Vote For Your Favorite F2P Games In MMOBomb's "Best In Quarantine" Poll!
It's been seven years since we did an elimination-style tournament for free-to-play here at MMOBomb (and three years since a hybrid pools/elimination tournament), and a lot has changed since then – both in the gaming world and the world in general. We probably don't need to say much about either of those, except to say that gaming has been a major coping mechanism for a lot of people that's helped, in some small way, to alleviate some of the stress that we've all been dealing with during life in quarantine.
Now, with things starting to look a little brighter, we'd like to celebrate with a competition to once again crown your choice for the best free-to-play game in all the land. Maybe it will be something you've played for years, or maybe something you just picked it up recently and fell in love with during the past year. Whatever game comes out on top, we can all enjoy the spirit of competition and root for our faves in the ultimate duel to the death!
(Just kidding, we won't kill off the games that don't come out on top. That said, looking back at the 2014 contest, I see quite a few games that are no longer with us. Clearly, once they lost that prestigious competition, their developers threw in the towel.)
Once again, we've selected 64 games that will compete for the top prize in a series of one-on-one polls. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at about 3:00 p.m. Eastern, we'll post one or more polls that let you vote on your favorite game from two choices. You can vote in some or all of the polls, and the game that garners the most votes before the next polls go live will move on. You'll need a Google account to vote, a security measure we've put in place because of the, shall we say, less-than-honest voting that plagued the process the last time around.
That's about all there is to it! The brackets are presented below and they've been lightly seeded to hopefully provide the best matchups as the tournament progresses. We'll update them here as the contest goes on.
Good luck to everyone, and may the best game win!
The tournament is over! Check out the final results here!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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