DragonMon: Dragon's Prophet Open Beta Begins
In just a few hours the doors for Runewaker's MMORPG Dragon's Prophet will open up, welcoming thousands of players from both NA and EU regions into the game's open beta. This is a key moment for Dragon's Prophet as many players have been skeptical whether or not the MMO would be ready for the limelight. Mostly due to an overwhelming amount of bugs and localization errors present towards the end of the closed beta.
While the European servers just came up, the NA servers are currently down for maintenance until 5 pm PDT as the publisher brings additional servers online and prepares a patch which should fix many of the issues players have had with Dragon's Prophet over the course of the closed beta. In terms of bug fixes, the patch notes I was able to find weren't terribly informative and only mentioned the game would be receiving a large localization update, multiple quest line fixes, and equipment enhancement fixes. That's quite a lot fixes, albeit delivered vaguely. We will only find out if it was enough once the servers come back online.
The notes also mentioned a few non fix related additions beginning with the brand new starting zone "Puresha", achievements, and guild technology/perks.
Will you be giving Dragon's Prophet a go?
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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The Free-to-Play niche of the gaming market has quite a few quality titles that make up some of the staple genres like MMORPG and FPS, but there is a noticeable void when it comes to real time strategies.
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Show respect to the gamers developers. I would love to just see one come straight up and give it to us. "Ya its open beta but nothing like we wanted. We are been pushed and running low on cash so we are doing best we can do. This is are game and we well do are best to make it great" No bull, no smoke or mirrors, and just honest truth. For that you would have a fan for life.
+ cool taming system, great for ppl who enjoy collecting.
+ Pretty good character customization. I mean u have 6 different ways to shape your character's boobs.
+ action combat. I enjoy action combat as opposed to standing in one place and spam skills.
- low or med end computers will suffer fps lag. This is very very frustrating because your attacks are action based.
- cutscenes are poorly done. The transition between cutscenes makes the game very choppy. On top of that, the voice over doesn't match the character's mouth movements or their gestures.
- the game still has quite a few bugs.
Hopefully they fix the lag and voice over issues that are noticeably bad in open beta. Honestly I can't progress through the game because I cannot fight properly due to the excessive jerky motion of my character.
from the looks of it company wants to make fast money and hurry it up for Open beta .
now the rotten players will come up with exploits hacks bugs with benefits and there you go a Good game flushed down the toilet .
we all know what happens to Never winter and some other previous titles that have suffered due to sheer negligence and then paid a heavy price .
F2p concept is getting worse day by day =( fast money is what companies want not quality gaming.
that no one ever waaaass
to catch them is my real test
to train em is my cauuuuussse
I will.....travel across the land
searching far and wiiide
this dragons will understand
the fiya that burns insiiiiiide(i think they need pepto bismol)
Gotta Catch em all!!!
I'm going to wait for Rift to transit to F2P in June, it looks awesome and plays awesome.