ArcheAge Goes F2P In Korea
Multiple outlets are reporting that ArcheAge will go free-to-play in Korea on July 3. XLGames will no longer sell time cards for the game, instead allowing players to purchase 30- and 90-day premium packages that confer advantages such as the ability to own a house, vouchers that can be exchanged for buffs, and so on.
The time cards cost the equivalent of $17 USD for 30 days and $42 USD for 90 days.
What does this mean for when ArcheAge comes to North America, under the auspices of Trion Worlds? At the very least, it's the first inkling we've had that indicates the game could go launch as a F2P title in NA, but it might also require a box purchase and maybe a sub price, but shift a few months later to a F2P model, in order for Trion and XLGames to realize a little extra profit early on.
If it does go F2P in NA, we'd expect that it won't rigidly follow the Korean model and pricing -- $17/month is more than Americans are used to playing for an MMO -- but instead have something like an optional subscription for $15 or less a month with (of course) cash shop goodies available for sale, keeping more in line with Western F2P practices.
In any case, it'll be several months before the game comes to our shores, which should give Trion enough time to work out the kinks with its F2P implementation in Rift. I wouldn't say that it's automatic that a NA ArcheAge cash shop would have the same features as Rift's, such as high-level armor for sale. Rift and ArcheAge are two very different games, and XLGames will certainly have some say in how things are handled and what's offered.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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The game is not a F2P. Its more of a endless trial kinda thing like Warhammer Online (minus the level restriction) and thats it.
You need labor points to breed a mount, gather, craft, even do a large ammount of quests, trade runs to earn Delphi Coins and so on.
Sure you can buy ricecakes ingame on the AH for 15g a piece. And as a lvl 8 when you need to breed your mount, you cant afford it.
Even the developers have called this a "chance for players to return, and new players to see what Archeage is about before comitting" and you babble about F2P, its more like a endless trial.
They'll go the path of game such as Rift or Tera, offering a full game experience with bonus if you want to pay instead of SW who cut half of the content etc and force you to pay if you really want to enjoy..
The age of F2P might begin but it's still chaotic and lots of editor are doing it wrong.
if they choose sub , they will fail to compete with WoW 100% and they will end up f2p anyway.