20,000 "Developers": EverQuest Next Landmark Goes Alpha

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

It was just by good happenstance that EverQuest Next Landmark became as big of a project as it has, with a now projected 20,000 alpha players, who are considered by SOE's Dave Georgeson to be part of the development team by default. With regards to the games direction and original purpose, the new alpha community could be considered a huge contribution to EQN's development over all.

Landmark is an explorers paradise inside of a sandbox lovers dream, placing the thrill of adventure inside of an environment completely designed to shape and shift. It started as only a beta release of the tools the development team harnessed to design EQN, but snowballed and morphed into it's own creative adventure by including a few of your classic PvE elements, such as enemies and loot.

As it was always part of the plan to have player input on designing EverQuest Next, Landmark has given players the ability to create blueprints for the things they design, which could potentially become part of the realm within EverQuest Next. With both player input and the same engine implemented as Planetside 2, there is a lot of potential for some delicious eye-candy in the near future.

Mutliple Founders Packs with different arranged benefits are available for purchase to get you started creating the EQN of the future.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (27)

Sectorbob 11 years ago
They paid for to get in there early is the long and the short of it. That would give them a lot more time to get good with the crafting tools and such. Hope they enjoy it :D Looks interesting but way too time consuming for me. Almost like a much more attractive minecraft. Looking at some of the amazing stuff that was done in minecraft (with it simplistic graphics) I think this game would have creations that will shock and awe.

AreUserious 11 years ago
So players paying the developer to screw around and develop? what's next game makers paying players to play the game? lol you alpha buyers got marketed easier than a 2 dollar hooker on the weekend.

Gadur 11 years ago
to the idiots thinking paying for this alpha was a stupid move.
Newsflash, this gives us an advantage to when the player market opens up and we make our money back 1-100 fold. The things you can do in this game have been very.... appeasing to me and I hate these kinds of games, I won't even touch minecraft but... this.. Loving it. Hating the down time but loving it.

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Vlatos 11 years ago
Played alpha yesterday for a few hrs and I must say when this is released it will consume you
they have given us so many things to do and change to make your own

EmmKat 11 years ago
Yep, as I just read.

EmmKat 11 years ago
Yes, an NDA is in place.

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Anon 11 years ago
Almost got tricked into getting Landmark, until I read it was different than EQN and why.
People who pay to get into alphas are sad, dumb creatures feeding a horrendously greedy beast.

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MUSTRESIST 11 years ago
SO hard resisting the temptation to buy a founders pack and get into this game.

Have to keep REMINDING myself that all the stuff I do will be wiped, the game will probably be really buggy and laggy and there wont be much to do besides making stuff.


Does anyone know if there is an NDA right now? I could at least watch livestreams

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extasist 11 years ago
i heard, if you bought early access, and you didn't like what you see in alpha, you can get your money back.

regris 11 years ago
what sort of try hard loser just says mounted? its just as bad as the try hards who think saying "first, second " and nothing is good i dont get it just another loser in the world of mmos

onto the game i cant wait to play eqn it looks good but if it is using the ps2 engine it could be riddled with the same fps problems and bugs that ps2 has

View 2 replies
mountofrage 11 years ago
Pls mount on your horse and gtfo of here...!

Ragez 11 years ago

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