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Conquer Online (Ipad) Item Pack Giveaway

Conquer Online (Ipad) Item Pack Giveaway FREE

0% Keys Left

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Conquer Online Ipad Super Item Pack Giveaway and NetDragon Websoft are teaming up to bring you free in-game items for Conquer Online Ipad version. Don’t miss out on this offer!

Originally launched in 2003, Conquer Online is a popular free to play fantasy MMORPG with multiple versions in different languages. And now this PC MMO is marching into the iOS world and about to create a whole new free-to-play pattern in mobile gaming space!

How to get and use your Key:

1. Log in to your MMOBomb account to get your key. If you don't have one, register for free HERE.
2. Copy and paste your key to a safe place as you may not be able to retrieve it once closing your browser.
3. Go to and follow the instructions.
4. Make sure you never miss a giveaway, sign up for our daily newsletter, it´s free!
5. Enjoy your bonus content.

Giveaway Items:

Upgrade Pack
2 EXP Potions every 5 levels, 2 EXP Balls every 10 levels and a Praying Stone every 20 levels for level 15 to level 120

Super Equipment Pack
Steed+1 and a set of Super Weapons (Weapon, Headgear, Necklace, Amor, Boots and Rings)

Fortune Pack
20 CPs everyday lasting for 30 days. You can use CPs to purchase items in Shopping Mall and VIP Store.

Dragon Valor Pack
1 Riding Crop, 1 Garment, 1 Mount Armor, 1 Weapon Accessory, 1 Dragon Soul and 1 Refinery Materia

Conquer Online Ipad Trailer

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