Aion Going free-to-play in North America

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

In a Press Release and an email blast to new and old subscribers yesterday (February 21, 2012), NCSoft announced news that many knew to be coming but did not know when. Aion: Ascension is set to drop in North America in the Spring of 2012.

This expansion not only gives North American players access to the Patch 3.0 content already released in some other countries, but also opens up the floodgates for new citizens of Atreia as Aion will adopt the "Truly Free to Play" style made popular with the Lineage 2 conversion to free to play. The "Truly Free to Play" model means no restrictions are placed on any player. Everyone will have access to revamped content, the level cap raise in the 3.0 patch, mounts, dungeons, new quests, PvP, and every other feature. This includes access to the upcoming player housing system and new pets. Unlike some other "Free to Play" models, the "Truly Free to Play" model NCSoft uses allows players to use all chat channels, all auction (broker) features, and places no restrictions on any character creation tools. While details on a cash shop have not been release, NCSoft did state that one would be available.

To hype up the release and change in subscription model, NCSoft will also be holding a "Rallying the Troops" event sometime prior to the Aion: Ascension launch. While the details and date are still under wraps, NCSoft did say that new players that wish to get a jump on leveling prior to 3.0 would have the current "Free to Level 20" limit raised to level 40, and returning veterans would be able to obtain 14 free days of membership in anticipation of the free to play conversion.

Some of the features anticipated in the Ascension expansion are:

Housing System – Everyone gets a home. Decorate and party in your new home.
Mount System – A new game play system which lets Daevas speed around the world of Atreia in style.
New Instances – Six new instances including a challenging 24-player raid.
New Zones – Two stunning new zones in the Balaur homeland.
New Level Cap – Five new levels bringing the max level to 60.

NCSoft also mentioned in the release that they are implementing new security to ensure the safety of all real money transactions.

While the details and the exact dates may still be a bit hazy, this is certainly good news for veterans of Aion, who have longed for a larger player base, and new players alike.

For information about Aion visit

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In this article: Aion.

Discussion (23)

xlcyruslx 13 years ago
finally, the best game ever!!

Name (Required) 13 years ago
u can download the client at privert server :D

Sedzik 13 years ago
Aikon free to play i EUROPE starts 28-th of February

brandonmah 13 years ago
can this game play at asia i truely want to play

hound 13 years ago
Seems with lineage 2's massive player hike that NC is trying to get into the F2P market :^|

Kaaqeli 13 years ago
Who would want to play such a 'pay 2 win' -game when Guild Wars 2 is already on beta? just sayin'...

View 2 replies
brandonmah 13 years ago
can aion play in asia

Demolex 13 years ago
Dude its already free in europe

View 1 reply
Naikoni 13 years ago
will europe be able to play it?

Magicman 13 years ago
Yeah the date in the article says when NCSoft made the press statement.

flavio 13 years ago
never mind, there's no exacly date, just "spring"

flavio 13 years ago
It's free, but you have to pay to download, just like diablo? cause only option I found there was "free trial" download. So I'm guessing you buy the serial or somenthing like that? o_o

View 1 reply

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