Complaint Against Forge of Empires (MemberZone)
Hello I wanted to make a complaint on behalf of several users publicly injured in the game Forge of Empires. The users in the game are being repressed on the forum when they complain about the game, with threads deleted and complaints excluded. Those who complain on the forum have their profiles banned in order to mask the problems of the game.
Attention: The following post was submitted by a MMOBomb reader, so please please keep in mind that this is one individuals opinion, his views do not represent the views of the MMOBomb staff. MMOBomb is all about the Community, and our members and readers opinion is very important to us. The MemberZone is the place to broadcast your voice. Send us your bomb here or contact us via email. Let your voice be heard!
Hello I wanted to make a complaint on behalf of several users publicly injured in the game Forge of Empires.
The users in the game are being repressed on the forum when they complain about the game, with threads deleted and complaints excluded. Those who complain on the forum have their profiles banned in order to mask the problems of the game.
Forge of Empires has a long history of decisions that have injured the player-base. One such injury occurred with the recent update that added a building type called Great Buildings. To get a Great Building the player needs to spend diamonds that are bought with real money. This Great Building has several advantages in the game, such as having the largest number of points in battles and a major production resource.
The point is that the team of developers behind Forge of Empires, created these Great Buildings with huge bonuses and then waited for the users to inevitably buy them. After one month, the developers decreased more than half the advantages of large buildings, characterizing it as “gamers theft”.
This was just one of the cases. Now today all users on the Brazilian game servers (600,000 players) have had half of their points in-game removed. For example, some users that had 300,000 now have only 150,000 points.
These points are achieved through battles that are fought for several days and were removed without warning and for no apparent reason.
It is my personal opinion that the administration is manipulating this game as they see fit with little respect for their users. The Forge of Empires forums are packed with tons of complaints and the developers have solved nothing. I decided to make this complaint through portals like this one, in order to see if the developers would respond and do something.
This situation is not just happening to me. Anyone can search and see that Forge of Empires users all over the world are going through the same situation.
Thank you and thank you for this space.
By rickbritto
About MemberZone: Do you have something you want to say here in our MemberZone? is all about the Community, our members and readers opinion is very important to us and they have a lot to say, that's why we have a section on MMOBomb called MemberZone. That's the place to broadcast your voice. Send us your bomb here or contact us via email. Let your voice be heard!
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MemberZone is a forum where our readers can submit articles talking about thier opinions on the latest news in multiplayer gaming. The opinions of the author do not necessarily represent the opinions of or its staff.
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Simultaneously, a guild event makes it easier to find friends to share adventures.

Yes, there's some cash shop offerings, too.

Titan Forge discusses the upcoming update in the latest Titan Talk.

It's kind of a delay if you look at previous years, but we didn't technically have a release date yet anyway.
Marlena also hates me, because I defeat her BF on Jaims in GvG, consistently, and used my advert as the excuse to ban me. No warning, nothing.
See the full evidence on how Marlena "moderates" on behalf of her inept friends, to help them win: <a href="" rel="nofollow">Arno Banned by Marlenal</a>
You never had to pay to get a GB (Great Building). You need 9 Blueprints to be able to build a Great Building and there are several ways to get the neccessary BPs (blueprints)without diamonds: i.e. with a certain chance you can win a BP solving certain stations in the Guild Expedition, helping other players by just clicking the 'Help' button. A surefire way to get the BPs is spending FPs (Forge Points) into an other player's GB, for which you get back some FPs back plus medals and some BPs of the GB you spent your FPs for, if you happen to be in the top five list of the donors for a level. It is possible to buy a BP with diamonds, but with a little patience this is absolutely not neccessary. So this complaint is plain wrong.
In the four years that I have been playing FoE, there have been some justified complaints in the forum, i.e. about the sound bug in the Guild Expedition that took Inno quite some time to fix or tasks like 'conquer a sector' in events, that forced players to either abandon the event or enter the next age. Sometime Inno took care of the issues, sometimes they didn't or it took them a long time. In the end it's up to them because it's their product and you never can satisfy everybody.
I don't know what's the situation on the Brazilian servers, but on the German forum servers, which is where I am on the forum, I have never heard of user posts beeing deleted or even user accounts beeing shut down because of complaints -- and I've read lots of complaints and some pretty harsh criticism about FoE in the FoE forum. As long as you don't start calling other players or the mods names or start beeing abrasive in another way you are free to express your opinion about the game.
There has been a cut down in players rank points and as well as a cut down of the strength of some boni of GBs (the ones that increase yout fighting power if I remember correctly), but in all cases the game designers explained why the corrction in form of a cut down was neccessary.
Before blaming Inno for a certain decision one should keep in mind that the game is developed while users are playing it and you can't anticipate and take into account everything that might arise from a design -- even not as a game designer :) There are beta servers at which users can register to test features before they are released into the game. But that doesn't give anybody the chance to tell for sure how a new feature will turn out in the long run.
For those that think they have to blow cash on diamonds to get along with the game: I spent some moderate amounts of cash the first year only to find out that one can do pretty well in FoE without the diamonds for cash. You occasionally get diamonds from wishing wells as well as in the Guild Expedition once in a while. Which is enough diamonds if you don't have to have every fancy event building -- the space in your city is limited anyway. If you have to have every fancy building, have to complete every event -- well, then maybe you will have to blow some money on diamonds now and then. But this is the design of the game and you can't blame Inno for trying to make money with the game.
I don't think Inno makes tons of money with FoE. I suspect their cash cow is Grepolis (another game from Inno). In Grepolis, your cities can be razed to the ground by enemy players in a matter of hours and you can get kicked out of a world only to start over from zero. This is where I've seen players blowing insane amounts of cash on the diamond equivalent, 'gold', and I quickly left that game. But Grepo is another story ...
And no matter how much information we supply about the bugs and issues ( some of us has spent a great deal of time collating this) they ignore us. In fact on the US server if you dare raise a post about it they slam it shut instantly, talk about suppression.
Back in the day it was skilled vs less-skilled, now it's player vs less rich? What, you think you can beat the game or the wallet warriors without paying...think again YOU CAN'T! NOT REALLY...And it's not like I'm having problem paying them, I'm not a free rider, but when you need like 600 euros a year just so to stay afloat it's just a rip-off in my book.
I know is hard to rally players towards such cause but the fact remains...f2p games suck big time. Lets ALL go back to the monthly fee, at least that was honest gameplay/skill-wise.
My advice to any newer players considering playing any Inno games... DON'T DO IT !!!
They do not and will not care about you .. your family and friends do.. spend the time with them instead. Learn from others mistakes, and DO NOT waste a single penny in this game.
no way, no honey or money to this game. i need to now think should i maybe end my game and find another better moderated/administrated game.
I placed it twice over an evening and got banned for 3 days and i appealed and the corrupt moderator twomsuk who if you google the name is her business name lol, just saying. She told me It was classed as graffitti?? WTF I thought and had to accept it and I had 3 or 4 over 3 years like this and getting worse as time went on.
I reluctantly went back after the ban because the money and time I have spent on the game but knowing in the back of my mind its a big corrupt fix and you cannot beat players known as mods with god powers. The most corrupt moderators I have found was Lady Marlena who did not like me as a player and when I found out she became a moderator she quickly got me permanently banned for asking to have the 3 day ban I got lifted or I would report it with names on all forums i can find and she said it was a threat to life but it wasnt me who put twomsuk game id, business and ebay ids are never good to mic especially as a moderator lol, I said I would highlight the names of the moderators including their real life names which I didnt but to report how corrupt they are and that was the end of that and to be honest its the best thing thats happened.
Corrupt Mods in east nagach in my opinion are Lady Marlena, twomsuk, Princess Xyster, Zarok Dai, Richard Stephenson, strangely enough when they are no longer mods they tend to join Juggernaut like Jadealana another ex mod and Lady Marlena's first guild before she left to start her own Dragons Fire and then left that to do her dirty work that she couldnt do as a player. All of them are disgusting cheats, you cannot beat god powers save your money for a game that is worth your hard earned cash. Total waste of Time and money.
Forge of Empires is a fix and totally laggy, the god powers they have can get your screen to blink and flash, allowing their select guilds to achieve more in GVG, they can cause you excessive lag to aid who they support in the game, they dont moderate chat for swearing or foul language they watch to ensure their friends are succeeding and catered to in everyway possible. No point reading the rules because they make them up as they go along lol, Absolute joke of a game and the company who made it, wouldnt touch anything that they make ever again!! 3 years of my life wasted, back to programming again in my spare time instead of that place thank god..........
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I do accept as true with all of the ideas you've presented on your post.
They're really convincing and will certainly work.
Still, the posts are very quick for newbies. Could you please prolong
them a bit from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.
More info coming soon.
You have a complaint about the play of FoE game? Or EVONY? Stop playing...
These are MASSIVE games, played by hundreds of thousands of people. Even if 1% of the players send an email complaint, you think they will read 10,000 emails ? NOT! Just stop playing and get outside... meet a girl, get your sexy groove on with her.... these games are great for passing the time, but dont forget live LIFE.
Most of all...NEVER, EVER give them any money. They don't care about you, they only hope you will buy diamonds. And they will dangle that carrot in front of you then deliver the stick. No carrot for you.
Don't trust Innogames, don't belive Innogames, and most of all don't play any Inno games, free or otherwise. In the end you will simply face frustration from Innogames when they do whatever they want, even if if makes the game worse. Unfortunately I witnessed this numerous times and finally said enough is enough.
INNOgames is a bad company and should never be trusted.
They say it is free, but will plunder your supplies until you purchase the great buildings. Then they change the rules as they go along, just to sucker you in to buying shit from them.
DO NO PLAY THIS GAME WITH THESE A-HOLES. All they want is your money! Then they will dump you.
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They added a guild vs guild part some months ago, even when their own beta testers begged them not to. What they released was a badly thought off early beta version. Full of loopholes that 1 percent of the players have fun with and 99 percent hates. No wonder so many high ranked players have left. When a game developer begins to ignore their own beta testers, you just know its going to be bad. They could have introduced some simple rules to balance, but have just ignore all problems for months and only worked on the age.
They claim the game is no longer a beta, but trust me it realy is.
I wrote to support because I noticed a Watchtower was missing and suddenly I was in a neighborhood with 8/10 top players. I was told there was nothing they could do because it was the server and the watchtower was gone over a week. So I told them to stick the watchtower up their A**. I got a PERMANENT BAN. a little drastic since it was not within the game. I had a right to be upset over being screwed. Maybe I did use another word for donkey. Permanent Ban? Been over a week with DarkArtist69 telling me that they have to know that I wont do that again and that my actions were wrong. My actions were not wrong, I have a right to be upset. They can ban me if thy want, but permanently? I said that I would not contact support for any reason therefore removing the possibility of this happening again. DarkArtist69 continually keeps telling me not to bring up the facts in the appeal, yet he is the one that reiterates the original issues.
DarkArtist69 is very shallow and when I tried to talk to the managers of the company, they insisted on referring my case over to, low and behold, the one and only power mad punk that is the whole reason for an ongoing ignorant vendetta, DarkArtist69 himself.
There are better games and better companies for games like this. this while game is evolving and there are so many changes. Those who pay win. Period This company doesnt care about their customers. They will let someone argue with a player to impose their point of view. Unless you use the specific words they want, you are screwed. I have a year and a half in this. That is to be cast away by a moron with supreme power and a vendetta? Over one word in support after being blown off ?
If your going to say something explain why. Otherwise it is just the ranting of players who cheated and got caught. or Broke the rules and got banned and are trying to lash out back.
Don’t play the game.
Just my thoughts
Read the original thread.
>>2.) Why the _ _ _ _ are you people even bothered to spend REAL MONEY on a GAME, dont you have anything better to spend it on ?
That's why there is freewill - you know the choice between doing something and not, oh and caps just makes you look foolish, are you insuating that people can't read?
>>3.) Stop with the moaning if somebody attacks you and especially if the plunder you … its not a WAR GAME for no reason … you people should honestly go back to farmville ( btw there is farmville 2 out now ) xD
People have the right to complain about any product or service they are dis-satisfied with, simple. What your suggesting is everyone should stay quite and keep their opinions to themselves? If that's the case why didn't you?
>>5.) Lastly but not least dont you people have anything better to do like work and being a bit more social with people in the REAL WORLD not on a game ??? ( I think i need to read that one carefully as it includes me ) xD xD xD
How on earth can you make a comment like that?! Of course people have real lives, jobs, families etc... what difference does that make what-so-ever? If someone wishes to express their opinion about something be it right or wrong they have the freewill to do so. Who exactly are you to tell others that they cannot?
>> p.s. Dont report me for censoring a swear I may have intended to use
A full response without a swear word censored or otherwise, maybe you could learn a little from that!! - now unless you really have something constructive to say, just don't say anything at all! It really is not that hard.
2.) Why the _ _ _ _ are you people even bothered to spend REAL MONEY on a GAME, dont you have anything better to spend it on ?
3.) Stop with the moaning if somebody attacks you and especially if the plunder you ... its not a WAR GAME for no reason ... you people should honestly go back to farmville ( btw there is farmville 2 out now ) xD
4.) Just because you dont like something doing make it other peoples problems ... just get over it !
5.) Lastly but not least dont you people have anything better to do like work and being a bit more social with people in the REAL WORLD not on a game ??? ( I think i need to read that one carefully as it includes me ) xD xD xD
p.s. Dont report me for censoring a swear I may have intended to use
p.p.s. You arent going to achieve anything in life if you do
p.p.p.s. I didnt use those star thingys for my intended swear word so that doesnt count xD
p.p.p.p.p.s. Ive got no more p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s's xD
p.p.p.p.p.p.s. That was last p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. btw
p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s. I dont blame you for reporting me for any p.p.p.p.p.p.p.p.s's
Please feel free to leave any comments behind xD
You do not have to spend a single penny on forge of empires if you do not wish to do so and the comment that spending money is encouraged is a daft thing to say too because all of these types of games encourage you to spend money. If there were not people spending money on games like this then games like this would cease to exist.
Moderating is not an easy job to have. Many people will criticise and I have seen comments like. I am so effing peed off because some bleep bleep plundered me.. I mean, for goodness sake... Of course comments like that will be removed along with others that are not helpful, constructive, informative or of any use to anyone. It is possible to voice an opinion without getting nasty and I have personally had nothing but good encounters with moderators on forge of empires, but then I don't swear, I stick to things the rules have allowed me talk about and I don't try to make the game into something it is not.
I come to forge of empires to relax and I enjoy the game very much. I have spent money on the game, but I didn't feel I had to. I wanted to spruce up my city and fancied the look of some windmills. I have many friends who are not as they call us, "diamond players" and they have progressed very well and have more GBs than I do.
As for saying this or that is encouraged in terms of gameplay... do all games not have some kind of agenda? The motivating and polishing can be a pain, but it is also optional. You do not have to do well at the game to enjoy it.
For the most part, this game has enhanced my life along with many others who play alongside me.
And I'm sure it hasn't ruined your lives to the extent you imply. I'm guessing you are all in need of relaxation. ay I suggest you play an online game to relax? =D
You don't to spend a single penny, to get a Great Building.
So a player does NOT "need to spend diamonds that are bought with real money", at all.
then he adds oyeah your not suppose to discuss being banned thats another reason you got banned . i told him thats Bull****
Do you think i should of got banned for what i never typed you basiclly can get banned for using * stars in place of letters Bull**** could be Bullcrap you tell me ?
Do you think i should of got banned for what i never typed you basiclly can get banned for using * stars in place of letters Bull**** could be Bullcrap you tell me ?
As for the points loss they had it posted for several weeks on the forum that they were revising the points awarded for buildings to try to balance it out. The game is in beta and that means there will be changes made periodically.
As for forum posts removed, they remove them because they are not constructive criticizm. They are removed because they are not posted in the proper thread and/or they result to personal attacks. Hopping on a forum and saying "FOE can suck my ****" will almost certainly be removed. Is it your opionion? Yes. Is it constructive or informative in any way? No.
Ok I may reply to some. Not all online games are for everyone :) if you dont like a game then simply dont play it. Its great to see that some go out to complain about things and some of the complaints in the first post do seem to be valid points.
The problem with posting on other sites is there is no validity to who is who. If you are indeed some form of organization then you should have the cranial capacity to figure that out.
As for the staff and admins for players who complain about the staff actions themselves. Remember that any game site has supervisors. If anyone is treated poorly I encourage you to ask for their supervisor. If you dont like the response then ask for their supervisor. If the supervisors are bad and enough people go up the food chain then chances are someone will take notice.
As for talking about Blacksmith behind his back. Go talk to him in the forums for the site he or she works on. Instead of talking about lawsuits like your a 16 year old that found out what EAW stands for and are trying to flex your brain. If you had any intelligence then you would realize that you cannot charge a worker of an organization only the organization itself. Then its up to the organization on how they want to deal with the individual.
As for most of you that seem to have had a bad experience, I hope you find a game you enjoy.
As i am sure you are aware, 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit'. Im not even going to attempt to drop myself to your unintellectual level. It is quite clear to myself, the members of Forge of Empires and anybody else who has had the opportunity of recieving your abusive manner or simply by reading these public posts, that your only focus is on yourself.
I do apologise that you are, as you so put it 'quivering in my boots' thats not our intentions of our company. We have publicly informed you of whats occuring and more over to the other members who 'were' looking to join Forge of Empires and for those that are already playing the game the current legal situation. It really is that simple.
Maybe instead of being sarcastic, unprofessional, rude & quite simply unintelligent with your replies, maybe you should actually address the 'members' that have posted in this blog and address them directly. All you have managed to do is make yourself look very silly and a little withdrawn possibly.
So, in summary, there is no need for you to further reply to anything I have to say. The information I have provided is factual and the updates to come will be factual, they are also in line with ICO guidelines and I would concentrate your replies to the members that you supposedly support.
I do hope we havent caused you any distress, and if we have, well, its down to your actions and nothing more. So at least do the right thing and address your members in the correct manner and with a little less sarcasm.
Your actions on Forge Of Empires have finally caught up with you! I would not concern yourself so much with InnoGames themselves (thats for their legal department and board to deal with) but your should be looking a little closer at your own position. Like i mentioned in my previous post, once our evidence is collated in it's entirety a Civil Hearing will be made against you.
With respect to the European Laws that you seem to think you are immune to, when they knock on your door I think you will quickly find out that your not. An EAW is not issued by a public company, but of course judging by your comment you have neither researched it or felt the need to. The CPS will issue the European Arrest Warrant against you. I will of course point them to your comments.
Feel free to be anywhere you like blacksmith, im not sure you understand the gravity of an EAW but either way i think you may want to look into the treaty legislation between countries and the EU Laws you feel that you do not have obide by.
Either way, we have our case for you, so feel free to sit back and relax. Remember legal consulation is free when remanded.
Oh and on a final note, just for your little quotation " I look forward to meeting you", it wont be me you are going to meet. I really do think you need to get your facts in order before publicly posting a post which contains no relevance to the one previous and has clearly demonstrated to the community your attitude towards your clients. For that, I thank you.
I don't know what you guys have experienced, but I would reccomend you to give it another shot. I find the forum staff and community managers to be very nice, respectful and helpful.
Our legal team have found 3 Major elements within the European Law that InnoGames have broken and will be subject to criminal charges. This needs to be confirmed by our own Barristers (who are working on this), but in a nutshell InnoGames operations on certain things will have to give everyone their money back.
Our team is preparing the documentation for a Civil Hearing and as for the criminal laws that have been broken will be passed to Scotland Yard along with all the evidence.
This is not something that has been sat in silence!!.
I can also give a BIG mention to 'blacksmith' one of the co-community managers and often Chat Administrators, that you are being handled separately and our investigation has concluded that you will also be held 'personally' (outside of InnoGames) for Civil Damages and if you don't know already, you have also broken 4 legislation's within the European Law which will be passed onto Scotland Yard when we expect a EAW (European Arrest Warrant) to be issued for you.
InnoGames should have thought very carefully about how they have treated their players, their Global Operations and now what could be very well be their colapse. Its a shame that it has come to all of this, but unlike most people they don't have the backing of a multi-million pound legal company to take on InnoGames where as we do. We will ensure that justice prevails.
As I see, they also have an abusive contract in which they deny all user rights, which are guaranteed by laws in most countries. Which means that they can be sued fore abusive contract.
But you don't need to spend money , a complaint to consumer protection is free, and ussually can be done by email
I am also one of the people that is a little hurt by the game, i have been playing the game for only a week and had problems and reported the problems only to find out the next day that i had been banned for 24hrs!!! That was for reporting the problems i were having trying to play there beta shite version of a game..... Also i have learnt just by reading on this page the no of others that have been ripped off or banned for just playing the game or having issues is ridiculous and a joke!!! Innogames are in it for one thing like most others fast ££££! they dont care and have the powers to piss you off even more. The best thing to do is leave and find something else like settlers or something that actually works. Its easy for someone to say or even type " our members and readers opinion is very important to us and they have a lot to say" it dont mean shit they should just have we dont care just play the game and pay us and we will rip you off as a thankyou gesture.
Forge of Empires has recently been nominated by a big fat f*** bunch of idiots for the German Browser Game Award, if they win they will get around 50.000 €.
Yeehaw, just widen the Cash-Shop, piss of the playerbase and finally getting awarded for that ...
try to stop playing this game lol...
once it become biased constantly gold demanded game....u will see how the developers desperately need money which it is a stage when the whole game servers will be closed after they hav no gold earned....
similarly to 'Stronghold Kingdom'....
why bother struck into a game, while there are many games born at the same time !!
And yet the most hear admnistrador forum PT and BR write it on the strikes and withdrawals of large players.
An unfortunate word.
because of complaints from players, they do not allow any member covers what is right, banning several players from the forum and the game also.
Topic in brazilian forum
I have a friend who has invested more than about $ 500 in the game
and was complaining on forums and in game support, he was banned permanently from the game.
'll sitar some that went with inha person in the game.
1st DIAMONDS are such, that is entregui a company to manage the sale.
are full of twisted if you buy via payment slip pray a lot to receive, or do as I did, I complained to a central international and received after almost 30 days.
the company is globalcollet.
2nd moderators are mechanically partial to everything that happens in the game.
with answers marked and when questioned the post is closed.
3 to inno games ñ had infirm consideration the time spent at the computer and getting points battling the points rangins our placement in the game.
and comes with an update that only benefited those who buy diamonds, you guys have to build GEs after very lucky, because only in a GE (estatau zeus) Chegui I have over 20 plants repeated.
what they are doing is an insult to our intelligence and our defy the hours, days, weeks, months and years of dedication to a game.
we take a personal offers.
irei sitar algumas que se passaram com inha pessoa no jogo.
1º os tais DIAMANTES, que é entregui a uma empresa para administrar a venda.
são cheios de enroladas se vc comprar via boleto de pagamento reze muito pra receber, ou faça como eu fiz, reclamei a uma central internacional e recebi depois de quase 30 dias.
a empresa é a globalcollet.
2º os moderadores são mecanicamente parcial a tudo que se passa no jogo.
com respostas marcadas e quando questionamos o post é fechado.
3º a inno games ñ teve nehuma consideração ao tempo que passamos em frente ao computador batalhando e conseguindo pontos a pontos a nossa colocação no rangins do jogo.
e vem com uma atualização que só beneficiou a quem compra diamantes, os GEs vcs tem que contruir depois de muita sorte, pois só em um GE ( estatau de zeus ) eu chegui a ter mais de 20 planta repetida.
isso que eles estão fazendo é uma ofensa a nossa inteligencia e um afronto a nossas horas,dias,semanas,meses e anos de dedicação a um game.
vamos pessoal tomar uma providencia.
That's just how I feel though.
I would like to continue(and this might sound harsh)by saying ot quit the game
I personally as a guy who never even knew this game existed or played it ever would like to say there is asolutely no reason to support a game like this if its company have been stealing/banning people and not giving a sigle reason as to why doin so for 1 year
I cant think of a legit reason as to stay in a game where devs or the company behind this game simply putted "Doesnt care" whatsoever
Someone also said leaving this game makes u a coward.That may or may not be true.I do not believe ur a coward when u leave a game when u get half of what u promised and u get "blocked" from expressing your opinions/doubts to the company itself.As for Name Required i got nothing to say to you since you've already got the point for the answers you got from your comment.If you cant tell the difference between a complain from a "member" of the game and from a "staff member" of the game then well thats too bad.
And i would like to finish(and i maybe going way too far)by sayin that from the comments i've read so far(all 44 of them)i really hope this game closes not the company cause no matter what happens i dont like people losing their jobs personally but i just hope this game closes and people get their money back(which i highly doubt)
Good luck to all players who play this game i hope u save this game eventually
Mais uma coisa a maioria dos jogadores ja terminaram todas as missões e nada de atualização de missões e novas eras muitos gastaram dinheiro real e agora o jogo parou e não tem mais o que fazer no jogo a não ser ver seus pontos e dinheiro serem roubados.
A lot of game devs/pubs tend to want to sweep their dirty laundry under the rug, but this is almost as bad as the whole WarZ Scamtacular a little while back(Yes, I went there, sue me). Honestly with the whole being in beta for over a year and screwing with people's accounts like they have it seems like the whole thing is just one big scam and the company at fault should be ashamed and flogged for their audacity.
I've been hearing similar reports from friends who play, but whenever I looked there would be nothing on the main forums. Good on MMOBomb's MemberZone for allowing this user to speak their mind freely. And to the anon user who suggested that this site would be liable for slander due to said opinion, go pick up a law book sometime and actually read before you decided to spew your personal and possible professional agenda on an open site.
Tribal wars é um grande exemplo pois muitos jogadores ja foram prejudicados mesmo comprando pontos premiuns e a maioria se desanimou e pararam de JOGAR :(
and he comments on this theft in points.
Link Video:
Adjustments happen and I love people thinking the game forums are a right when they are a privilege.
all players of the game were affected by these stories that rickbrito is speaking.
are 10 million users around the world, taking their points halved.
the company's developer of the game ,does not care about its users
and this is very serious, considering that Forge Of Empires won several recent awards,how best mmo.
And if InnoGames they sue who defames the game, will have to process all the users, because the complaint in communities within the game is widespread.
And want to leave the game is cowardice
is what Menbro top1 do brasil has said above just figured i would toss that at you
In several forum users say they have made posts with criticism and complaints and say they have been deleted by the moderates!
Support has no answers useful and often stupid.
Do not know how I played it for so long and how have others who still play.
E querer abandonar o jogo é covardia.
I started to hate all FTP system, sorry MMBOMB i quit...
I feel very sorry for the ppl that invested much time in this game and helped to get ride of bugs etc. Thats a shame.
But game is also still in Beta? Who would spend real money on a game in Beta Status? Many games wipe everything bevor they go full launch...
Everything that this guy posted about is true. The one thing that he fails to mention, however, is that this game is still in Beta and has been for almost a solid year. Yes, the developers are charging real life money for things in a perpetual beta test. That should be the biggest red flag of all: a beta stage game with a real life money cash shop.I doubt that this game will make it out of beta, but, that doesn't really matter.. as the developers are already profiting from their game as it is.