Apex Legends Gets A Major Update With The Launch Of Saviors
Players can expect a focus on team-play and a glorious map update with secrets to be found.
In this new update, Apex Legends Ranked is undergoing some changes in order to evolve into a better experience for all players. The current Ranked goals revolve around two main pillars: Teamplay for Victory and Accurate Skill & Better Competition. Alongside these important changes will also be the very first map update to the tropical island Storm Point in Apex Legends: Saviors.
In this new update the Kill RP Cap has been removed and the base value of each kill is worth increasingly less. Not only that, players should be happy to know that the Assist Timer has changed from 10 seconds to 15 seconds, adding extra time to gain an assist credit.
In regards to the Ranking system, players will now be able to demote out of a tier which will allow a player’s skill to be reflected with more precision. Demotions will hopefully create a better true distribution of skills across the ladder.
In addition, a long standing issue has been addressed where kill credits were unintentionally transferred from eliminated teams. For example, let’s say Team A downs players from Team B, then Team A suddenly gets eliminated. Well, previously, Team A would receive no credit for these downs, instead players from any team could misappropriate these downed players on Team B for kill credits by executing them, regardless of their involvement in the initial conflict. This frustrating issue has been fixed and these kills are now properly rewarded to the team who earned the kill.
In regards to the Storm Point map, players will have a lot to explore. There will be a brand-new POI–a large washed up sea creature known as the Downed Beast—this POI will also be a high tier loot location. There will also be an organic combat zone, and a refreshing change from the previously man-made architecture. Players can also enjoy the brand new PvE feature, IMC Armories, at four strategic locations around the map which can dynamically change the championship outcome.
With a lot to look forward to, players thankfully don’t have to wait for much longer, as the changes go live when Saviors launches on May 10.
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About the Author

Aspen is an avid gamer and Twitch streamer currently residing in Japan. She is most attracted to games narrative design and is a huge fan of player choice in games. If Aspen is not playing games, she is most certainly writing about them.
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