Aeria Games Announces New Anime MMO Twin Saga

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

A new anime-styled game is joining the Aeria Games lineup. The company will be publishing X-Legend Entertainment's free-to-play fantasy MMO Twin Saga to North America and Europe where it will be made available in English, German, and French. Players will take on the role of an orphaned human -- the last hope for humanity's survival after a long war between twin goddesses.

The game will feature an upgrade-able mobile housing system called "Terracottages." These can be used as transportation as well as a base for crafting and profession development. They will include greenhouses, kitchens, and more.

More information on Twin Saga -- including beta signups -- is now available on the game's freshly launched site.

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In this article: Aeria Games, Twin Saga.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (8)

gerty5 8 years ago
this looks like another game made in the early 2000's that someone bought for $1000 and are trying to release it as a 2016 game. why do game companies do this?

Aeria really need new management looks like yet another aeria games p.o.s , i wonder how much the founders scam bundles will be $500 ?

AiDee 8 years ago
excited for this game? just forget it because this game UI, gameplay, graphics, sounds etc will be the same the same things like in aura kingdom, dragomon hunter.
also obviously this game will have a lot of gold sellers or "BOTS!!!" just skip this game. this game is already dead before its releasment . (my apologize for my bad grammar).

Hexinium 8 years ago
im very excited about this new game :D

wanrei 8 years ago
its a mixture of eden ,dragomon , and aura kingdom with the graphics skills animations and also the ability to change classes at will in there but the skill animations you can actually use grabs in there( which has not been done in any of those games by aeria). these grabs xD move the mob too its not some hit and their still there sitting animation. Kinda curious about this one because combining all those wouldnt be bad.

kek 8 years ago
Why do they keep announcing new games with same graphics as all their previous games announced? What a joke

kemil 8 years ago this Dragomon Hunter with another name or what? hahaha

DemoDeBoom 8 years ago
twin saga ins't new.

Aeria Games P2W 8 years ago
great a new mmo oh w8 it's being run by aeria games SKIP!!!!!

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