A Wide Arc: Perfect World's Plan For Warframe And F2P Gaming
Like it or not, Perfect World Entertainment is looking to carve out a major chunk of the free-to-play marketplace.
Last week's news regarding PWE's intended purchase of Warframe developer Digital Extremes raised quite a few eyebrows, but it may just be the first of a number of high-impact moves being planned by the Chinese company.
As I noted in an interview with PWE back in December, a press release “announced the creation of a 'console division targeting current and next-gen consoles,' with both 'prior and upcoming' titles ripe for adaptation.” At the end of the interview, General Manager of Publishing Andrew Brown told me that there would be an “official announcement about particular projects” in January or February.
We're obviously well past that Jan/Feb window, but it's not hard to imagine that talks to acquire Digital Extremes – whose game is very popular on PlayStation 4 as well as PC – were already occurring late last year and, as things of this magnitude tend to go, dragged on for some time before an official announcement was made.
So maybe you're not a fan of Perfect World's games or policies. Maybe you don't play Warframe or at least think you can dodge another game or two that they might get their hands on. Turns out, it might not be that easy.
A few weeks ago, Perfect World made known their intention to use their Arc distribution platform to draw players not only to its games but to multiple third-party free-to-play titles. According to Senior Product Manager Mark Hill in an interview with Gamasutra:
“Once Neverwinter players start looking for something new, we need to push them into something even newer. Even if a game has been out for a while, like Path of Exile, it’s still something we want on Arc.
“A lot of these guys are just developers. They don’t have all these marketing tools, they may not want to build their own billing platform, so we’re like...we’ve already built all that, let’s open it up to them and we can expose their games to the specific players they’re looking to find.”
He also goes on to quote some very specific numbers regarding the lack of cross-over for players of one PWE game versus another and how that's received a huge boost – from 2% to 25-30% – after the implementation of Arc. In theory, putting games on Arc and having access to them tied to one account should increase all games' player bases across the board.
Maybe that will be the benefit of Warframe, or any other games, coming under the Perfect World banner. Maybe getting the game on Arc will be good for the game, increasing its exposure and potential player base. Sure, it's on Steam now, but so are a few thousand other games. At least on Arc, it would be more likely to get noticed. Admittedly, far more people use Steam than use Arc, but better the big fish in a small pond, right?
Unless, of course, Perfect World winds up being the “Steam of F2P games,” which sounds somewhat attractive but may be less so once hundreds of low-quality games clog up the system and make it hard to find anything (except PWE's native titles, of course). As one of the early innovators in F2P gaming in the West, Perfect World probably senses the opportunity to create a platform that caters exclusively to free-to-play gaming and could probably attract plenty of gamers with a simple catchphrase like “Free-to-Play Starts Here.”
What do you think of PWE's push to acquire more F2P games, either directly, like Warframe, or through Arc? Would you be interested in an Arc-like platform that catered exclusively to F2P games?
About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Warframe has consistently been in the ~20 top played games on Steam for a long while... I think it's been noticed
1. Bump price points making the cash shop more costly, particularly for account upgrades such as "inventory" slots.
2. Remove Formas from all loot tables and set as cash shop exclusive.
3. Solar Rails would be a prime target for p2w features that basically result in the alliance with the biggest wallet is the one that controls them all.
4. Over Powered Weapons, almost certainly weapons. Additionally the armor cosmetic items might not be cosmetic for long...
5. Charge a premium for what Warframe players currently consider basic aspects of the game such as creating clans, increasing clan size limitations...
Now for those who say that P2W is only for PvP, remember that for PvE players the "winning" comes in the form of basically having the game on easy mode vs being given next to nothing for a disproportionate amount of effort.. If 2 people are doing the same activity, one reaps massive rewards with minimal effort and the other is getting almost nothing in exchange for requiring significantly more more time, effort and skill to just barely get by... somebody is definitely "winning".
Board member A: "Hey guys, we are having a bit of a problem with customers labelling our games as pay 2 win. All experts are saying that this will have an impact on our projects futures. How shall we tackle this problem."
Board member B: "How about not making pay 2 win games?"
Board member A: "Hey buddy, f*@! you. Our games aren't good enough to make a profit unless we sell victory."
Board member C: "How about buying every single F2P game on the market that doesn't survive by selling pay 2 win items, then proceeding to put those games on Arc and totally revamp their cash shops to sell the most pay 2 win crap that you can imagine?"
Board member A: "Now we're talking. Let's buy some console games too."
Board member D: "I don't even know what you guys are talking about. All I do is slaughter chickens all day."
Definitely. I would love to see something like that. Preferably something other then ARC, but a ARC-like platform for F2P would be cool.
What do you think of PWE’s push to acquire more F2P games, either directly, like Warframe, or through Arc?
Through Arc without interfering to much with the devs would be ok.. i think.
But like the rest i do not like PWE purchasing games. DE did such a great job with this game. I am afraid PWE is gonna ruin it. I probably have somewhere between 200 and 300 hours in this game and even though i do not play a lot, Warframe has always been a game i enjoyed. If they are gonna ruin it i will hate them.
No joke!! i will be the guy posting hate comments at anything even remotely connected to PWE.
Hope PWE dont F.... up
Before to talk bad about someone get some information.(i mean about warframe)
This is OFFENSIVE on sooo many levels ...
1. "Just developers" Oh really? As in "just" meaning "can't do anything else"?
Can an ad executive write a fable, then paint it, convert it to dynamic rendering with real-world physics, compose the accompanying music, perform the voice acting and then finally direct all this into an enjoyably workable experience?
It would be challenging at the least and certainly not just "just" ...
2. "We built all that" Oh really? As in meaning "we are superior because we distribute"?
Has hubris of international corporate society risen to the level that advertisement supercedes the significance and uniqueness of the product it's selling?
Marketing may drive financial engines but ART drives the human spirit ...
Shame on ANYONE who adheres to such a loathsome idea as Mr. Hill
I think any MMO dev with even half a brain between the team wont subject themselves to the cancer that is PWE. That's just an actual death wish. PWE will bleed an MMO dry and leave its corpse on display until it stops being entertained by the sight of it, and moves on to the next victims.