AdventureQuest 3D Invites The Reaper To Haunt Spawn Points

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Death has made its way to AdventureQuest 3D and it'll be spending some time chatting with players who have been unlucky enough to require a visit to a respawn point. Aside from general banter and jokes, the Reaper will offer players information on their respawn time and what's going on with their group -- if they're in one.

To accompany the Reaper's return, the devs have decided to offer players Health and Mana potions in exchange for gold. These can be purchased in the personal potion shop or Warlic's Magic Shop.

On another note, several of the game's older, and therefore "grindier," zones are undergoing revamps to make them more enjoyable. The devs are working to bring the old areas "up to par" with those that have been released more recently. More info on this is available on the AQ3D site.

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About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (7)

HUDd 7 years ago
the biggest reasons why this game failed are first of all lack of content cause they released it too soon and there was nothing to do aldo every stuff they add is just mindless grind that lasts 2-3 days and there's nothing to do again, game had potential but the devs are just greedy

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Fire 7 years ago
I played this game during the Tech Demo,and the Alpha Phase then quit. I really love AQ3D but I'm sad this game didn't do well on the market. The 2 thing's that made me wanna quit was the declining player base and I had to use Steam or a Mobile Device. I know Artix Entertainment is a low budget company but I would of prefered downloading a downloadable AQ3D from their website then downloading it from Steam.

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Chung 7 years ago
It a heavy heart for me to see Adventure Quest 3D did not do will on the market.

MEh 7 years ago
Is this game even alive? The upkeep is horrible and population is declining every second. That death line is pure cringe.

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