A Living World: Eclipse War Online Closed Beta this February 25th

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Eclipse War Online is set to unleash PvP fury this February 25th; Closed Beta will be available from release day up until March 11th. To become eligible for access, all potential beta testers need to register with playrohan.com, and check for the countdown on EWO's official Facebook or Twitter feeds.

The environment within EWO is highly influential to the gameplay; time of day and specific locations can greatly affect the outcome of particular transformations and actions. As each transformation has a particular set of stat boosts, players must plan strategically when and where they apply their abilities.

Players will be cast into the world of Karis, joining either the Rumen or Kaligo races for an all out clash of the classes. With either a Warrior, Battle Priest, Magic Stormer or Hunter as a character build base, players will collect transformation cards to switch it up on the battlefield, and even steal their defeated foe's abilities to become more powerful.

So don't miss your opportunity to transform your gaming experience and sign up today!

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (38)

Minitop 10 years ago
Just wondering when is the OBT release,Looks like it's been a while after the CBT. Hope they will update players.

doraemonfan 11 years ago
Well, according to most players, its “genetic”. IMO it doesn’t really stand out. They might need to improve design but the graphics itself is not that bad. Hope if they will released the OBT they will conduct in game events wherein we can get money and items.

Maximo 11 years ago
Have you heard that today is their Last CBT. Hope that when they open OBT there are many in game events. :)

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ancientgamer 11 years ago
Have you heard when is their OBT? I am really excited for that i already tried the game and character transformation is promising since i acquire additional stats and abilities it was really helpful especially when i'm doing my quest. Good job to EWO team for this.

Ancrienown 11 years ago
Did you use your free RP already? I dont what to buy. Can you guys help me decide.? I'm a warrior

chacha 11 years ago
Hope they will give us free RP too on the OBT, since they will wipe all our characters/guilds/items.

photobomber 11 years ago
Any idea what are we getting after the CBT days? didn't see any official announcements on the website. Hope they can give us unique items or free RP cash, since they will delete all the accounts in CBT.

alexanderthegreat1992 11 years ago
i just got I got 15k RP by simply liking their facebook page, what is the best thing to purchase to the game? Do you have any idea if they will also give free RP's on their OBT?

Andre1879 11 years ago
i just tried this game today and looks like its choppy, but there's one thing i love on this game their character transformation thing, if you looking for something new try this game. Graphics are not that good but i think you can enjoy this game.

annaaaxx 11 years ago
The game is currently on CBT. Not much for the graphics but I find their monster transformation cards as a unique feature. According to their page, there are 700 cards to be collected and I'm assuming this includes boss cards. Lol, good luck in obtaining that.

Eviil 11 years ago
Nothing new besides transforming. The graphics looks like they were from 1999 and the trees block your path. It is closed beta but they are not going to magically revamp textures etc, that is too much work for them and i'm pretty sure they want to release it as soon as possible so the company doesn't lose any cash. I'm not interested. I gave it 8 hours of play.

Aeryoth 11 years ago
Fine. Downloading. please be half decent.

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Wity1946 11 years ago
I love the character tranformation thingy on this game. Have you heard that they are giving away RP's for liking their Facebook page. Where could I get more info on that?

Cheryl C. Gray 11 years ago
ya same here i play and try the games pretty cool when it transform can you imagine it also gives some stats and skill when you transform ^_^

Jeangrey 11 years ago
I played this game awhile ago and its cool I want to test the PVP system cause I want to know if it is similar to other moba games :) and the character transformation is cool too.

amalager 11 years ago
Just tried a while ago. Graphics are so-so. Has 4 classes for each race....meh. Too few if you'll ask me. Change into monsters---well, I honestly like this. Something new to try. Hmm, what else....I think I saw one of their banner that says they are offering free RP's when their Facebook page is liked. So I'm guessing that this "RP" is their cash currency?

Eviil 11 years ago

Eclipse War Online ‏@playwithEWO 24m
Server opening time for the CBT is planned for 6:00pm PST today!
Remember the server is based in the Pacific time zone GMT - 8:00
Cya soon!

Markman 11 years ago
Sadly i think this game has a rohan's rebuilded graphic:/ i do not see any improvements.

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K.C 11 years ago
How does no one know about this....and will it be on par with the newer f2p MMORPGs??

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takerukun 11 years ago
this is tab target isn't it?

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Cbyl 11 years ago
I probably would have cared if they didn't mess up Rohan by making it p2w

LordHikaru 11 years ago
>_> I had completely forgotten about Rohan lol.

Thretcha 11 years ago
How do you sign up for beta after creating an playrohan portal account ?
Please help I am really interested in this game:)

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TrypZ 11 years ago
Mounted? o.O

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