A Tale of 2D: Ecol Tactics Begins Open Beta
If you've ever been a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics then you may want to check out the newly released Ecol Tactics. The browser-based strategy takes its inspiration from classic tactical role-playing games, offering turn-based party combat while giving players access to several characters classes (at once) who all add their own independent attacks and combos. Taking that nostalgic feeling a step further, the game also features a progressive story found in many similar gameboy titles in years past.
The open beta is now live and you need only sign up for it by visiting the game's official site.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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The ranged magic user has a very cool look and can ward of death.

Rewards include a customized action.

The PoE2 laptop prize look pretty snazzy.

If you used it in the past, you're fine. Just don't use it anymore.
That brings back some memories
The tactics are slim, the classes are few and of course there's the whole pay to win aspect.
Replaying FFT or Disgaea would serve you better than playing this.
it has humor however it might be pay to win..
Since the mercenaries need store items to actually level.
And its browser based no download needed.
It already did shut down anywhere else?Welll,nothing more to say about it i guess.