F2P Games Suck? Dealing With The Haters
Free-to-play games suck.
I know this because, around five years ago, most free-to-play games did. They were poorly translated, pay-to-win grindfests. And some things never change, even after several years. I mean, Bethesda will never do an Elder Scrolls MMO, they'll never figure out a way to film Game of Thrones, and Peter Jackson will never direct The Hobbit.
Nope, never. Nothing's changed.
I like to think of free-to-play games as a kind of microcosm for the Internet as a whole. Ten years ago, you probably didn't even know what a “blog” was. Now, there are 600 billion of them (give or take), and many of them are, admittedly, crap.
But to dismiss the entirety of the blogosphere (I hate that word, but there it is) because the majority are garbage does a disservice to the few out there that are worthwhile. The same could be said of comments sections on those blogs or other sites, most of which are a horrifying spectacle of human debris, but from which an occasional beacon of reason shines through.
(I know you're going to be the one person to produce that lovely, inspirational comment on this article. Go on, do it!)
There are a lot of bad F2P games out there. That's a judgment call, obviously, because even the most graphics-poor, grindy, unfun games have their devoted followers. But there are some that the vast community of gamers have all but unanimously declared gamora non grata.
You've probably heard it yourself from friends whenever you profess your love for a F2P game. “Free-to-play? lol, those games suck.” And sometimes they're right.
But to paint all F2P games with such a broad stroke diminishes the “good” ones, or at least the ones that are pretty well-regarded by the gaming community as a whole. Games like League of Legends and Team Fortress 2 have huge followings. You may or may not care for them (personally, I like TF2 but am not a big fan of LoL), but your feelings have nothing to do with the pay model. New and upcoming games, like Firefall, Neverwinter, and Loadout, might also make it big someday.
To be certain, we need to be wary of what a F2P game offers. Some are more aggressive with their cash shops than others and some simply lack quality, whether in terms of graphics or gameplay.
But just having a price tag doesn't absolve a game of those potential issues. One needs only look as far as SimCity to see how that went. That game was a disaster, for a number of reasons, but I bet that if it had been free-to-play, people would be saying it sucked because it was F2P: EA/Maxis didn't have the resources, weren't committed to making it work, needed to bleed players dry with microtransactions – all the same tired excuses we hear when a F2P game fails to meet expectations.
The next time someone tries to tell you you shouldn't try a game, or that it outright sucks, because it's F2P, just ignore them and move on. You like what you like, and that's all that matters.
About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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They promise the world, and you think *this* one might be the exception to the rule but in the end it drains your time, your soul and your wallet.
For me, if EVE Online became f2p, i would kick ccp in da ass and make 'em regret this decission. more p2p awesome games please!
But all F2P still contain P2W aspects, no matter which game it is, there will always be one.
Yes, even "league of legends" contains some "crappy" things... mostly on the "Pay 2 Play Character" aspect.
In most MMO, the main P2W aspect is "Enchanting and Upgrading"
If it have "weapon destroyed at certain rank/level" or "upgrading pass certain rank/level is not possible without Cash Shop" it is P2W.
Than there are those ultra P2W aspects...
The "VIP", where cash shoppers can obtain benefits that's way too superior to non-cash shoppers, IE: 2~3x more EXP, Drop Rate, 10~30% more HP, MP, increasing Stats by 5~100% (yes, some games have up to 100% stat increase, but you have to pay up to 100 USD for that, but yes, it is P2W literally)
And the other ones... "costumes" and "Gachapon"
Where costumes offers stat bonuses that can let the cash shopper win against another player of same level, class, race, using the exact same skill moves/ set. (some game even offer ways to increase costume's stat, making cash shopepr even stronger)
Gachapon as we all know it.. are just "internet legalized gambling for kids" (why, it's illegal to gamble in the real world, let throw out money into digital products and gamble online)... sure... LOL (and no one or the law can do shit about it)
If you don't want to pay, then don't LOL.
But not all F2P game a crap,such games like Warframe,APB RELOADED,Rusty Hearts,i can this games might no all like but if somebody dont try it really idiots so ignore them
You my friend have told the future. Look at all those aspiring comments above me, brings a tear to my eye. Jason's post did make a lot of sense and in brief. F2P is Fun 2 Play if only companies strive to make more of them.
Some still do it better than others, but F2p is here to stay.. Gamers rejoice .
1) Phantasy Star Online 2 - Action RPG
2) Team Fortress 2 - FPS
3) League of Legends - MOBA
Upcoming possible goodies for f2p:
1) Firefall - FPS/TPS
2) D&D Neverwinter - Action RPG
3) Tiara Concerto - Action RPG
Closers Online perhaps but Koreans mostly release grindfest games and/or once they get a good paying playerbase they start only releasing mall stuff and no relevant content :/ (everyone does that but meh, im gonna hog the blame on north korea)
If you treat your players right, you listen to them and take their ideas and suggestions and add it to the game. Then you will make the players happy and they will continue to support your game and throw money at it. Happy customers are paying customers. It is such a simple thing yet thousands of companies do not understand such a simple concept that it is the player/customer who dictates alot when it comes to if a game will stay alive and be successfull.
I do have to agree with a previous poster about the other gamers generally being hit or miss in the way of being useful/helpful/fun to play with. With the rise of more anon-go-lucky gamers and almost no way to get away from them in game via reporting griefers and so on, it tends to become a time struggle. Not a "i'm gonna wait out these guys" but "what time does this server start to get heavy?". So you end up playing at times that would more or less be not worth your continued effort.
There is also the F2P mentality of Pay to Win, which in most PvP oriented games has become a bit of an issue. If people don't really understand the idea of P2W here is a little example; If at some point you MUST use items from the cash shop that are not easily accessable otherwise, say stamina boosts or some crafting helper, then in general i call it pay to win. A game that has tried very hard to curb this is Allods, still to no avail.
Finally there is the gigantic problem of finding that right game for you, you can only spend so many days trying out so many different games when you get the chance that eventually the entire F2P experience becomes daunting and unreachable.
It is wonderful that websites such as this exist so that it helps keep our searching via google or forums to a minimum. I've used the search feature many times when my gaming appetite has grown.
Idc about the graphics of a game I play Combat Arms alot enjoy the game with friends the F2P games was made to have fun & relax.
I enjoy F2P games better then most pay to play games because most of the players are more nicer & more cool to hang out with.
It's sad to see that the f2p market is full of bs games and I think it's so easy today to make a game look well from the outside with the proper trailer and gameplay introductions. I've tried tons of free-to-play games and I have to say that 95% of them I uninstalled after 30 minutes already just because they are so bad, it's nearly insulting. On the other hand it's easy for other devs to stand out from those grindy/pay-to-win/buggy games.
Yeah it's very easy to say that some f2p game straight-up sucks but next time someone says that, just ask that person why that game sucks. Most of the time those people haven't even played a single minute of the game and can't argue properly. Or because they're some braindead fanboys and don't want to feel bad after paying for a game while you can enjoy your games for free.
Everyone has his own opinion of a certain game and you should've at least committed some time to a game if you want to give a proper review on it. Sure, it often turns out to be some grindy crap or that you don't stand a chance against other players unless you pay a shitload of money but at least your arguments have some reason other than just mindlessly taking arguments from other people.
I like single pay-play forever games too (except diablo 3 watta waste of money),
I am a big fan of league of legends,team fortress 2 and firewall
I like the concept of D&D but I don't have the time at the moment
And except some features I was not impressed by loadout
Worth to be mentioned are some games that you buy only the game to play like guild wars 2 starcraft they are a good solution if you like the concept of those games
For example, League of Legends is a real F2P game. U can unlock every champ without paying once. U cant buy runes with real money but thats the reason why i did spend money on that game. To say: Great work, ill grab some skins and thank you for this game.
With Path of Exile (even if i dont like it) its the same.
But then there are games out like...Aeria Games, Neverwinter, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and so on. Thats not F2P for me if u cant enjoy the whole game without spending real money. Even if u have full access, u wont have a chance at PvP unless u buy some gear in the Cash Shop to even up with the others.
I tried so many "F2P" games and the only one which did really hook me up was Aion. I also played alot A.V.A bevor they changed the publisher. It made things just worse.
Actually, i always enjoyd the games i had to buy much much more and i dont think, that this will change anytime soon.
(sry for my crappy english)
If there wasn't F2P games, I probably wouldn't even play online games.
Game quality is all about design and pay model is all about marketing
But all pay to win games really do suck.
And reason is that there's no less satisfying experience than beating handicapped opponent.
a example of pay to win f2p is Aeria games and perfect world well for me so far... =)
I never take F2Ps serious, they are my casual "in between" games.