MMOBomb's 2024 Predictions: Riot Is Silent, WoW and Tarisland Disappoint And a Game Comes Back From The Grave
6 bold predictions from the Noobfridge on how 2024 will shape up for online gaming.
I am now following in the footsteps of giants. Mr. Jason Winter used to do a yearly prediction article here on MMOBomb, and now the torch has been passed to me for 2024. In keeping with tradition, I have made 6 bold predictions for the year that I think have a reasonable chance of becoming reality. We'll start with an MMO softball, and move into further conspiracy theories from there.
So, without further ado, here are my 6 predictions for 2024.
Riot Remains Radio Silent On Their MMO
(Q agrees, Mike Disagrees)
The only reason we know Riot is still making an MMO is because they pop their heads up every once in a while and say it's still a thing. But is it really? We've seen other massive MMORPG projects get canceled or even morph into something else (Overwatch), so there's still a long road ahead before any potential MMO from Riot sees the light of day. That being said, I think they remain radio silent for the most part in 2024, and we get little to no new info on what they are working on.
The War Within Will Be A Disappointment For World Of Warcraft Fans
(Q diagrees, Mike disagrees)
Anyone expecting The War Within to be the second coming of Wrath of the Lich King for World of Warcraft better hold on to those hopes and dreams because they are going to be utterly disappointed. If Blizzard has proven anything over the past several years it's that they can't make top-quality content and story anymore. The Blizzard magic of old has been dead and gone for years now, and there's really no reason to believe this expansion will be any different. Will it be the worst World of Warcraft expansion? No. But to think that they are suddenly going to right the ship and produce quality content with great storytelling is absurd.
Tarisland Will Be A Flop
(Q agrees , Mike agrees)
Tarisland is just not good folks. It's a mobile game with a PC port, and it's a poor ripoff of World of Warcraft. The sooner Blizzard and NetEase kiss and make up the better, because Tarisland is not the answer Chinese gamers are looking for. The West should recognize Tarisland for what it is; a cheap, shallow rip-off of WoW, and move on quickly after launch.
Heroes Of The Storm Will Be Brought Back From The Dead
(Q agrees, Mike agrees)
Let's get a little positivity in this list, shall we? Microsoft has now acquired Activision Blizzard and, in doing so, has a vested interest in seeing games succeed. Blizzard has a game ready to go in Heroes of the Storm. All it needs is a little love and attention. The Nexus could use an influx of new heroes and there are plenty of Microsoft properties that could be utilized in HotS. It's a good game that deserves better than its fate just because the esports scene didn't work out. Good games don't have to have esports to be successful, and the accessibility of Heroes of the Storm could put it back on the radar of many gamers if it starts getting updates again.
No New Everquest, Despite Rumblings
(Q agrees, Mike disagrees)
There are rumblings across the MMO universe that suggest Daybreak is working on something new for the Everquest franchise. What exactly it is, and whether or not it's an MMO are still to be determined, but where there's smoke there's usually at least a small fire. That being said, I don't think 2024 is the year we hear anything new from the world of Everquest. It just feels too soon to announce anything that is years away. Unless they're bringing back Landmark, don't expect much from Everquest in 2024 other than the usual 2 millionth expansions for EQ and EQII.
World Of Warcraft Comes To Xbox Game Pass
(Q agrees, Mike agrees)
I've spent a lot of this list on Blizzard properties, but with the Microsoft acquisition I think it makes them ripe for change, so I'll close these predictions with the idea of World of Warcraft coming to Xbox Game Pass. Sure, it'll be the PC-only pass at first, but we've seen other MMOs make the transition to console, and now that Microsoft is in the picture, anything is possible for WoW. I think adding WoW to the game pass is going to happen sooner or later, so let's just go ahead and throw it into our 2024 predictions.
And that's our 6 predictions for 2024. Let us know which ones you agree or disagree with in the comments, and let us know your bold predictions for the new year.
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About the Author

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.
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