ArcheAge Gets New Competitive Event, Naval Arena: Stillwater Gulf, Plus Matchmaking and Auction House Changes
There's also free transfers available for the Melisara/Gene servers, starting July 20.
Ahoy, Erenor!
XLGames has introduced Naval Arena: Stillwater Gulf, a competitive event where participants battle each other on clippers, aiming to be the last one standing, to ArcheAge. The arena lasts for 60 minutes, during which participants must stay on their clippers and defeat all opponents. Supplies found by exploring the map and defeating monsters can enhance the clippers' abilities.
Naval Arena: Stillwater Gulf supports up to 50 participants and has specific entry times and level restrictions. Participants summon their battle clippers with special skills, including cannons, repairs, and collecting supplies. They can also acquire powerful Special Skills through supplies, such as traps, bombs, torpedoes, frost waves, lightning strikes, and flame attacks.
The MMORPG's event features different terrains with unique advantages and challenges. Natural disasters like poison clouds, waterspouts, and fireballs will occur during battles. At the end of the arena, rewards are given based on participation, ranking, and the number of enemy clippers destroyed, including Kyrios Badges, Naval Commendations, and various reward crates.
Aside from Naval Arena: Stillwater Gulf, there will be changes to the Auction House and Garden of the Gods/Arena matchmaking, as well as free server transfers for the Melisara/Gene servers starting July 20, 2023. The Auction Houses for Melisara/Gene will be merged into a single Auction House, and during this time, listing items will not be possible. Matchmaking for Garden of the Gods and Arena will also be merged for the Melisara/Gene servers. Additionally, free server transfers will be available from Melisara/Gene to Leviathan/Ospheros servers.
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About the Author
Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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