Free-to-Play Label on Trial Accounts Needs to Stop!

MMOBomb Staff
By MMOBomb Staff,

Pay-to-play subscription-based MMOs have been around for a very long time now. A fact illustrated by World of Warcraft celebrating its seventh anniversary November of last year. EverQuest turned twelve and Ultima Online is now fourteen. The blossoming of the free-to-play market has been relatively recent in comparison (although buy-to-play MMOs did flourish during this time they haven’t been extremely popular until recently.) As a result, how pay-to-play MMOs have approached attracting users has also changed with this tide.

While trial accounts have seen a worthwhile history, recent changes in the way that they’re portrayed may be doing the MMO industry a disservice. As trial accounts—no matter how open or unlimited in time—are still not even a shadow of what an actual free-to-play game represents.

The recent history and growth of trial accounts

Initially, Blizzard offered limited-time trial accounts for users interested in jumping into WoW. In 2007 trial accounts only lasted 10 days—very shortly after their release, trial accounts were weighted down with vicious restrictions. Of course, we all know why: gold spammers caught wind of the free accounts and flocked to them as spouts for advertising. So Blizzard brought the restriction sledgehammer down on them with a vengeance.

Trial accounts couldn’t invite people to join groups, join or create guilds, own more than 10 pieces of gold, access the global chat, or even private message people who had not added them to their friends list. These restrictions essentially made being a trial account into a somewhat lonely and forlorn experience; but they did make them virtually useless for gold spammers to hawk their wares.

As the years advanced, Blizzard began to realize that while a 10-day taste of the game may have attracted some new players, the bulk of the players who came and stayed didn’t flow through the trial accounts. In fact, after careful examination executives noticed that most players who quit the game did so before hitting the trial cap, but not within a distinct period of time. CEO Mike Morhaime said during an investor call in 2010 that 70% of all trial accounts flamed out before level 10.

So then rolled around the advent of the free-to-play revolution in gaming and in 2011 Blizzard took a new tack to their trial accounts by introducing the “Starter Edition” account instead—effectively replacing the 10-day trial account with an unlimited trial account.

This act provides not just a simple taste of the game but opens up the entire world to players while restricting them to only a small slice of the total content by locking them to never rising above level 20. These accounts retained the same anti-gold-spammer restrictions as the pervious trial accounts, but they never expire.

Now we’ve seen another subscription-based MMO jump on the trial account bandwagon this month with Rift: The Planes of Telara published by Trion World’s also opening up their world to players for free up to level 20 in a gambit called “Rift-Lite.” Similar to World of Warcraft, Rift-Lite appears to have restrictions preventing them from sending mail or private messages or using global chat. Rift-Lite accounts also limit the total amount of currency that can be obtained in game.

In this fashion, Blizzard set the bar for subscription-based MMOs to introduce themselves to new players by giving them the opportunity to have free rein without being tethered to a subscription. Any subscription game marketing is about getting players hooked.

Since its inception, World of Warcraft has been given the moniker “World of Warcrack” (a joke about addictiveness, Everquest also became known as Evercrack.) The approach would be to get new players in, let them discover they enjoy the experience, and then entice them to pay for more. Ideally, new trial accounts wouldn’t limit players to do all their playing in 10 days, then forever remain curious; but would give casual players a chance to enjoy the world at their own pace and then decide.

Where LEGO Universe tried and died

The biggest violator of this was LEGO Universe Online. Their publisher also played the limited free-to-play gambit; but instead of advertising the limitations they pushed that they offered a free-play version. The limitations on the free players in LEGO Universe were fun-crippling: the game restricted users to two zones and essentially gated them form the part of the game that everyone played in. Many players discovered that the “free” portions of the game ended abruptly and left little reason for them to stick around and continue playing the game.

Many players felt cheated by this false form of free-to-play and the game failed to attract enough new subscribers.

In the end LEGO Universe Online went extinct.

Why pay-to-play trial accounts shouldn’t be billed as free-to-play

The grim complication of games like World of Warcraft and Rift (and now the late LEGO Universe Online among others) advertising what amounts to trial content as free-to-play, however, raises a darker specter: that in that they are aping the success of free-to-play games without actually delivering. In the video game world we call this a demo, in the MMO world it’s basically a trial account. Certainly you get to play in the world up to level 20, but much like the demo version of a video game, which provides only possibly one mission, levels 1-20 for WoW barely lets a player out of the newbie content.

The vast majority of the game is walled off from trial players; unlike an actual free-to-play title which makes the entire core game available, like for example the popular League of Legends.

Via advertising their product trial accounts as “free-to-play” accounts, publishers layer onto a confusion that might turn potential players away from actual free-to-play gaming with the optional microtransactions. Anyone who joins WoW or Rift (just to name a few) expecting that they’ll be able to experience the entire gaming world will eventually be sharply turned away at that level 20 barrier.

We love this games but as subscription games they’re offering a teaser, a demo, a trial—but it’s certain that they’re not offering anything like the free-to-play model experience that has been successfully built-up by the industry.

The MMO industry doesn’t need big names like Blizzard or Trion Worlds corrupting the market by co-opting terms like “free to play” even if they then go on to say “from levels 1 to 20.” All of us are better off if they would just up front let people know that they’re offering a short-on-content, trial account to interested players and leave the “free to play” at home.

By Kyt Dotson

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Discussion (98)

random 12 years ago
they are not lieing you can play for free its your faults to think a p2p will just be given to you...

Random Person 12 years ago
I see, LOTRO/DDO, isn't free to play even though you can earn enough in-game currency (TPs if you don't know), and buy said Expansion/Quest Pack or whatever you damn well please for that matter.... I mean I suggest trying the game or doing a bit of research first before you start trolling or spreading lies.... sure you don't get said Expansion or Class (WDN/RK), because Turbine feels that people who in fact did pay for said Expansion or Class (normally just be the Expansion), before going "F2P", feel like they were cheated out of their money.... They're are some restrictions to lessen the Gold-Spammers, ect., but those can be easily removed without spending a single dime..... You just have to play longer than someone who paid... You don't like it then leave, always another game you could be playing, or ranting on about, instead of wasting time and energy, complaining how its not "F2P'..... which in fact it quite is...

CKO 12 years ago
This entire article is nothing but a well hidden rant. You treat players like they are mindless zombies, the advertising is very strait forward and to the point.
You are either a F2P advocate or a very confused individual. It is up to the consumer to do research and even IF SOMEHOW they are confused into believing, due to a harsh lack of reading comprehension, that they will get to access more content while using a FREE TRIAL, they are out nothing but time that they choose to use on entertainment.
Whole article is pointless and circle talk without you being brave enough to come out and put your true opinion on the line.

TriSpark 13 years ago
Well reading all this comments is getting me confused, I'm gonna imagine a whole pizza as the whole game and when you eat it, its unlimited :D. No matter how much I eat it, it won't finish and not to mention I get the whole thing and its FREE!!. If I love this pizza so much, I will add more toppings, which I'd have to pay ^_^. Thats how I think of Real F2P MMOs. But things like Blizzard does goes something like this:-

Blizzard - "Heres a Big Pizza and its Free to Eat!"
Me - "FREE!? Woooot I'm gonna eat it!"
Blizzard - "Okay here's just a slice"
Me - "??? I thought you said its free?"
Blizzard - "Yeah...for a slice, if you want the rest you gotta pay"
Me - "Wuuuut!! You lie!! Thats not FREE2EAT!! Thats just a FREE SAMPLE!!(Trial account)"
Blizzard - "MWAHAHAHAHA!!"


Nice ^_^ but aren't people that made League of Legends or Flyff and other Real F2P MMOs are most probably gamers themselves.

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WOW hater PWI lover i guess 13 years ago
hey everyone shut the hell up ok u act liek wow was doigna good thing they werent wow wasnt if ur a paid subsciber to WOW then u would know that LVL.20 barely give u anything its complete cra at least witha video game a demo lets u do 1 levela nd it makes u see the ebst parts in the game for example just casue 2 if u played that demo u would know its really fun and really addicting (except the 30 min cap that people glitched there way through) but still its not fair how game sliek Exteel or otehr ftp game are going away because of stupid P2p game s becoming free and tehy dont offer much the only one that si good is Champions onlien Free for alla dn City of heros which is still good even though u need to be a payed memeber to go rogue but that doesnt really matter now does it ur guys suk asss

Burtsoon 13 years ago
After all of the pseudo-illiterate ramblings in the comments, my brain has actually started to hurt. Good work!

The likes of WoW and Rift shouldn't be advertising as F2P, because they simply aren't. The likes of LOTRO and DCUO aren't much better, however not quite as bad considering there is an option to get the majority of the content (even if you have to grind for 20 hours straight).

There are very few (if any) truly free games out there. It is more of a question as to whether the content offered to those who want to play for free is draconian or not. An example of an MMO doing free-to-play well, would be RuneScape... Regardless of what you actually think of the game, at least the game has a fair model in place which allows for enjoyment to be had.

TL;DR If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Common sense needs to be applied in regards to these games. Adverts are there to advertise a game, lies are told in adverts; everybody should be aware of this from an early age.

AktivX 13 years ago
I love how they talk about Blizzard starting this and Rift picking up on it. But what about WAR, who has had an unlimited free trial since the instituted their free trial? It's not like either company did anything original and should get any of the credit for it, just because their two of the biggest dogs using it, doesn't mean they should get the credit/blame

Fragger2k8 13 years ago
I completely agree with this. It's just misleading, and actually false-advertising, to label an MMO as free-to-play, when in fact it is nothing but a limited trial of the game.

They do it to try and get people to flock to it, and to try and get them hooked on the game. Most people don't read a thing, so they just see the words "Free to Play!" and create an account and start playing, only to find out that after so much time, or when they reach a certain level, that they are locked out and prompted to purchase. So, since they already invested some time into the game, and they want to keep playing, they feel like they are almost obligated to continue on with a subscription. They then proceed to whine to their moms and dads for their credit card. Oh, and don't forget that plenty of those people will also forget to cancel their subscription at some point, usually from the kids that use their parents credit cards, so that's even more money rolling in.

It's really just a cheap and wrong tactic for the companies to use try to rake in even more money.

Echo4HHSM 13 years ago
There are no guidelines for F2P so basicly everybody can call their game F2P aslong you can play the game without the need of paying anything. Most of the games you talked about are MMORPGs like WoW, Rift, LotR, aso. Looks like most of you play these genre but i prefer MMO-Racer (Trackmania2, NFS World),MMO-Beat'em up (Brawl Busters),MMO-Shooter (APB Reloaded).
The problem with most MMORPGs is that everything is compared with WoW. The Problem of WoW is it makes many people addicted to play it. So if you quit WoW and play another MMORPG you get the bad taste of "it's not like WoW".
I dont want to talk bad about WoW but i played it for 4 years and became an adult in that time so for me (i repeat for me) its just a too childish game where every Boss and every player looks like too much colorful cutie.
I also played AoC for 1 Year and also took a look at it some years later but my problem with that game is PvP balance and the combat system which prefers Caster Classes in PvP and PvE.
To be honest most of the F2P-MMORPGs are Asia Grinders which annoy me. Games like Silkroad, Eligium, War of Immortals, aso.
There are some exceptions like Vindictus (yeah i dont know if its beat em up, rpg or whatever), Mythos but they wont catch you forever because of slow extension of End Content and a bit monotone combat system.

zeon 13 years ago
LOTRO is actually much more F2P than others, the only thing is you have more grind abit more if you wanna play it for free. You do know that you can earn cash shop currency in game just by doing the deeds (eg. kill 200 orcs). Just save up all those turbine pts on multiple characters and buy cash shop quests packs which is account wide. Oh and one trend in Turbine, if your a budget player always use your pts when they are selling stuffs on a discount, NEVER buy anything on the cashshop when its not on a discount. Because they do rotational discounts every now so & then.

StevenCrux 13 years ago
PSS. The only TRUE "FREE" to play MMO's right now are Lineage II and Aion once Ascension hits. After that I'd say closest is GW (and soon GW2) because it's about as "free to play" as a non-mmo: Buy the game, not the game time.

StevenCrux 13 years ago
This article is a waste of time based on misunderstanding. This is why they should have hired ME to write articles. TRIAL means a limited TIME account with other limitations (usually) WoW and Rift are FREE TO PLAY up to lvl 20 (I believe) This means make X amount of characters on X amount of servers and play FOR FREE. Just like any F2P game with sub options, there's some things you can't do/can't have. So yes those 2 games are F2P to an EXTENT, and it's not a trial...a trial would be WoW's old "14 day, lvl 10 limit" trial. Or Rifts old limited time trial.

Due to the new Hybrid game models. (a F2P game with sub options: LOTRO, AoC, etc) It is acceptable for WoW and Rift to say they are "Free to play" and not "trial". Keep in mind...I hate WoW and am not defending it as a fan...this is just fact. WoW and Rift are just lvl limited Hybrid game models.

Thank you,
StevenCrux AKA Tech1Crux

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cacalips 13 years ago
Don’t listen to the fanboy trolls who think a HYBRID model is somehow different. IT IS NOT!!!! HYBRID IS A FANCY WORD FOR – EXTENDED TRIAL!!!!!
PRoof: WoW – Level cap 25, gold cap, no auctioning. No access to extented content.

All sony games: No level cap but GOLD CAP, CHAT BLOC, NO TRADING, etc. etc..

The only difference is level and sometimes content…EVERYTHING else is just a trial. In fact, DCUonline even stores your gold over earned in an “ESCROW” account, waiting and reminding you to unlock it with a subscription mode. So…yes, this guy, Nox, is 100% correct. Go get a clue you stupid fan boys

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xlcyruslx 13 years ago
f2p is the real way, look lineage 2, look dc universe online, look team fortress, they have a lot... a lot of new players each day, and, in a fact, there are more epic amazing games they is free to play, and be more amazing that these bullshit called wow

70calories 13 years ago
now that would be a crappy coffie shope I can see your medephore behind it but let me put it this way if that coffie shope offered me a smaller FREE sample of the coffie and I drank it and liked it good that would make me more willing to pay for a larger cup same for the mmo if you give me a trial say 14 days (up to level 20) then sure ill play it and if I like it awsome ill pay the fee to keep playing but if you falsely tell me the game/coffie is free then surprise me with somthing like that I will simply pass your product on and go to the next

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70calories 13 years ago
Even though there are those F2P mmos that I can laugh about being complatly F2P I have to give my great disgust with WoW and Rift one cause I never found them to be worth the money in the first place but pulling the wool over players eyes by claming that it will be free to play just to serprise them with a level 20 trial run of the game just proves to me there nothing but money hungery now normally this would be fine and dandy if they just said it was a trial but going the length to claim its free to play is outrageous

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TheGamer 13 years ago
Well, i think a game like DCUO is not free to play, to me, a free to play game need to have no "freemium", a balanced cash shop, and EVERTHING avaliable, i played LOTRO, really liked the game, but i stopped when i see the whole DLC thing and the premium advantages (destiny points, to name a few), yes, some people REALLY think that LOTRO is free because you can "kill 1000 spiders to get 10 TP", so its pretty much like RoM, since you can buy things from cash shop our grind for the rest of your god-damm life to have a god-killing butter knife.AOC is not free also, its like LOTRO with more blood.Back to the topic, about the Rift-Lite and WoW:Starter, well, i have pretty much nothing to say here, its a false "free" model, since in WoW:Starter it will block 1/5 of the game content, since in 20 you only have 1 or 2 instances to do, and in level 25 you gonna have way more.Never played Rift, soo...
They need to stop these "free" advertising, since new mmo players gonna think every TRULY f2p game is also content blocked and just ignore then.Its making f2p mmos gain a bad karma :\ .I think companies must know what they are doing, but when companies started thinking in gamers after all?They just Ctrl-C+Ctrl-V another game, change graphics and name and release saying "Next-Gen MMO" and but a hot girl in front page and the game gets lagged.Iam losing my hope to MMO's, lets see if something gives me some faith next time...

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Tenaka 13 years ago

*ALL* F2P games have limitations unlocked by purchasing or subscribing.

Where you stand in this discussion/argument is what you personally value within the game.

Also in the case of WoW/Rift, they have the advantage that the F2P thing is still quite new and what makes a game F2P varies again based on opinion. If you can play for free you are justified as describing your game as F2P. What mmobomb is arguing is their interpretation (likely shared by many or even the majority) of what F2P means. Unfortunately it doesn't make them right, it just doesn't make them wrong.

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zoren580 13 years ago
its technically f2p

Shareware revival? 13 years ago
I am not sure how many of you are old enough to remember the "Shareware" boom, but that is what this reminds me of.. But honestly I think the shareware was better because in an era of pc gaming where everything was episode based, they always included 1 full episode..

Episodes were multiple levels and usually had a boss fight at the end.. In a sense you could say that this was actually a game in itself.. It had a beginning, middle and an end for no cost..

If these games wanted to use the Free title, then they should follow the episode script of a beginning, middle and an end to the usage.. Doesn't have to be very long but don't lead the player to think that he was just left hanging there in playing the game by allowing him to walk the rest of the world as a lower level or able to view but unable to buy from the auction house..

Vanguard had it perfect.. The Trial Island.. They called it a trial, but being that they didn't drop restrictions on you except for being stuck on the island it was in essence Free to play..

These games need to just develop an area with no restriction on class usage or even game mechanics like broker use, and let the trial players remain there with no limit..

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lee 13 years ago
The restrictions in RIFT are alot less than they are in WoW actually
You can join guilds, receive mail, buy from AH and stuff in RIFT and even talk in some of the global chats..

WoW is the worse, so uh, Attack Blizzard sure, leave Trion alone.

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Megazell 13 years ago
If the trial for the MMO ENDs and you no longer able to play the game at all until you drop a DIME to the company...then you're 100% right.

If the trial is unlimited and you're still able to play and interact with other players...than that game is F2P my friend.

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Douglass 13 years ago
I'd prefer the big P2P company's to have a "trial server" opened up with limited time, offering players a nearly max-levelled character to test the game's potential. This is more of what you can call a real "trial" since you will know how the game will end up like, and you're not like "WTF, this game sucks, why'd i even pay for it".

Not all F2P games are bad. Some are quite triggering you to buy some things. Some games really did trigger me to buy some. As for LoL, Atlantica Online or Loong, i did buy some item mall kind-of-stuff. It makes me feel better to pay once, and have it forever, than having to pay monthly, and have no improvement.

And, @the first guy of this discussion, not every EA game is bad. For example, Need for speed World. It's true that, for the best cars you gotta pay some real cash. But whatever. It's a racing game. This game is just like a FPS where skills matter, not stats. I myself, i drive a Lotus Elise in NFSW. This costed me just ingame gold cash (Not real money). And yet, i nearly always end up as first.
The MMORPG's are offering bonus attributes on items, or eventually some cool design. That's a trigger for me to buy some certain things, as long as the game "turns my joystick on".

RandomSimsy 13 years ago

jellopy 13 years ago
I agree for the most part with the logic that limited trials shouldn't be contorted to sound like a full free to play offering but in defense of the two companies: Blizzards ads all state free to play up to level 20, so they really aren't lying even if there are other restrictions. And while rift doesn't clearly advertise that the trial client is so limited they do have other nice offerings that compensate, for instance in the event of large content updates they are known to allow free access to the test realm for people to try it out and see if they might be interested in subscribing.

In all I don't see any blatant deception here even thought it can be taken to be if you aren't aware and read about what you are signing up for.

bill 13 years ago
The point isn't that these games need to become more free to play, its that they shouldn't call themselves free to play if they are only a trial. Its a lie, and they know it.

The reasons Rift and WoW were targeted is because they offer what is equivalent to a free trial/demo and label it free to play. On the other hand, DC Universe and DDO are completely free to play with only some annoying restrictions.

A pay to play game with a week trial is ok.
A free to play game were you have to pay after the first week is not ok.

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AtaliskWaffleTyrant 13 years ago
i feel the point of this passage is to highlight the the difference in fully free-to-play and"free trials"
mmobomb is describing big name games as show-stealers to attract free-to-play gamers to "free" to-play trials. i agree completely this method of advertising is at it's core-a vicious attempt to push the little guy out of the way. Personaly i'm of the opinion that gaming should never be treated as a dog-eat-dog buisness and if you're content was made with dollar sighns in mind instead of players you deserve nothing less than to be pushed aside by the people who care. But false advertising should never be the way to do it.

Germaximus 13 years ago
Thank you. It drives me freakin nuts when people say Rift and WoW are free to play. They simply arent.

Lonewuhf 13 years ago
This article has gotten the most ignorant responses I've seen yet. Games like WoW and Rift NEED at least some restrictions on F2P, otherwise you'd have 2032187397129 times more gold spammers, which isn't fun for anyone. Also, where does it say that you get to play the whole game free? Rift even labeled it Rift Lite, which anyone who can use any sort of logic could easily come to the conclusion that it's going to have some restrictions. Come on, use some common sense before posting this kind of dribble.

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gasor 13 years ago
hey CHAMPIONS ONLINE to you can play super limited and the classes or archtype more of 70% need buy it -.-

Barrack Obama 13 years ago
anyways buy to play games like: Street Fighter IV, Marvel vs Capcom III, Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom III, and the soon to be released Diablo III.. these are only examples

Barrack Obama 13 years ago
I've also played free-to-play and pay-to-play games a like.. what I've learned from years of playing games that the best type of game is a buy-to-play type of games.. it might not be friendly for the less fortunate people but trust me it'll save more money than those F2P or P2P games..

There are pros and cons on both types, if you are serious about your F2P game and be competent, you can't ignore but to pay some real money; and F2P games forever always releases better items so your bought item before is 2nd rate and when something new comes out again it will be 3rd, and so on.. but no problem if u just wanna try it or be a casual gamer.

Not much to explain for P2P, basically pay X amount for Y days.. it gives you the feel like paying your electric bills

byron1848 13 years ago
Totally agree but also think these companies are really stupid. In my (admittedly limited) experience if you make the game entirely ftp but also make your cash shop items desirable enough (in terms of cosmetic decoration/faster levelling etc.) then suckers (ie:me) will pay far more than they would for a ptp model. I wouldn't have thought it is rocket science.

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lilfighter 13 years ago
I would, and will send this article to every game that throws around lies and random shit, the pay2play games have their beauty too, of course. And most of us started hating their lies...

And at the moment, their only advantage is that I can`t kiss my ass, they can...

Comickid 13 years ago
Aion, Lord of the Rings, and Dungeons and Dragons are 3 other games that are like this. It's not really anything new, games love to attract new players with lies, its how most companies work.
It's a safe bet that if you can't talk on their forums without a subscription than there is no true free to play in the game.

The man in a suit, tie and gasmask.. 13 years ago
The men in the suits want to exploit you anyway they can.. Even if that means stretching the truth or lying to you..

They smile in pictures (Like Smedley) as if they naturally want to entertain you and enjoy doing so, but they don't.. Just like a presidential candidate, it's only protocol and they couldn't care any less about your "video games"..

All they want you to do i shut up and pay for their house and boats.. So shut up and start buying..

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lilfighter 13 years ago
These shitty acts of attracting players should really go to hell. Yes, RIFT is good, and no I aint gonna say WOW is good too. But lets be honest RIFT and WOW did the same shit togever, and as far as I know, RIFT might have done it only to launch its way into China, where free2play games is all they play, so behind this attempt is again the money...

Ok ok, dont go nuts and rage, they need money, they need money, they X4 need money...But you can`t f**king call a game free just like that. You simply cant call a game free just because they let you fall in love with their game, then spam you with ads:"NAO BUY OUR FULL GAME BIATCH!"...Also, the article pointed out good the fact that they are just using the free title knowing they will attract more people only by the fact that they have said its free, and they basically let you "visit" their game, and then the only way is to buy.

And I think they pretty much know calling thier stupid attemps "demos" will not bring them much profit either, so they are just calling the game free and voila! Tons of players rush into the game and ragequit when they realise whats the truth.

Dont get me wrong I respect RIFT, and WOW( but just for the fact that it managed to attract so much people), but for my point of view, I totally agree with the last part of the article: I dont want random shit in the free2play industry. From now on I will never look the same to this fail attempts and miserable dis-respect for the free2play industries that some games, like the ones in the comments and the article, bring.

There will be much hate, but if they didnt call themselfs free games, then maybe the world, and I, will stop complaining about crap and shit they`v been doing...But untill then, we have the right to express ourselfs since they tell lies.

Okay, in my final point, I have to say RIFT makes an exception, somehow, but fake promises like in the most games today ruin gaming. RIFT has a small excuse that they have been adding new content non-stop and thats freaking awesome, but they too do most of the things for money...


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rockmeo 13 years ago
i agree about this :) there should be a rule or something about this legaly , cause to my point of view and others , is cheating , fake , saying what is not .

ScarySam8 13 years ago
This is so true and I hate it when subscription based games. Make a infinite trail that cripples you to being able to do almost nothing compared to the subscribers and naming it Free To Play just ruins the image of real free to play games. Games are so focused on making money now they don't truly make games free to play.. To many pay to win and pay to play.

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Nox 13 years ago
Why attack WoW and Rift? Anyone with the basic understanding of the industry knows those games won't be actually be free to play. Why not point out the ones who advertise they're "full free to play" yet don't even come close, such as:

Age of Conan
Any Turbine game
Any Sony game
Any EA game
City of Heroes
Savage 2
Any Online FPS

and many more...

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