Love It Or Hate It: League of Legends

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor

League banner

Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the spectrum the gaming public -- and by that, we mean you guys -- think of certain F2P games, and so we've invented something new called Love It Or Hate It?

Every week, we'll present a new F2P game and give you the option of passing judgment on it. Then we'll look back at it the next week and see what people thought. There are no prizes, except for the satisfaction of knowing you clicked on a button and made something happen. Really, what else do you need?

Last week, DCUO put forth a heroic effort for your approval, and it was about as popular as Superman Returns. It had more likes (32%) than dislikes (18%), but half of you just didn't care. And you can't even blame Brandon Routh this time.

All right, things have been a little slow in Love It Or Hate It-Land lately, so let's spice things up with a game everyone's sure to have an opinion on: the big MOBA on the block, the e-sports sensation that's sweeping the nation, the granddaddy of them all -- Infinite Crisis!

Wait, no, that's not right. League of Legends. Yeah, definitely League of Legends.

online survey

Tell us what you think of League of Legends, and leave a comment below to expound upon your views!

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In this article: League of Legends, Riot Games.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (43)

Kale 9 years ago
No Life, remember that. Nothing more Nothing Less.

Trox 9 years ago
Dota 2 = Chess......Since Dota2 is more competitive than LoL and similar to its dota origin then more serious/old gamers will lure and more fans will come...Also item drops are just skin/styles for show not affecting the entire gameplay so its safes, addition to More fans = More Market. But nobody wants to be left behind while others have very cool skins, so fans get skins from drops,
tournament bets, trades, or buy on market.

LoL = Checker......Since Dota2 is their no.1 competitor.... Spend more to production value to gain more fans....More Fans = More Market (that's what they think).........But in reality its just More Casual Fans seeking for fun not competitive/challenge game.

Think About it....This is Reality.

FrostSpike 9 years ago
Whell lol is the game i played since beta and i actualy liked it alot got hooked on it soo bad couldnt slep wo thinking about it but how the seasons advanced you could notice the arogance and ego of players who are not even worth calling average rocket jump too infinity soo did their toxic behavior soo now it doesnt matter if you are low lvl or max lvl you will need too turn of the chat just not too get frustrated by some 10 year old kid whos tounge is faster than his brain.its not the game thats gona kill it self its the people who alow them self too be soo rude riot should take a ban hammer too them and crush this players then the game would be what it was intended a fun moba

Jafarson 9 years ago
HEROES OF THE STORM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N1 CAUSE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLIZZZZAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! know it sissy les bian girls

Halibut Acid 9 years ago
The game itself can be enjoyable. Just the community has become more and more self-destructive over the past few years which what drove me away.

Taianto 9 years ago
Eh. I'm more of a Dota 2 kind of guy. LoL is fun though, just not the best in my opinion.

NBP 9 years ago
Hate it despite playing it from beta to s4 on and off, the grind makes it a p2w, the mechanics, champ design & meta are dull and repetitive, the client is a lackluster mess, the playerbase is the worst that I have encountered in any game, and riot does pretty much f*ck all compared to Valve with Dota 2. I also believe that the LCS format is bad for esports and is artificially keeping the scene alive.

DEAD GAME 9 years ago

SqueezyTime 9 years ago
This comments section is a pretty good indicator of the type of people you'll encounter in League of Legends. Obviously not everyone who plays the game acts like an ill-mannered brat, but the competitive nature, accessibility and popularity of the game attract a very large crowd of immature children. If you are easily bothered by insults, or blatant ignorance, definitely disable chat in-game.

The game itself is enjoyable, if you like simple, competitive PvP games and don't have the reflexes to handle shooters. It's very large cast of characters definitely sets it apart from the others. I've never played Dota 2, but I have played Heroes of the Storm, and LoL is definitely more for the "hardcore" players.

I would actually say HotS is more enjoyable and much more accessible than LoL, due to it's shallow learning curve and nostalgia of playing as major story characters from some of the most iconic video game franchises in history. If you're someone who takes video games as seriously as real life, you will definitely prefer LoL, though. HotS is definitely for casuals.

cacabawlzs 9 years ago
Game is best moba. Perfect balance and intense build up.
Anyone crying toxic id sensative noob. The moment you respond to chat.... You fail. Your eyes and fingers should be in game. Not chat. EU has so many languages no one talks. Once u guild ur team speak and 100% chat free... So toxic exists for no one but idiots looking to rp in a moba.
This game suffers from its own greed.
1) its lobby based. So lobby controls to limit low ping people out is available. They dont do it because they know more people = easy marketing. So poor people on potatos ruin this game.
2) EU is bot infested. Make 4 bot accounts and go afk. As the game pairs you and 4 bots (5) vs. 5 other unsespecting players, u lose they win. Bots easy to identify. Mo one reports because easy win EXP as loser farms losing exp. Riot wont do anything because they know bot filled servers are good for "we got thousands of players" marketing. Sad.

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Shizit 9 years ago
There is one fact that makes lol better than dota-russians has own server,while dota cpommunity consist of stupid kids

Todoran 9 years ago
this game 0/10, all moba fans developers pupblishers should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell 0/10 for this game ..... 1 map win/lose repeat.... MARIO WAS MORE COMPLEX! only retards waste time whit this kind of games whanabe..... this is not a game!

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dakerb 9 years ago
not gonna lie, i have played league since beta and always loved it but this past year that game gave 3 diferent types of cancer, now i only play arams from time to time ( once a week maybe), toxicity is an issue even tho you have a mute button, that shoulnd`t be an option every game with every person, and the fact that riot force the meta they want and not the players disgusts me, not gonna mention the balance since i understand is hard to balance a game with 130 champs so.....right now i just hate the state of league tbh.

hojjat 9 years ago
lol >>>dota2

Seanny Chwan 9 years ago
If want to play casual moba then go for LOL ..
If you wanna take it to the next level and become bad ass .. play Dota 2 cuz
after all the biggest Esports game of all time .. no game can reach its international prize pool ..
True LoL player base might be higher cuz number of casual player are higher then hardcore in any game.
But if you don't like moba and think is lame just because you can't play then u better get out of here.

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SpadeSage 9 years ago
After playing league for 2 years and DOTA 2 for 2, DOTA is definitely better in pretty much every area.

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-GG-TheSecondJoker 9 years ago
Good game even though it is very repetitive. Love it..

roy 9 years ago
Brainless repetetive one map pvp over and over and over... what a shit!

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mstter 9 years ago
The toxicity is way too much for me.

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Crafter 9 years ago
Played it for two seasons, and went from really enjoying the game to moderately enjoying the game to not enjoying it at all due to very toxic teammates. Seriously, its just a game, why are y'all getting so damn mad? Also, i did not like the map update; it made League look a lot more gloomy and dull. I will consider returning though once Riot successfully implements the system that punishes and bans negative players.

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kek 9 years ago
Dota 2 > League of loling

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FreshUndead 9 years ago
been playn since season 2 LOVE it Cho'Gath for pres!

Zoniak 9 years ago
Only NOOBs voted Hate it !

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