Love It Or Hate It: Star Wars: The Old Republic
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the spectrum the gaming public -- and by that, we mean you guys -- think of certain F2P games, and so we've invented something new called Love It Or Hate It?
Every week, we'll present a new F2P game and give you the option of passing judgment on it. Then we'll look back at it the next week and see what people thought. There are no prizes, except for the satisfaction of knowing you clicked on a button and made something happen. Really, what else do you need?
Last week, we asked your opinion on the massive open-world shooter PlanetSide 2, which has gone through its trials and tribulations during its 2.5 years on the market -- not to mention new some significant new management. Still, folks seem still seem to be in love with the game and all its pretty explosions, giving it a 48% "Love It" and only 12% "Hate It." I'm guessing those 12% are people who ragequit after a scrub like me actually managed to kill them.
I feel like we've been on too much of a lovefest recently with Love It Or Hate It games, so let's put that to the test with a game sure to evoke some strong reactions -- and one I've been waiting for the right moment to put out there since I started this -- Star Wars: The Old Republic. This should be good.
Pros: Individualized stories for each class, Huttball is cool, and it's Star Wars!
Cons: Mostly routine MMO gameplay, oh, and maybe some people don't like the cash shop?
Tell us what you think of Star Wars: The Old Republic, and leave a comment below to expound upon your views!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Fans of Overcooked will likely want to check this one out.
It has it's highlights. The story is excellent, game play is smooth, plenty of content. However; The game has it's flaws and major detractors in the worst possible places...
The game really isn't FTP it's more like an unlimited game trial.
Free players can't raid which locks out end game content.
You can only run 3 regular dungeons a week.
250k/350k credit cap (depending on free or preferred status) which means you can't even buy most unlocks off the GTN. You have to have a guildie buy them then owe them back. Or pay $ for a temporary credit cap increase.
Can't use half the purple quality gear.
Can't unlock legacy and convenience items.
Can't list more than 10 items for auction.
Venders charge you more for repairs and items.
Limited to 1 crew skill
Lowered XP gain
Blocked quest rewards.
Bank access blocked or limited. (depending on status)
Don't even try Galactic Starfighter if you lack a significant line of credit on your Visa card.
Can't, can't can't... Unless you pay $$$, either for a subscription or continually pump money in for temporary unlocks.
The entire game experience is different between the free players and subscribers. Once you get past lvl 40 as a free to play the game becomes almost unplayable unless you subscribe.
they truly have a vehement vindictive vicious violent to F2P players with all the limits they have [uh I cant think of any more V words 20 points to whom that gets it.], any that all i have to say about it.
why spend money on it when scams you in the end?
Overall, the game is decent but its ruined by the laughable F2P option.
If the likes of En Masse can make a F2P game on the level of Tera without insane F2p restrictions i can't see why EA can't either nothing but greed with them.