ArcheAge February Update Brings New Titan Challenge And Undewear Upgrades

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:


Earlier this week, Trion Games revealed features coming in its most recent ArcheAge update. Among the highlights are the Thunderwing Titan and upgrades to your unmentionables.

The Titan can be found above the newest Auroria region, Reedwind. To challenge him players must construct magical towers to reach him and make him appear. Once he's available, they'll need to make use of special wings and chase him, catching him before he escapes.

In the underwear department, players have gained a variety of new underwear looks and -- possibly more importantly -- stats which can be upgraded with gems and synthium.

In addition to the above features, Trion has added two new limited events, ArcheDelivery and Guild Unity. Both of these can be read about on the official site.

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In this article: Trion Worlds, ArcheAge.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (8)

Uncle Hooterlover 8 years ago
Finally MMOs are starting to accurately emulate real-life. Wonder Bras and other goodie-enhancing products have existed for years in the real world, it's about time we had them in cyberspace.

rickshaw 8 years ago
The under pants need shoving over TRION heads.

Trion only wants cash 8 years ago
Part of me wishes Trion would get fired from being publisher. Archeage needs a more reliable publisher like Enmasse Entertainment or some other good publisher I can't think of but all trion seems to care about is money.

Virgil 8 years ago
i wonder if Enmasse would had published the game
WoW whooo? .......

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trionisshitzzzz 8 years ago
Bugs bots hacjers scammers, all shittiest people from dirtholes play that crap and scam each other, paradise for criminals who pay to win.

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Powerslave 8 years ago
This game sucks, does anyone even play it.. Worst pay to play game ever!!

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