Agent Smith Comes To Multiversus Next Week And His Trailer May Be The Best The Game's Ever Dropped
The subtle, and not so subtle, Matrix nods in the trailer are numerous and the music cut slaps.
We've known that The Matrix's Agent Smith was going to be making his way to MultiVersus since before the brawler actually released. Warner Bros. Games and Player First Games revealed him just prior to launch when they also showed of Jason Voorhees. While Jason made launch, it was announced that Agent Smith would come shortly after launch.
Next week, on July 8th, MultiVersus will kick off their first official season and, be careful, Agent Smith will show up. In fact, anyone who wants to unlock the new character will be able to do so simply by taking part in the game's "Beat Rifts, Get Agent Smith" event. Rifts are the game's latest PvE offering where players take on boss nodes to earn rewards. If you actually want to pay cash for Agent Smith, he'll be in the game's shop starting on July 23rd.
On the Agent Smith front, man does this trailer rock. First, it has about a million different nods to The Matrix in it. From the scrolling green matrix text being the game's symbols, to Smith's dodge animations, and more, it's just awesome. Of particular note is the trailer's music. The music itself is great, but the way it is edited in line with some of the key beats of the trailer is just awesome. Pay particular attention to the edit when Jason Voorhees makes his appearance.
Notice that Agent Smith has his earpiece from the first film. If you take that to indicate what "time period" Agent Smith we're getting, it kind of makes sense why you wouldn't see some of his awesome abilities from later films. Love the small things.
Nicely done! Full patch notes for those that need them!
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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