How to Survive the MOBA Community (MemberZone)
Many people find the MOBA genre unappealing simply because they cannot deal with the community at large. The fact is no matter where you are on the internet you will meet people who wan't to mess with you and people who are genuinely nice to you, it is a game of numbers, eventually you will find someone you get along with and someone you want to strangle to death on a rainy night.
Your own team putting you down?:
Now you will find that the enemy teams insults never really suck to hear as much as your OWN team insulting you, I think this is the real reason people won't play. There is always bound to be trash-talk on games but it is much worse when the people you are working with towards a common-goal put you down. The truth is that a KDR doesn't win you the game, taking down those turrets and killing the enemies main structure wins you the game. It is okay to tower dive as long as you get the tower, but if you know your going to die then don't go in for that kill. Your team needs to push the enemy, if the the enemy is all top lane then you get that middle tower! If there is an opening then go for it, your team can't really say anything about it if you win the game.
I know that people will sacrifice themselves to get a kill but there are a lot of factors going on here. First of all, do you have a kill streak? If so you keep your ass back from that tower unless your pushing the thing, never chase when you have that 1000g bonus hanging over your head, stick with your team and help with bonuses. The amount of gold you got for that dive-kill does not cover what you just gave them. If 3 of your guys are dead and still have around 20 seconds to get back in then DEFEND, don't go all Rambo on the enemy and get killed.
Community, again:
Now back on the subject of the community, I would say that the LoL (League of Legends) community is a bit more respectful than the HoN (Heroes of Newerth) community. HoN actually is a slightly more competitive game and is bound to have more trolls hangin' around. If your winning then just ignore it, also never reply while in lane, you will probably just get killed while typing.
Team composition:
A lot of the new player who join up with the MOBA crowd have little knowledge that the champions on your team can actually affect the outcome of the game, you need a tank, you need some crowd control, and you need the guy who can quickly dish out damage and remove the high risk targets from the enemy team quickly and effectively. I have been getting a lot of games lately where they will see me pick Veigar and they all go AP for some ridiculous unknown reason, we just get pounded by the enemy team's melee champions because they grabbed some MR (Magic resist)
It is kind of the point of the game, if your team cannot figure out how to work together then it is pretty much over for you. You need to call MIA's early lane game so that your buddies don't get ganked by that sneaky ass Evelynn. Whenever I get into a solo game I always try to spark a conversation during the initial minute and a half of the game so that people will get into the habit of communicating with you.
The MOBA genre can be really rewarding to the people who can take the grit of the community, and if you know how to play you should win more often then not. The ones who insult others usually don't know what the whole concept of the game really is: Pushing, teamwork, and winning.
by Zenrix
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MemberZone is a forum where our readers can submit articles talking about thier opinions on the latest news in multiplayer gaming. The opinions of the author do not necessarily represent the opinions of or its staff.
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Dota 2 and LoL are the best.
Bloodline Champions-last time I played it, it was buggy.
Dota and HoN-meh, don't like the shop system.
Battle of the Immortals-id say it's decent enough, but almost as bad as HoN.
Loco- REALLY fun, played it ages ago but should be better now, all of the alaplaya games are good.
That's that... if you know any other MOBA games i missed you can tell me and i'll problably try them out.
You should have added that only ad carries may push and leave the team handle themselves.
Anyway, my fav is the part where u play this dude, he totally rapes and he tries to insult u, prehaphs rightfully so. This is awesome when u play him next game and he has nothing on u, cause u actually woke up... And they blame it in their team-mates? Very interesting...
Don't be mad at these delusional people. They obviously don't get to win very often and thus they try to rub it in every time they do. Let them :P I KNOW I KNOW. if u are like me it just pisses u off to no end that they think they are good, even tho they aren't. Just let them. I find that letting delusional people be delusional helps me enjoy the game that much more.
one more thing, if ur team-mate sucks, DON"T RUB IT IN. does it make u feel better? negative comments don't help u. in fact i report everyone who makes negative comments toward their own team for assisting an enemy team or negative attitude, because that's exactly what they do. If you team-mate makes a good play, let them know they did good. if they make a bad play, ether SHUT UP if u have nothing good to say, or give them a suggestions (preferably not in the "i know it all and u suck" matter.) or if they did bad, tell them how to do better and suggest what u could of done better in the situation... maybe that's true that they did bad, but it doesn't mean u need to make it even worth
NOW. people that do bad and get a suggestion. STFU and think about it. if u disagree.... DISCUSS IT LATER!!! not during that game. again, it doesn't help anyone... or if u agree say thanks.... hate people whos pride is hurt when other people give them a suggestion. means ur pride is so weak it's that easy to hurt ;)
most of u delusional bastards reading this prolly think "screw this i am too good for good attitude" well while me and my good attitude will go win games case my team wants to play WITH me, u can go well... lose or something... or do whatever ;)
This site needs more competent authors. And It only talks about LoL, while there are other Dota-style games out there, like HoN/Dota/Dota2...
I've wanted to like LoL for the longest time, yet I've fallen asleep TWICE, and just in those intro matches they give you. Tried HoN, and felt my eyeballs falling off.
To each their own, I just don't get what's "fun" about these games. So if you do, then I salute you.
It's the worst community I have ever seen!