launches beta stage!
We proudly announce the official launch of the beta stage of, a new and independent platform for free-to-play online games developed by members with several years of experience in video-games journalism and players from all over the world. aims to become the ultimate source for free-to-play online games while at the same time offering advanced tools to users, publishers and developers.
We are aware that there are already many sites of free to Play games. However, this one is quite different. The MMOBomb is a platform that gives voice to all members and emphasizes their opinions. You will be able to vote on your favourite games, share your reviews, and read those of your friends and other members, and also publish tutorials and all kind of information you wish.
You will have access to news, interviews, and privileged information directly from publishers and developpers, receive cool giveaways (presently, we are offering our members an exclusive ebook entitled “Be a Super Hero on Free Online Games”, absolutely free, so get yours here right now!) and you will also receive BombGold while enjoying yourself in the forum. BombGold are credits that you can exchange for virtual currency and virtual items.
And this is just the beginning, we will be constantly improving and adding new features. We still have a long way to go in order to become a renowned free to Play games website, but with your help, everything is possible. Therefore, we’re counting on you to share the site with your friends, through social networks (like Facebook or Twitter), websites, Youtube, etc., and to cooperate with us, directly through reviews, articles, videos, forum, etc. or reporting any bugs that you may find.
If you wish to learn a little more about the click here. Enjoy your stay and have fun!
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He “would always trust parents to make their own decisions”.

The title and the company are closing on March 31st.

If you decide to buy it, it's on a deep sale, too.

PC release is still on track for sometime this year.
Good luck. :D
am an active member here......I hope that 1 day will be the number 1 website
hope that day comes soon......