FFXIV Endwalker Media Tour Embargo Falls, Here's Some Of Our Favorite Content So Far
We're still wading through all the coverage so we'll add as necessary!
Today is the day FFXIV Endwalker fans have been waiting on. Today, the media tour embargo has fallen and MANY FFXIV content creators are filling the internet with their coverage of new zones, class changes, dungeons, quests, storylines, opinions, and more.
Now we weren't personally part of the media tour (hell, two months ago we only covered free-to-play MMORPGs) but we've started wading through the myriad of content out there and here are some of our favorites that you may want to peek at in your travels.
This list is SURE to be added to as the day goes on and we are able to watch/read more coverage and obviously we are not disparaging ANYONE'S content by not including them on this list. We simply want to give you some links to some great coverage we've seen so far on particular FFXIV Endwalker topics.
As a sidebar, Yoship did ask all content creators to mention his thanks to all medical personnel throughout the last few years. He wanted that called out as he receives lots of "thank you" messages from medical staff and he wanted to turn that around as a big thank you to them, instead.
So without further ado:
Higher Level Summaries By Eliot Lefebvre (MassivelyOP)
If you're looking for a higher level overview of job changes, zones, dungeons, and more, then take a read through Eliot's work. No, you aren't going to be getting into heavy individual class theory crafting here, but you'll be getting easy to digest snapshots of Endwalker content, including class changes.
Each article is easily broken up by subject matter and you may even find yourself taking a glance through classes you don't play just to get a feel for their changes as Eliot isn't bogging you down with EVERY minute detail for each class. What you may perceive to be lacking in ultra specifics, you make up for with a nice overview of everything without losing your entire day to reading.
Disclosure: Mr. Happy is a friend of mine so if you think I may be a little biased in recommending his content here, you're probably right. That said though, this series of videos is exactly what you've come to expect from the Hapster. They are well produced, shorter in length, and his interview with Yoship has some very interesting responses (and dodges) to interesting questions...including the whole "healers DPSing" question.
The playlist linked above also has guides for each job to walk you through each class's new rotation...and hell there's even a guide to the new Tower of Zot dungeon...well, at least a guide to the beta version the media reps got to play.
Job Changes In Detail By Ginger Prime
If you're looking for more in-depth video coverage of each job, then Ginger Prime (disclosure, another friend) has you covered. GP's videos for each class are more in-depth and feature a very detailed look at not only large scale class changes, but also analysis of each class's abilities, potencies, tooltips, and more.
You're getting great info here but at the expense of time as these videos are more long form content, so sit back and enjoy. Not surprisingly, the Summoner video clocks in at almost a half an hour long.
Honorable mention here if you want REALLY long form content is Work to Game's almost podcast style delivery of class changes. These video are lumped up by job type (i.e Tanks, Healers, etc) but they do have time stamps if you want to jump to thoughts on a particular class.
Overall Media Tour Impressions By Zepla
If you're looking for something a little more laid back and "overview" in nature, Zepla's got you covered with a kind of "summary" video. It isn't as long as some of the other videos linked above so you won't spend all day watching, but Zepla gives you the rundown from basically top to bottom on the whole tour, everything she played, and what she thought about each item along the way. This may be the link for more casual players just looking for Endwalker chat rather than in-depth coverage.
That said though, Zepla does also have a Sage guide and a Reaper guide published so fans can probably look forward to more detailed subject videos over the course of today and the coming days (if I had to guess.)
Great New Zone Tours By Mike Williams (Fanbyte)
Interested in some of the new zones? Mike Williams at Fanbyte is our favorite look at these so far. Beautiful video tours, screen shots, and written descriptions of some of the initial impressions the zones inspired are all there. The zones are beautiful, interesting, and Mike just NAILED the tour aspect if you want a "fly by".
Neat "How To Break Into Voice Acting" Interview with FFXIV Voice Actors By Chris Carter (Destructoid)
Pretty sure that title speaks for itself...if you are curious about voice acting or the favorite scenes in FFXIV from some voice actors in the game, this piece is for you!
Short Snappy Videos With Puns! By Mizzteq
Want bite sized bits of video with all the scoop and no filler...well, maybe a few puns as a side dish? Then Mizzteq's videos are what you're looking for, my friend! Quick to watch without sacrificing on the important stuff, this is a great way to listen to the high level details without all that pesky reading!
Mizzteq's Yoship interview is also pretty great, so be sure to check that video out.
<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eErd6YPrcyg" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
"Not Usually Covered" But Covered Here By Meoni
Looking for some odds and ends? Of course, Meoni has you covered on the big items just like everyone else...classes, zones, etc. It's all there, maybe in some more detail, maybe in some less detail, but what draws me to Meoni's coverage is the odds and ends that you might not see too many people covering.
Curious about the Achievements UI in Endwalker? How about a view of the new armory space now that belts are gone? What about aetheryte maps, artifact sets, and male Viera emotes? These are just some of the bits and bobs you can find in this playlist if you're looking for something a tad different.
That should be enough to get you started! I'll be sure to add more great content links as I continue my own travels through all the dropped content today! Be sure to post favorites of yours in the comments to make sure I don't miss them!
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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