Naruto Online
Relive your favorite moments from Naruto in Naruto online, a free-to-play browser-based MMORPG officially licensed by Bandai and based on the storyline of the anime. Play as one of the anime's popular characters, such as Naruto Umuzaki or Sakura Haruno -- voiced by their anime actors -- to relive the anime or choose one of five characters representing the element of earth, water, fire, wind, or lightning and embark on your own adventures!
Naruto Online offers a combo fighting system that enhances your team's fighting abilities and enables fierce combos when you have compatible characters fighting together. Recruit your favorite ninjas and fight alongside them in single-player and multiplayer dungeons or take on epic world bosses.
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Minimum System Requirements
Naruto Online is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Naruto Online, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Naruto Online

At 3.0 there weren't many "whales" and even if they were around, theres was only 2-3 recharge event a month. However nowdays theres 4-5 a week. Not to mention multiple new additions to the game every week, that at first come only as real money rewards. The game itself isn't P2W, it needs patience and strategy, however people pay ridiculous amounts of money. The other day i logged in to a 1 week old server and saw someone who had characters worth over 4k $. (literally)
What ruined it however is they cather to old players now, opposed to the newbies as they used to. They used to wait 2 months to merge servers and then merged same week servers, now theres a big 'cluster' between like 300-400 servers where some is almost 2 years of gameplay apart from eachother. Not to mention their arena system changed to fully cross server between any servers.
Keep up with people who play over 500$ a week or who played months more than you.
One other example i have is one of the servers i recently tried out, the number 1 guy in ranking has 160.000 overall power with great characters, the number 2 in ranking has 95k power. And people below are struggling at 60-70k. 70k vs 160k Good Game.
Not worth it anymore, even though the game itself is wonderful.
You can play free at low level but as you level up you can't compete with the paying players. You have to take part in PvP modes that require you to win and you can't progress in the game unless you start throwing a lot of money in the game. The upgrading at higher levels 50-60+ is based on RNG system and you could burn 1000$ to power up you characters.
Even though the game itself is bugged and corrupted every 2 days (literally), there is no compensation.
The customersupport insults and threatens their players (if you are one of the chose ones that even get an answer).
I have been locked out of my account, harassed, had them steal money right out of my bank account and lost things that i paid for due to one of their bugs which i never got compensated for.
It wouldve been more worth to pour the money i spent on this game into the drain around the corner to get the IT guy some more red balloons.
I am usually not too hash with games even if theyre bad but this is not a game it is a ripoff of children who put their money into the game since it basically becomes uplayable without sinking 1000+$ in it the higher you get.
It might look pretty cool for naruto fans but it isn't worth playing into their scam.
-10000/5 if i could
Everything is directed at whales that spend over thousands of dollars / euros.
You can't even keep up if you get their " premium " subscription and spend around 30-50 dollars / euros per month.
gameplay is terribly boring because if you are like me among the top 3 power in PVP event: spacetime, no one can actually challenge you unless they spend as much as i did.
i've never felt so unappreciated in p2w games like i experienced in this game! worst p2w game due to terrible customer support and game design! im highest level VIP 8 and it means nothing, no VIP treatment experienced, no gifts, no messages from developer to show their appreciation for my loyalty.
all in all 0/10 score satisfaction. this game is crap.
A server's population will eventually be populated by a group of hardcore cash players, who constantly top the ranks in PvP and world boss/ instance events.
Once a few hardcore free players have sufficiently grinded their way to be half-competitive with the cashers, the player population in that server would have already dwindled as most would have quitted. New players register in the newer servers, and you can't just switch servers and bring over your progress.
The music and sound effects are well done but may be repetitive.
The plot instance is also poorly done. Some pivotal parts of the Naruto storyline are poorly done e.g. the death of a major character during the Konoha invasion. It does not follow the chronology of events and feels like the devs simply added it as an afterthought.
Final complaint: you can't skip the animation when Gaara and 3-star Sasuke launch their special attacks. This might change in a future patch, but it's annoying now.
Highly pay to win, especially if you're into PVP.
If you don't have a credit card and are ready to spend, I say don't bother. Everything from acquiring rare ninjas, to getting materials for upgrading your ninjas, to daily bonuses and perks, to exp progression, are only available by paying real money. There's no need to be dishonest and pretend it isn't so.
The game is also poorly localized, translation into English from Chinese language isn't great. This may improve with time, but I doubt it.
Pivotal plot moments from the Naruto storyline have also been poorly handled... seems rushed and contrived at times, squeezed into instances and cutscenes. Others are totally omitted despite being integral to the story line... so much for 'plot instance'.
The community isn't very good either. Team members don't usually talk during team events. And the world chat is often polluted with trolls who mock and insult 'noobs whom I've pwned in PVP'. Probably kids.
You can definitely sign up and play and experience it for yourself, and prove that I have told you the truth. Try playing for 3 to 5 days, no more than that.