ArcheAge’s First Content Update Of The Year Is All About Fixes And Tweaks
The Spring Update will rework all kinds of things.
Today, Kakao Games and XLGames announced the first content update of the year for ArcheAge. The Spring Update focuses on improving the MMORPG – reworking features, tweaking instances, balancing skills, and the like.
Foremost among the changes are adjustments to two instances, Fall of Hiram City and The Skyfin Nest Arena. The first is having its normal and hard modes combined into a single mode that will be available twice a week on Fridays and Sundays. It will have a shorter play duration and there will be no nighttime transition. The Skyfin Nest Arena is now its own instance and no longer only available by chance. Nothing else about the arena has changed.
Another big change in this update is the addition of a new tier for the Brilliant Erenor Accessories. Now, players can increase Mythic or higher grate Radian Erenor Accessories to Brilliant using the appropriate awakening scroll.
Faction Activity Points are being improved as well. Adjustments here include increases to the weight of influence for Siege content related to Faction Activity. Faction Activity Points will last longer in raids, too. Players will also find that the Exile System has been adjusted, receiving enhancement to allow for more players to be exiled and hopefully fixing the issues players have when transferring factions.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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