APB:Reloaded to try, try, try again with new engine
APB? That cop and robber MMO failure that came from the now defunct Reatime Worlds? Yeah, that game.
After the collapse of Realtime Worlds, APB was purchased by K2 Network and developed by Reloaded Productions. Even after the acquisition, the relaunched APB (Aptly named APB:Reloaded) didn't quite surpass its predecessor. With a canceled open beta due to an error causing players to crash every two hours, the relaunch didn't quite propel it into success. Even with the major drawbacks to the game, it garnered a dedicated community and a very dedicated developers who saw the potential in the game with its unique features.
APB:Reloaded has been relatively quiet for the past couple of years, so, it came as a surprise that APB:Reloaded will be reloaded (Cymbal crash) into a new engine. According to the dev blog post.
An upgraded engine would let us tackle important things like min-spec system performance, lighting system improvements, net code improvements and new graphic card optimizations and it would likely lead to a faster content creation pipeline by taking advantage of new systems available in the updated engine.
Hopefully once APB: Reloaded finishes rebooting itself for the third time (Third time is the charm!), its can finally properly showcase its unique features.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Looks like it's time to get some stretch goals up already.

Not exactly the "we'll return with updates" we were expecting.

The devs plan to introduce permanent servers, cross-character asset sharing, and lots of optimizations.

Elemental Strands get an event of their own.
I just hope I won't lag like a bitch this time.
As for the upgraded engine, a little too late IMO. I still play from time to time, but i haven't decided if i will return for good yet. I rather have the old threat back before the upgrade engine though, but i am sure its never going to happen.
Since G1 took over the game, it fell to the bottom of my list.. the lack of Admin support, Anti-cheat and gross number of cheaters on the game ruined a really good game.
Worst thing about the cheaters on APB is that their all trollers..
Aimbotters Hate the LTL weapons, when you arrest them, it really pi**es them off, they call you all sorts of things, but the bottom line is.. LTL Weapons have the lowest TTK of all weapons..
Some how all the aimbot managed to band together on the forum and have LTL weapons nerfed and added a tone of recoil to them..
I hope I can transfer my character to the new engine, and hope it deals with the cheaters..
I hope this is a idea to help relieve the cheating problem, and not a way to implement more mechanics to sell more things with micro translations, such as EXP Boosts, Premium access only areas.
It's a pretty big bummer. I spent a decent chunk of change and dumped quite a bit of time into it and to just have it taken away without any warning for a reason you're not even sure of leaves a really sour taste in my mouth.
My problems with the game were are the cash shop weapons are incredibly OP essentially making the game Pay 2 Win unless you dedicated 100s of hours to hit the max rank to buy the best mods to somewhat compete with the cash shop weapons.
And that was enough to make me stop playing.
What I liked about APB Reloaded was the customization. Like seriously nothing comes close to it.
It had a GTA feel to it, the music was decent, and the designs of the cities were excellent.