A New Hope: Smedley of SOE Dedicates Next MMO to SWG Fans

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

While it was quite a chaotic day for those partial to the MMO world provided by SOE, it seems there is a light at the end of its dark tunnel.

In CEO John Smedley's AMAA on Reddit, he made a particular shout-out to both Star Wars and sandbox fans alike, stating “SWG PLAYERS - OUR NEXT GAME (not announced yet) IS DEDICATED TO YOU. Once we launch it... you can come home now.”

SWG fans on Reddit were immediately teased and pleased; begging for release dates and asking for promises of no broken hearts, but they were only left with anticipation and excitement for the new development.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (21)

tibit 11 years ago
I think repoptuion is real close to swg IMO

Shelby 11 years ago
Loved SWG! However, I'm sure this game will be an a dumbed down insult to SWG fans everywhere.

Bic Boi 11 years ago
"Please people, we'll make a new star wars MMO if you'll all come back! Please forget all about how we ruined Galaxies because you'll love the new game experience--Err..I mean, the new game enhancements, err!! I mean..the experience of a new game and....Aww #$%^ it. Come back and trust us again, damn it!"

-- Smedley

Dictated but not read.

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Adi 11 years ago
Action-based combat+swg universe would be great if they pull it.

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Carlos 11 years ago
i will only say this..
The Repopulation. Nuff Said....

asdasd@asdasd.vv 11 years ago

ziguzanuzoon 11 years ago
there not even talking about a star wars game there talking about everquest landmark and everquest next

Triggsy 11 years ago
Why not just play Star Wars the Old Republic?

Darth Plagueis 11 years ago

demondire 11 years ago
hell yeah been playin all the online star wars games so yeay see yall there

Original Antman 11 years ago
Sweeet! I think Clone Wars had decent graphics and was okay, the only problem, is that it was a typical RPG in a sense.

Anonymous 11 years ago
SOE... The last time I played their game was before they decided to implement that stupid update for SWG.

Arieswar 11 years ago
Ok, SWG was one of the coolest games i played, because of its housing and structured gameplay the game fealt like really alive, now looking at everquest next i can understand why SOE would like to resurrect the game SWG and make it better. now when all SWG fans get hyped u should all understand that doh SWG went a painful death you should look upon the new game as it is a new game. and im quite sure that they might be able to amaze people.

If we will have all the awsomeness that once where in swg i dont know i dont care the fact remains atleast for me that everytime someone try to make a good Star wars game im in, simple as that atleast until i totally see the flaws for myself and unsub and declare it dead.

Flop or not well letts see ;)

Nezarn 11 years ago
If they make a new sw mmo, and if it will be free to play, i hope it wont be like swtor. (EA: So i heard you want + action bars and want to hide your helmet. Player: Yup. EA: THEN GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY) (i dont know if soe is better, i didnt played any of their game before)

LolSOE 11 years ago
SOE doesn't know how to make good games anymore. Will just be another flop.

SGL 11 years ago
I hope people remember Smedley is the one who BROUGHT about the NGE Content Update that killed it. Sadly I don't think they will. Let alone his team that made the likes of NPU leave everquest 2 (top 1-3 worldwide guild that had been in the game since launch and had confirmed devs playing alongside its members).

tolshortte 11 years ago
most SWG fans were so mad at SOE for how they were treated, how they ignored them and implemented the CU anyways, and then how they acted like it was a huge success despite declining numbers after the CU.

if they do make another game like SWG hopefully they treat their customers better this time. I remember the forums flooded with SOE hate.

fromhelll 11 years ago
not a huge Star Wars fan, but I'm curious to see what SOE comes up with. too early to care about it though

Ryo 11 years ago

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