ArcheAge Boasting 2 Million Players
Just in case tremendous queues times didn't tip you off to the fact that a LOT of people are trying out ArcheAge, the most recent game update from Trion Worlds should seal the deal for you. Over 2 Million register users. Yep! That's the mark ArcheAge officially surpassed a few days ago. That's a seriously impressive stat. Yes, I hear ya, "But Magicman, of course a lot of people are interested at launch and want to check it out. That doesn't mean it's a success!" I totally agree. While 2 million is a huge number to start with (and certainly a number worth celebrating if you're a Trion Worlds employee) the long term is going to be far more interesting in my opinion. Can ArcheAge keep a high player base AND one that is willing to spend the money required to keep the game moving forward? Only time will tell.
With a cash shop system that some just aren't too fond of, future changes will be very interesting indeed.
The latest update also brings the current server count to 21, boots six figures worth of "bad actors" (bots) from the game (yes, this number was subtracted before announcing the 2 million registered users total), and announces that the upcoming Auroria content should be released in a handful of weeks.
Check out the full update and be sure to keep your eyes on this week's patch notes to see if your favorite bug got squashed!
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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This led to a pretty brutal (but funny!) reply on their Facebook page.

However, the game is Web3-based.

It doesn’t matter what platform you’re on, you’re in for a bunch of content.

Things will be different in the Year of the Raptor.
hell the devs even encourage them as long as they are paying members by refusing to ban them unless they stop paying
Huhu, half of whom are bots.
If they really want to boast with the number of accounts (which does not equal the number of players - most of my friends have made 10 additional League accounts and leveled them so they receive the Refer-a-Friend bonuses) they should completely ignore: a) accounts which have no characters at the level cap (or even at half the level cap); b) accounts that haven't been logged in to via the game client in 30 days (I'd even say logging in isn't enough, they should do some progress - earn experience or gold); c) accounts that have never paid actual money for the game.
As long as these numbers contain those who made an account and found that they do not enjoy this game I'll be unable to see anything in these numbers other than companies trying to show whose e-peen is the biggest.
Nothing but groups and guilds running around. No hope for a solo player. I tried arena too, people just make ranged builds and run/teleport away. Very frustrating.
I quit and haven't looked back. This game is a big joke.
Completely agree. Pretty much. So many games have been through it.