ArcheAge Producer's Letter Thanks Players and Lays Out Roadmap
It's easy to rag on ArcheAge most times. The free to play MMORPG has had its issues and even non-players are aware of many of them. But Merv Lee Kwai (aka Khrolan), ArcheAge Producer, feels that ArcheAge is turning a corner and he thanks players for their direct and honest feedback for improvements and additions that are coming throughout this year.
From the latest Producer's Letter, Khrolan writes:
Player feedback has been an amazing catalyst for change, and without your passionate involvement we’d most certainly not have come this far.
He then goes on to update players on how valuable the Public Test Server has been and thanks players for their dedication. In response to player feedback about pain points in ArcheAge (like ultra rare RNG items and other systems), he states that communication between Trion Worlds and XLGames (ArcheAge's developer) is at an all time high and many of these more frustrating aspects are being worked on using alternate acqusition methods. Yes, the Auroria Cloaks may be rare, but they are looking at giving players another method of crafting a stat similar cloak, for example.
With submarines, glider changes, and server evolution all on the horizon, it's an interesting update for players. What do you think though? Let us know below!
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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You're both pilot and engineer. If your mech has issues, you'll be the one fixing them.

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However, the game is Web3-based.

Yes, you get to build your own walking bases.
They only add new costumes to the cash shop. Merge low populated servers and make new servers. They nerf every update, item,event from the korean game. They remove free event rewards and put them in the cash shop. They lower other stuf or remvoe stats on items and sell them in the cahs shop. They make all pets slow and sell better ones in the cash shop.
This game is p2w. There are many people who buy some gold to be superior. Trion doesn't ban them if they cash enough money. If you think you got a fair chance vs a p2w clown you are wrong. You either sink your life in this game or spent lots of money for gold. There are people who spent more than $5000 for gold so be prepared to swipe a lot cause ArcheAge is P2W!!!