Aion: Ascension gets a F2P Date in North America!
The wait is almost over. NCSoft announces that the North American version of Aion would finally receive the 3.0 expansion, called Ascension, and convert to a "Truly Free to Play" model on April 11th, 2012. This means that in less than a month current Aion subscribers will not be billed and anyone in the current trial (which has a level cap of 40) will be granted access to the full game.
The Aion: Ascension was also updated to include the Ascension trailer and a 3.0 Game Guide. Expansion features include a level cap raise to 60, new zones, instances, and mounts, and so much more. Player house is also implemented in this expansion. The North American free to play conversion will follow NCSoft "Truly Free to Play" model made popular with Lineage II. This model features no restrictions on chat, auction, or instance. As advertised everyone will have full access to the game. This model is somewhat different from the currently running Eurpoean Free to Play Aion which is run by GameForge and does have certain restrictions on things like the auction (broker) system.
The Game Guide, 3.0 Trailiers, and more information can all be found here:
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No official word on any potential founder refunds yet, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
But hey, there's a Live Letter there's that.
It basically works out to be one week per month through May, but each week's XP is specific.
Lunar New Year is up, too.
Very polished game.
Good open pvp, rifting, rvr, pve/pvp and balance.
Too much grind but much better than release due to tons of added content, instances etc,
Confident Aion will be an f2p leader if not at the top of the boards.
Yes I am looking at you Webzen.