League of Legends: Riot doesn't care about the game anymore? (MemberZone)
Attention: The following post was submitted by a MMOBomb reader, so please please keep in mind that this is one individuals opinion, his views do not represent the views of the MMOBomb staff. MMOBomb is all about the Community, and our members and readers opinion is very important to us. The MemberZone is the place to broadcast your voice. Send us your bomb here or contact us via email. Let your voice be heard!
The problem is the EU West server: To begin with, since I started playing LoL (2 years ago) this server has never ran smoothly. There were frequent random disconnects, weird bugs, ping jumps and so on.
For a whole week now, I have been unable to to connect to the EU west server which happens to be my home server. It's not just me, every day it seems more and more people can´t log in and those that do often freeze at the champion select screen. If somehow they manage to make it in-game, they will often experience disconnections and be unable to join back. This results in losing the match, losing LP, and making it hard to move up the ranked ladder into new divisions.
If you will go to the League of Legends EU West forums, you will find not one single positive word in ages about the game. Nor will you find Riot present or their support. It seems as though countless people have started to uninstall the game and are not coming back.
After being unable to join the server for three days, I wrote an mail to the support. In the email I told them that I just cant log in anymore, no matter what I try.
This was their response in a nutshell:
"We recommend that you change your actual anti-virus program to Avast"
I did send two pictures concerning my problem in the email, where you can clearly see that I am indeed using Avast. After reading this, I already knew that the support was a joke, but that wasn't the end of things. The support went on to speculate that perhaps it was the firewall blocking the game.
Well I was sure that my firewall was ok, but I did turn it off just to be sure and of course, it didn't change a damn thing. So in my opinion, the game's support is an absolute waste and will waste your time. A week has gone by now, and I am still unable to login.
This was a comment on the forum about the issue from the "European Community Manager"
Hey guys,
With the weekend coming up I want to give you a status update on the issue that has affected many of you over the past few days.
To sum things up we’re still working to find a complete resolution. It has been a highly frustrating time and i want to apologize to those of you who have had their game experience disrupted.
On the plus side the disconnection issues from last weekend are almost completely resolved. The main problem now is that a small number of you are having trouble logging in.
I have reposted suggested solutions to this at the bottom of this post. With that said, they are not a guaranteed, but many have found a fix by following this process.
Our team in Dublin and LA (Game Development alongside Live Production: Operations, Network and Platform Engineers) have been working together since the issue began to fully resolve this. We want to see the back of this issue as much as you do. It is far from ideal even though it is not widespread, and we will continue working at this over the weekend and through the night to find the root cause and solution.
Most players should not be affected, but we want to assure you we know that isn’t good enough and we will keep you updated.
Solutions that have worked for the majority of players:
- change your IP / use VPN
- restart your router
- reboot PC
- flush DNS ("ipconfig /flushdns")
- renew IP ( "ipconfig /release" followed by: "ipconfig /renew")
- sync clock and check firewall as described here: https://support.leagueoflegends.com/...hen-logging-in
- switch to different LoL environment. Example: switch to EUNE and then get back to EUW. For some players this was the golden solution.
- shut down your firewall or create New Rule under Inbound and Outbound on Port 2099 to allow connections on this port.
Other possible solutions:
- try to login with your account on different PC in another location
- disable peer-to-peer transfer
- repair the Launcher
- change LoL password or request a change by contacting Riot Player Support team
- remove LoL Recorder or any other 3rd party app from your OS
Telling people to shut down their firewall, is JUST WRONG. They don't even know what the problem is, but instead come up with weird solutions. It seems as though the fixes aren't even permanent. Someone will mention it works for them, but within the next 2 hours that same person will post on the forums complaining that he again is unable to connect.
When they talk about only a small number of players are having the issue, it's like they don't even care. They keep repeating that the issue is not widespread and that most players should not be affected. Yet it's undoubtedly clear countless are.
The quoted response above is the only official response from Riot since the "not being able to log in" problem began. Does this sound like an adequate response from a company that cares? No...
For me, this just sounds like "the problem is on your end guys, we have other things to do".
What is a "small number" to you? If you look on their Facebook pages and on the forum, there is page after page filled with many angry people unable to log in or play. Not to mention all the bugs, but that's another story.
Now the thing is, all of this just happens to EU West. Everybody is able to join any other server without a single problem. Stable pings, no bugs and so on. Only EU West seems affected. In the official response Riot mentioned they would "continue working at this over the weekend and through the night to find the root cause and solution."
That was 2 days ago and still NO FIX, NO ANSWERS, NO SOLUTION, NO NOTHING. I feel as though not one single person worked on this over the weekend. They act like they just don't care. Some people have been unable to log in for a much longer period (2-3 weeks).
Many of us like myself spent money on this game and this is not how you handle things. Imagine buying a car and realizing you cant drive it. If that's extreme, imagine buying a game for $60 and never being able to play it. I purchased RP and some skins before all of this happened and I have yet to be able to use any of it.
They continue to lose more and more players. They just care about the all-star thing, releasing new skins, and changing the shop prices, BUT NOT about solving this problem at all.
With that said, I have given up on League of Legends. I've uninstalled the game like many others already did and I wont be coming back. If you're going to try this game, be sure to avoid the EU West server. Maybe it's a good idea to avoid the EU servers all together...
By Sakaya
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MemberZone is a forum where our readers can submit articles talking about thier opinions on the latest news in multiplayer gaming. The opinions of the author do not necessarily represent the opinions of MMOBomb.com or its staff.
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Sure I can that's not even a question.
I waited 20 min.
Then it said "place in queue: 1 waiting time: 1h"
OK i waited 1 hour and now it says " place in queue 1 waiting time 1second"
Biggest joke i've ever seen in a game. Now i know all the skins i bought and RP i bought were used to buy cocaine and LSD, and were not used to repair problems.
Sincerely pissed off.
I played lol since s1 (there were no such thing as seasons back then i guess) yes it has a lot of problems, and still do but its FREE, if you want you can buy skins but that doesn't mean you have to pay a subscription. It's always funny to see gamers who don't have a clue what's like to have a server and having a LOT of people logging in at the same time, the community grown a lot, they are still not prepared, so be patient. Back in my days the queue could last 3 hours and more.
so sad to see mmobomb posting this kind of thing, well better find a better source of information then
After reading thru some comments, i wonder if most of the ppl did even read the article.
"I play on US and never had problems"
Well, he wrote "only EU West", so those comments doesnt make any sense.
But its commen, "lets post a stupid comment so everyone knows i do exist." what a fail....anyways, back to topic.
3 Weeks..There was no apologies, no free skin, no nothing. Some ppl still have the probleme, even with the fix.
Like Riot said by themselve "we did upload the new patch on KR server and they start to have the same issuses.
Guess what server got fixed first? For sure the KR server.
Now thing about it...
but again, after reading some useless, stupid comments here...Wanna see you kids, if ur internet wents down for 3 hours and u start crying and kicking the Pc. 2 weeks, or in my case 3 weeks, ist just not ok. Doesnt matter, what service it is, what game and so on...
1) lag is horrible. And i have fiber optic super speed net.
2) the report ban button is abused since day 1. Riot doesn't have the code to fix it so they support it by adding a drop box of reasons to ban like "unskilled", super abused. You can even ban peoples accounts in A.I. Maps...like this day 1. When i asked in riot forums " if this would be fixed." they banned my forum account for 30 days and ran a t-shirt sale.
3) catered to idiots. I play on all servers around the world: russia, us, eu. My main account eu' but i have to play another region/ account durring patch. Down time (eu west has worst) and bans. Every region has their play style. Only us is the worst. They do not like balance or patience. It is packed arma. All assassins go mid. One lane fights. You take any other lane you play alone. Riot last updates? Make single lane maps. They had a huge 5 man volcano map designed for tactic but they announced they cut it short and will make it 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2... See the connection yet. And guess what region has more kids with credit cards.
4) need i say more? I can go on. But if you see where they put energy
It is all marketing and image. They say they ban bad players. Nope honest players are banned. They cant track verbal abuse in russian, spanish, portugesse, etc... They just ban in us mostly to please the child like mentality.
"If you will go to the League of Legends EU West forums, you will find not one single positive word in ages about the game."
This is such a misconception and so stupid, I dont even know what to say. The forum is always a place for those who wants to complain or need help in any way. It has always been like this.
"With that said, I have given up on League of Legends. I’ve uninstalled the game like many others already did and I wont be coming back. If you’re going to try this game, be sure to avoid the EU West server. Maybe it’s a good idea to avoid the EU servers all together…"
like many others? I played like every day and dont even have a single problem. Have you even tried one of those suggestions? Have you tried reinstalling the game, readjusting your router or anything else? I´m sad, that something stupid like this is posted on this website.
And to all those LoL Haters out there , i played Dota 2 for quiet some time now and all i can say is rubbish.
The opinion of a Single Person ? No not at all , he just nailed the Biggest problem in LoL and receives hate.
I hate those Fanboy Wars witch are all over the Internet, Xbox Vs. PS , CoD Vs. BF, Lol Vs. Dota , totally dumb to fight that out , and well most of those Fanboys never played the opposite but are still experts in it just to Justifies there stupidity.
Source: I got to sit in on a lecture with a Riot dev ^-^
Such bullshit and hatred against Riot, you think they don't care about the game? They're working really hard to fix this and the game has constant updates and new characters along with new maps coming, they don't care about their main source of income anymore? Make me laugh more you stupid tool.
My guess is that when EU riot people is fixing the technical problems of their game maybe they do multitasking ALT TAB then play other games LOL!!
My opinion Try SHUTTING DOWN LOL for 1 week and focus on solving the issue rather than let it continue like that... Goodluck and i dont mean anything to offend EU players but its not the players fault, its the STAFF's fault..
On the other hand though. I cannot play Dota 2, My PC can handle it, An error pops up that steam hasn't been able to fix for over 3 months. So I am stuck with LoL. Luckily enough that works.
Also why are people still using avast and other free anti-virus software, when 'MICROSOFT SECURITY ESSENTIAL' is there and is specially created for windows PC. It's also free!
Never in my LoL history I have ever experience those, other than those server overloading times.
My sympathy to the OP and others who can't play LoL.
with their job and come back to the game.
so you think LOL and Riot are the only ones with these lame support answers?
same thing happened with me in back light retribution they made me add ports and what not nothing happened i could not even connect to the server so i just un installed it.
you see every person has a right to express their point of view one person is speaking up rather than bashing up the person clearly understand what he is saying and stop with the fan-boy bashing.
this post is just one example to many other companies foolish support responses and i believe this post is speaking up against the sheer negligence of the company towards its players.
I play long time games from dendy, I'm 24 years old and every TANK i seen in games, YES you never cant kill good tank but he cant deal damage like here, for example in world of warcraft, you cant kill tank but he cant kill you too in 1 taunt like rammus can i n that game. ok tank champ is one problem and second is that even LE BLANC can use thornmails and warmog, its bullshit i cant watch that 4 of 5 wearing warmogs and thornmails its idiotism its not game !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MAKE ITEM AND CHAMPION ROLES - like if champ is TANK he can put warmogs and thorns but if he is AP or ADC - he couldn't use it
P.S. sorry for my English
don't expect that your solution will come with 1 e-mail to support, sometimes it takes 5 or more, depends on what is the problem
also, you can say that the problem is in their end if "a lot of people" have problems, it can be a internet provider problem, pc specs, etc... and if you don't give them this type of information -and apparently you didn't - it will take longer to find the fix to the problem
about having complains on forums, omg, any forum of any game will have hundreds of complains, that doesn't mean anything, there are people that, after 30 min without the support response, start making posts on the forum complaining
and, if in the end the problem IS on their end, it is a database problem or connection or whatever, you have to understand that it might take more than 3 days, especially when people rant about it but doesn't give helpful information about their problem
Player suport just stated to that KR servers get better treatment due to eSports, I am very disappointed on this !
Had an issue with delay during 4 days in which we had 3-6 seconds delay in game and I didn't rant about it, had to wait for the proper solution to arrive.
LoL is a huge game with millions of players. Crap happens A LOT when you're dealing with a large playerbase like that.
IMO, articles like this should be posted elsewhere on the website, not on the front page. There are hundreds of rants, complaints, pissing contests, etc. at the LoL forum already... we don't need it here.
I've been following this website for a while now. About a year.
This is the single most disappointing thing to see pop up on the main site page.
MMOBomb, please take my advice and move this member zone trash to a more subtle location for people that actually want to read whatever some member has to say about games can just visit the member zone page or something.
This article is extremely biased and has horrible intentions. Do you really want to advertise something that wants everyone to avoid LoL even though it's a hugely successful game with one of the largest game communities? How do you know that this one person isn't just having problems and over-exaggerating in his article about it? There's no facts. Just a documentation of one persons bad experience.
So again, please make a member zone page dedicated to these articles. No one wants to see them on the main page as you can clearly see in the comments.
Otherwise if he really really love the game, I would attemp a fresh install. People don't notice but sometimes lots of other third party services that run in the background (even if you disable it) from most F2P games give conflicts to others. I am no where saying that this is the solution but there is still stuff that has to be done to ensure its not your end and in many cases, if they mention that most people shouldn't have a problem at all, then a fresh install dosent sound bad to me. It's either a couple hours if installing or weeks and maybe months of your favorite game.
Honestly? You're probably right. But only half right. They don't care about the EU servers. The servers their servers are actually located in run perfectly fine. It may or not be true, but I have a feeling their EU servers might not even be located in the EU area, thus explaining ping issues.
You're better off trying to play on the more populated and maintained NA servers that they actually do care about.
Sorry to any EU players. You guys always get the short end of the stick when it comes to online gaming. I can feel your pain oozing out of my monitor right now.
As for the company not caring about its game, riot games probably has the best model out there currently. They have proven it from time to time hence the reason why they are hosting global tournaments with millions in prize money giveaways. Riot is the only company that i truly respect because they take action, continually update their game and address any major issues that seldom arise and most of all you don't have to pay to win.
Look at PWE's latest venture neverwinter. You have to get 600 zen just to respec your character. The game has major issues/bugs, has downtimes almost every alternate day. The gear is horrendously overpriced, a messed up economy and you hit end game in a matter of days. I know you can't compare a moba to an mmorpg but if you look at the company ethics and the way they treat their customers i'd say Riot beats every other company out there by a mile.
So yes i agree with the first reply, this is a troll post and needs to be removed
if u read this riot balancers - change name of game to LEAGUE OF TANKS!!!!!! shame on you
You can't expect them to magically fix the problem just because you want them to, everyone has a problem in some form for LOL at any one time across the world, so stop acting like yours is special and your entitled to their full attention.