Love It Or Hate It: PlanetSide 2
Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the spectrum the gaming public -- and by that, we mean you guys -- think of certain F2P games, and so we've invented something new called Love It Or Hate It?
Every week, we'll present a new F2P game and give you the option of passing judgment on it. Then we'll look back at it the next week and see what people thought. There are no prizes, except for the satisfaction of knowing you clicked on a button and made something happen. Really, what else do you need?
Last week's game was Marvel Heroes, which seemed appropriate given the new Avengers movie in theaters. While it didn't get quite the same turnout as Age of Ultron, critics were generally pleased with Marvel Heroes, giving it a 43% positive rating versus a mere 16% negative. Time to make six more sequels...
In that same spirit -- OK, not really, I'm just looking for a clever segue -- this week's game is PlanetSide 2, dedicated to all the mindless action blockbusters sure to pop up over this summer!
Pros: Open-world FPS action, inclusive style of gameplay, great graphics
Cons: Performance and balance issues, can still find bugs and hackers
Tell us what you think of PlanetSide 2, and leave a comment below to expound upon your views!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Closed Test 2 signups will open soon and the development between now and then will be combat-focused.

The devs are currently making improvements based on feedback from the more than 500K games played during Alpha.

Players can also look forward to daily login rewards, a deathmatch weekend, a guild celebration, and more.

Players who pre-register to play on mobile or PC will receive rewards.
yes, yes, it does require time to buy your most wanted 1000 cert weapons, but it's not impossible to get it without using cash.
i'm not a hardcore player, i would usually play between 1,5-2 hours a day, and that is just enough time for me to get me 100 certs or even more.
and there are quite a lot of way to have fun in planetside2, i've always shifted my way of playing the game to avoid getting bored,
want to be a ninja with a permanent invisibility? why not?
want to be a douche sniping people in the head while they are trying to change loadout and trying to spawn a vehicle? of course why not?
want to be a mischievous fairy that drops bricks of death? it's possible
want to ram on people and maxes with an invisible flash? it's fun and rewarding, do it.
want to camp in one place and pawning vehicles and people with your camera guided rocket launcher? it's fun, why not?
want to try to ram a tank with a big ass galaxy? it works.
want to spam grenade on those spawn campers from inside of your spawn? i did that and it got me 20 kills.
want to try being a robot with a gatling on each hand? TRs love them.
what about dual shotguns? go with NC.
and yes, there are cons in the game, the game lags heavily on mid tier rigs, and even the low settings are just not.... low enough, if possible, i would like an ULTRA SUPER LOW SETTING, i don't mind playing the game with a graphic equal to a game from more or less 10 years ago, i just want to get a constant 60 fps, no, even 40 is okay too, and if possible, i want ragdolls to be back.
the support aren't that bad, they helped with my problems 2 times, where the first would be a lost account, and the 2nd would be about market problems.
i've played the game for quite a time, and when i've reached more or less BR40, i just decided to spend 20-25$ on the game, it just felt bad to not contribute to the game when i've come this far, and i used those SC i got to buy camos, and a horn, and sometimes they gave discount to weapons.
i am now a BR60 TR player with a green camo, and finally having more kills than deaths on my K/D Ratio.