much as possible to enjoy their time within the MMO. It also doesn't hurt to have someone watching your back as you gather crafting resources in a contested zone.
If you're interested in downloading Archlord 2 and trying it out for yourself, you can find out more information and the link to download the game here.
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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NO ONE IS ONLINE THE SERVERS ARE ALWAYS AT LOW POP they are lucky to have even 50 players online the whole game looks like a freaking ghost town with no one leveling
you can go hours without seeing anyone when you make it past lvl 10-15
the PVP is just down right dumb you can only enter a BG 3 times a day..... and the times you can it usually at early early morning
they sell fashion which adds uber stats its going to be another webzen P2W piece of garbage...
avoid this if you want to save on your download quote as you will uninstall it soon after
its full of exploitable bugs there was a guild exploit where people had 200k HP yep thats right and could 1 hit kill anyone...... you normally have around 6-8k hp BTW
the graphics look like the game was made in 2000 its just another heap of junk made quickly as a cash grab for suckers
the US server is full of spanish retards even tho is 4 different servers closer to their country
GOLD seller BOTS were there in day one of open beta ROFL
AND LETS NOT forget webzen HAS NO GM"S all they have to run this game are 2 glorified forum managers hahaha
i could not believe that what sort of retarded game company only has forum managers to run a whole game?????
thats just dumb
It plays like if it was done in the 70's. Graphic well it could be seen as ok, but the mecanic behind the game is just horrible. Even the combat is slow almost like turn base game. Can't even dodge the hits from mobs have to click your skill and wait 30sec for the animation to go off and hit the mob, it is a mess right now.
these garbage korean asian games suck.
Give this a pass unless you want to experience the disappointment personally, then by all means give it a download.
It's good in a way, but not as good as the trailers etc. shows it to us. The gameplay feels clunky, movement is meh, the performance is horrible for the graphics used...
And speaking about graphics: They are dated and i feel like the trailers used an engine, that was never used to create this game