APB Reloaded Offers Peek At Engine Upgrade

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

In its most recent blog post, the APB Reloaded Team offered players a look at the free-to-play game’s engine upgrade, in addition to other things like new loyalty rewards and changes to the event tracker system. To show off the engine upgrade, the team dropped a new video -- which you can watch above.

The new addition to the loyalty rewards -- the Euryale -- was actually intended as an ARMAS release, but they decided to add it to the Loyalty Reward Counter instead. The Euryale is an LMG like the Medusa, only without the Intelligent Recoil Stabilizer mod.

The other major item addressed in the blog post is the Event Tracker System. It’s pretty much what it sounds like and will give players a way to track progress in events. It also helps reduce the time it takes for players to be given their rewards for completing events, rewarding them -- generally -- within about five minutes of completing an event.

The dev team is expanding on the Event Tracker; adding a new multi-objective mode that will offer greater rewards to those who complete it.

More information on all of these additions is available in the full post on the ABP Reloaded blog.

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In this article: APB Reloaded.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (4)

nametaken 9 years ago
An engine upgrade is a welcome change, but im still waiting on that PS4 port they said they were working on a couple years ago. I cant stand cheaters and aimbotters on the PC version.

commanderhavoc 9 years ago
Heh, that looks rather nice.
The game itself is still holding up rather well, despite the fact that they try to force players into buying G1 creds so that they can get better weapons, the player market place is another option but the prices there are quite high.

Fortegs 9 years ago
Holy cow i forgot about this game...it was really fun when i had a crew to play with.
Ah the shenanigans.
Shenanigans for days :D

adrian87 9 years ago
Looks good. APB it's still a fun game to jump in from time to time. Glad they try to keep it going.

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