S4 league
S4 League is a great free MMO game that perfectly blends nonstop shooter action with inspired anime visuals. It’s a stylish third person shooter with a fantastic and colorful anime attitude that is both terrific to look at and play. The neo Tokyo anime style features great poses and elegance in actions such as running, jumping, shooting and even flying in the detailed and resourceful maps. Best of all, the graphics aren’t very hardware consuming, so most computers will be able to run this awesome shooter.
You’re free to customize your character with hundreds of pieces of equipment, weapons and clothing, showing your futuristic style in this virtual show game. Then it’s time to choose the game mode between Deathmatch, Touchdown or the Chaser. An additional arcade mode let’s you just walk and show your skills while you eliminate tons of enemies.
S4 League is an acclaimed game with a huge playerbase of every level for you to battle. Besides being a fast paced action shooter, it’s also extremely fun to play, featuring a ranking system that will put you to the test.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
And yes, there are pre-registration goodies to be had.
1 week agoA new website ushering in the return is already live.
1 month agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
XP / Vista / 7 / 8
Memory512 MB for XP or 1 GB for Vista / 7 / 8
Storage3 GB
Intel Celeron 1 GHz
GraphicsGeForce 4 MX series
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like S4 league

Stay away from game completely for your own safety. (Thank You)
+ different sets costume for male and female character
+ Many different pets in shop
+ Many different Weapon in shop
+ 6 game mode or more
- Hacker can ruin the game Completely (Hacker Paradise)
- Server issue
- Connection IP Blocked for certain country
- Bugs and exploit
- Heavy grind
- Negative Community Mostly
- Pay to look good
- Garapon gamble Problem for Player
- Poor Anit-cheat protection system
(System Requirement)
OS: XP, Vista, Windows 7, 8
Processor: Pentium 3 1.0 GHz
Memory Ram: 256MB
Hard Disk Space: 3 GB of free disk space
Video Card: Geforce 2 MZ 440 or equivalent
People complaining about hackers/laggers... first of all, these are VALID GRIPES. Hackers are bullshit and they WILL ruin your fun. If you say otherwise, well, nobody's impressed with you pretending to be pro, man.
Laggers, can go either way. Sometimes the lag helps them and makes them sort-of hackers. Sometimes the lag works against them and makes 'em sitting ducks. Either way, it's kinda sad.
I should also mention that KICKING NEVER WORKS. First of all, you have to pay 100 PEN to even attempt one. I know it's not expensive, but still. You have to PAY to KICK someone? That shouldn't cost ANYTHING. Kicking a dude out for being a douchebag should be free, like air and water!
But anyway, it doesn't even work half the time because kicking works on a voting system that NOBODY PAYS ATTENTION to, and on top of that you need a majority vote. S4 League considers a majority vote 8/10, not "just a little over half". So if there are 14 players in the room and only 10 or so agree, the kick may fail because not enough people agreed. So, there's how bullshit hackers are.
But, there's a very simple way to avoid all of these things that I'm kind of surprised nobody's bothered to bring up: PLAY WITH YOUR FRIENDS.
I have a bunch of friends and we play S4 all the time against each other in private rooms. No hackers bother us. No people jumping in with a crazy lag-buff. Just S4 the way the game was meant to be played. Nowadays the only thing we complain about is when a friend has to ditch out because dinnertime. Xp
I, myself and many others all know that the main prospect of this game depends on how skilled you are at the game, not how good your weapons are, sure, it may help you, but if you're more skilled than them, then you'll win. I know, some say, what if the really skilled players get the Cash Shop weapons? Well I say just get better than them then.
Okay to the "Hack Or Die", I admit, this game does have a terrible anti-hacking system. But, I've seen people beat hackers, I can even say from experience that I have. Hackers still have knock back and if you treat them like a Chaser, can be beaten. There are a couple ways, 1: Knock them off the map, 2: keep knocking them down and make them rage quit (I've seen it happen) 3: if they have only insta kill and not inf hp, just out skill them. 4: If you actually have a fair team on the other side, ask them to kick him AND ACTUALLY VOTE.
Oh, btw about the Chaser being beaten by Cash Items, you don't need a Cash item to beat a Chaser, I've beaten chasers alone just by knocking them down or dodging them continuously. xD
and not perma weapon??? s4 league its shit
1) Cash Shop or Die. (Seriously, even as chaser who has a somewhat GOD MODE you can die by cash shop players)
2) Hack or Die
3) Reroll another toon after you get kicked from the noob room.
I have been playing s4 league for quite a while now, I played on the close beta and 4 months after de open beta, I will be realistic I was a noob, I couldnt use the melee weapons right and i totally sucked.
After that i stopped playing till season lightning dark (something like that) again played for a couple months (still a noob) 1-2 months and stopped.......then my two bffs started playing and asked me too play again (they were quite good playing) i acepted under the condition that they would teach who to play better ^^ soo that day i downloaded the game.....the game was one the season iron eyes that season his known has the season with the most hackers WHY? because it was rare not to see one in game -.- it wasnt nice but i still played with my friends and they helped me a lot ^^ one of the bad things i had was that i hated the most classic weapons in S4, plasma sword and i used one of the called "noob weapons" twin blade soo i started learning who to play with plasma and bat and soo time passed i didnt play much soo i only had two accounts lvl 40+ xD I get bored really easy soo i tend to stop playing for a a couple days then go back to play the game like a crazy person ^^
Now im going to explain the game modes ^^
-DM-two teams killing each other to see who gets more kills, the time that get more kills wins
-TD-two teams one ball, its like soccer with the exception that if you get the ball it goes to your head and if you die any player can get it (same team or enemy) and that u shoot other people to defend you goal post ^^
-BR-all against all....hmmm...you kill everyone that you see xD
-Chaser-One player is chosen as a "reaper" and has to kill the other playes on the time limit, and the other players have to run (recomended) or try to kill the chaser(not recomended he has a lot hp) in the time limit, every round a new chaser is choosen (ramdom)
-Siege-there are 3 hmm "bases" that you have to conquist, if you conquist that base your team gets some points, the time that has the most points wins.....if the other time conquisted a base you can go there an reconquist ^^ you can see on youtube i think i didnt explain that well
Now you have diferent types of modes:
.practice-you practice agains robots that dont move but shoot against you
-arcade-recomended to do with other players, its basically a story that has many fases the last one is the boss ^^
-Cub defend-recomended to do with other players but can be done alone (Zeta did it) you basically defend a cub agains robots (they can move)
Now im going to talk about the item shop:
The weapond arent unlimitated they have a time limit example i buy a shotgun for 5 hours, after five yours PLAYING IN GAME the shotgun expires.....To get unlimited weapons and swords you need to use real money and buy capsules on those capsules you MAY get an unlimited weapon or pet.The same aplies to clothes.
BUT if you cant use real money then S4 gives you another posibilitis like:
-Ramdom shop-you can get weapons, swords or clothes/hair unlimited or limited of 1% till 9% atack/defense....4hp.....and 6sp
-Events-they may give you clothes or pets
-PEN capsules- you use pen (in game currency) to get capsules of certain weapons ^^
For me S4 League is a unique game that you dont find everyday (duelz is totally diferent -.-) its an enjoyable 3d shooter with an really unique style that i think you should give it a try ^^
About the hacker problems right now its MUCH better than before but you can still find them on the early rooms (rookies). My opinian is that is an amazing game that people should try :)
Microvolts or S4league?
this game here its cashow
Another one word review by the internet--as if anyone else could do such fantastic work. :)
Although when it first started it was absolutely fun, I played over hundreds of hours.
And all the items were permanent.
Helas !
Hence the hatred I have for alaplay for ruining my very first loved game.
Okay, now that I'm done explaining that mode, let's move onto pretty much whatever else I can cover. We'll start with the actual pvping between players. I'm going to say this right now. People who pay get a big advantage and I mean BIG! Weapons can have +11% damage, plus x amount of hp, 3% movement speed bonus, and I think max SP bonuses as well. On top of that, you have your gear which gives bonuses in pretty much every stat,except speed, but I think that applies to pets (I'm not sure.). I've seen clothes that give 9% attack damage increase, so combine that with your weapon and that's 20% right there of bonus damage. Although, I think 9% is restricted to random shop (Fumbi Shop), and if that's the case, then the cap on the damage from FP (Force Packs) is 7%. Still, 18% bonus is a lot of damage. Just to deviate from the gear for a second, they devs say the game is about skill and I understand this, but how the hell can they expect skill to overcome a blast from guns that if they hit deal 18% more damage than the normal +1s!? Yes, you can dodge bullets, but there's only so much that you can do, especially vs weapons like HMGS (Heavy Machine Guns). They fire fast and hit hard, very bad combination. The only flaw is that 1 second charge before it fires, but that's not even enough time to recover after using a melee attack, which is about 2-3 seconds depending on the weapon and it only takes 1 critical hit and maybe 2 body shots and your dead from 100 health. That seems really unfair. There are even instances when, even if i'm wearing full defense set from fumbi with pen level stats of defense that I can still get hit by a random SMG bullet and take anywhere from 1-36 damage. Oh and by the way, I think this was some months ago, but they upped the power of all the weapons in the game, so that they deal more damage now, so it's easier to break destructible objects. Melee weapons, like CS, Plasma Sword, or Storm Bat (This weapon was pretty much a 1 hit K.O., before getting AP and FP versions) can 1 hit K.O. even without landing a critical hit. Anyways, aside from that it's pretty easy to earn pen to get gear and weapons, but yes the timer is on the clothes are complete BS. Why would you set the most expensive and if not, then second most expensive Pen items in the game for day timers? If you're not playing for like a week and your stuff only has a week left, then they're gone by the time you get back, while you're weapons will just sit there with a timer that goes for actually playing, which in my opinion is messed up. I'd much rather have the clothes and weapons have the same time for expiring, meaning if I play a match, then I want both of them to run down throughout the time I spent in the match. I think that would be much better than what they have now. I don't even purchase the Pen clothes, because of that. I go for Fumbi items that, by the way, have a chance to give you anywhere from 1 day-30 days- permanent items, but you don't get pick what you get and it only costs 1k pen per chance (Seems a lot better than paying 15k for a freaking 30 day shirt huh?).
Not that everything is bad, but Alaplaya does give out good events to earn AP and chances for free perma gear, but they do a lot of pvp events, which when ya think about it, people who spent money for AP and have perma sets have an advantage over you. I suppose the skill factor comes more into play here, yes, but are you really expecting to have an equal fight with an AP/FP user? Just saying. And from all of this that you may have guessed, the defense stats for FP gear are indeed high. I think last time my friend told that his FP defense was like 15% for pretty much every def stat across the board..... So even critical hits deal much less damage. Aside from this, at times it can be very easy to kill FP users. If they're unskilled, then they make for pretty easy targets and once you've become an intermediate players, in terms of skill of course, you should be able to be almost on par with some of the pros, even the ones that use FP.
Despite the fact that this review is kind of long, the game is really fun to play. You may get frustrated with the paying players, but remember this. They're the reason the game's still alive. If this discourages you from playing the game, then I am sorry. If this makes you wanna play more, then by all means play. However, if you're a rookie, I do recommend you steer clear of the Free channels, because that's where a lot of high level people go. I'd go with the beginner channels, because it's much easier to hone your skills there, before entering the harder games.
This is ThunderGrave! Signing off! *Bows*
I had once downloaded the game recently to play, but to my bad when I logged into the game and tried to get in with a character but it wouldn't let me in all I had to do is just create a character and just Boom with a waiting screen which used to pause.
I believe that they have IP bans on majority of the countries like Asian.... And I am from India...
Go into this game expecting to spend at minimum $100 on it
(anyone who likes or recommends this game HAS spent money on it, and don't believe them if they tell you otherwise.)
The graphics are nice, and the costumes allow you to customize your character to the max (although I'm really hoping that there will be more costumes and weapons). It's very easy to get the hang of, although it can be a bit frustrating at the beginning, just like any other game. There is only a short tutorial at the beginning, albeit with poor English, but it's understandable. Players are pretty friendly, and there is a large player base.
There are different game modes, such as Chaser (kinda like Juggernaut mode in CoD or whatever), Battle Royale (Free-for-all mode), Touchdown (ball game, like soccer), Deathmatch (Team vs Team), Arcade (Story Mode), and Siege (Capture the Flag). There are a limited number of maps, but alaplaya will probably add more.
However, there are disadvantages, such as the fact that you must constantly buy weapons and costumes. All items you buy (except for the Training Homing Rifle and Training Spy Dagger, which you can repair) have a time limit, so if you buy it for 5 hours, once the time runs out, the item will expire, which gets annoying for lazy people like me. In addition, there are sometimes glitches, and it has its fair share of hackers and laggers. Poor English isn't very helpful, such as when someone captures a base in Siege, the notification says "Capture Yinns [player's name] base, Way to go, 2 [base number]!" Quite annoying for grammar nazis (like me T_T). Also, when your ammo runs out, the only way to refill it is if you die and respawn. Hope they fix this stuff.
S4's still one of the best free shooters I have played, with its unique characters and the sci-fi theme. Really recommend this one :)
Don´t like don´t like don´t like " KABOOOOOOM" (all dead)
Attentively a bomb with no fuse
one ting that ruined S4 for me, are laggers. Everyone come to EU server even if they aren't from EU.