Aika Online Epic II: Karena is Coming
The tides of battle have changed once again as a new threats challenge the citizens of Aika Online! Evil has turned its greedy eye upon a newly discovered island, and it’s up to each nation’s finest warriors to defend themselves in the newest chapter of Aika’s Epic II: Karena. New PvE zones, enhanced PvP challenges, and delicious PvF await on November 17th!
As the corrupt Zerecan forces continue their reign of terror, Aika’s five nations find themselves at a crossroads when a resource rich island is discovered hovering near Traband. Dubbed Karena, this new PvE isle may hold the key to destroying the Zereca, but each nation wants the power, ancient armor and weaponry for themselves. They’ll have to join forces however if they wish to stop their common enemy. If they fail, and the Zereca in the Spiral Mine dungeon are not stopped from uncovering Karena’s Caelium core, the island may fall as well!
The war between nations continues elsewhere however, as the rules for Traband’s Tower Wars have transformed. As each nation battles against each other they must now additionally collect resources from the resource nodes that litter the grounds of Traband. Once collected, they can be used to power the guardian watchtowers, and the nation that manages to power the most towers will gain critical, battle winning buffs.
Plus, hardy warriors deserve a hearty meal, and Aika’s new PLAYER vs FISH (PvF) system provides the ingredients for just the right pick-up on the battlefield. Areas all around Lakia have seen an unexpected increase in tasty aquatic creatures, and Aika’s travelling penguins are delighted to cook them up! Transform all your fish into delicious stews that will warm your spirit and help warm your blade with the blood of your enemies.
New bosses, monsters, and challenges await on the new battlefields of Epic II: Karena, arriving November 17th. Learn more about this exciting new update and other Aika news on the official website at gPotato also publishes FlyFF, Rappelz and Allods Online among other games.
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