League of Angels
League of Angels is a fantasy turn-based browser MMORPG that casts players into a turbulent world churning with the forces of evil, on a quest to save a hierarchy of beautiful angels.
This turn based MMO has players in search of gold and equipment in order to increase their hero and parties over-all strength, rallying power to use on their holy quest. Better equipment can be found through question and also special events. Players will
Both the Warrior and the Mage classes come as male or female, and play accordingly to classic tank/caster models. Battle is mostly orchestrated by hero and party positioning, making plan-of-attack the ultimate system for victory. Players can participate in daily cross-server battles which rewards players based on their Battle PvP and resources collected from points spread across the map.
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Minimum System Requirements
League of Angels is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play League of Angels, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like League of Angels

To be top 10 you have to pay 5k-10 k a month. This is beyond making money back for development, this is thievery. I once had to pay 100 dollars for a 2 Joker cards to get a summon.
Terrible game hidden behind gorgeous nude Angels/goddesses.
Bottom line, all I can say is that the game has been messed up by avarice(no wonder it's of the Seven Deadly Sins!) of some developers who barely care about anything else but their own selfish gains. I recommend to try it out and if you have enough time to spare actually play it and you might be able to scavenge something interesting out of this game that you might like, so it's best not rely on others opinions so sudden. Seeing is believing at times!
Stay away.
did I forget to mention seeds and bots?
event is filled with bot and seeds
Every time they update, they break something.
It's full of bugs and glitches.
The staff has no respect for their players.
It's free to join and that's it, the game is set up to force you to pay just to get ahead.
If you have thousands of dollars and lots of time to waste, this isn't even the game for you. Customer service? Terrible. The devs do not care about customers, just money. They nerf rewards for tasks constantly, after half a year of playing this game, I'm done, compared to when I started playing, this game is nothing like it was. You barely get rewards for anything.
The devs only fixes a bug when it works in the favour of the players, players have been complaining for months about diamonds (bought currency) disappearing and devs have done nothing about it. Their immediate staff doesn't even try to communicate with users, they just do what they want and lately, they're purposely destroying the game to force us to migrate to a new one the company launched.
Seriously, this game is nothing but a scam, run away while you can.
1. Extremely awful and almost non-existent customer service/support
2. Extremely annoying and plenty of bugs which cause a major issue due to the reason no.1
3. Extremely expensive and abusive for a P2W game ( it IS a P2W no doubt about that)
4. Old servers suffer constantly from extremely horrible merges which result in ultra mega problems for the players ( characters vanishing, resources vanishing, events vanishing etc.) and of course this is getting even worse due to reason no.1
5. Constant updates with new idiotic stuff which add to the pile of the neverending que of bugs.
Bottom line: If you wanna waste your money choose a game which at least will deliver what you pay cuz for sure LoA won't do that. If you wanna spend your free time choose a game which will actually give you some fun and not messing with your mood every minute and hour. GTArcade, the developer of this game, ended up being one of the most untrustworthy and incabable companies.
I think solitaire is a better game.
I really recommend you to hear my advice, support is horrible, games full of bugs they never fix except they are the ones losing money, and what starts like a reasonable pay to win game ends with them asking 500-600€/week.
They only give trash to free players or moderate cashers.... Don't fall into the trap..... Great games but shameless irresposibles and greedy company.
- Every fight is automatic, you cannot choose which option to attack...even blind you can play..
- Their support never answers emails...it's a shame.
- the music is boring and depressing.
- I played on facebook and my character was deleted because ?? no idea...
- the graphics is ok, but the game is much too complicated.
- it's a very repetitive game, after some days, I got bored...
The biggest disappointment is the lack of support. No replies in forum, My 8 tickets go back 8 months not 1 has been resolved. you get automated message then someone may reply but once they see the game is a fault they stop replying and dont compensate.
I have even had to use paypal to claw back payments as they didnt deliver the bonuses that they offer and wont resolve the issue once you prove to them it has happened. you then dont get replies to ticket no matter how many times you try and write.
Steer Clear will just frustrate the hell out of you once you have invested $1000's and 1000's of hours.
1. One of the most P2W games around.
2. Auto-combat.
3. Extremely repetitive.
4. Frequently glitchy.
5. Pretty close to no customer service.
This game is a borderline scam.
Let me explain.
The game is free to play, but to obtain most anything it requires saving diligently or spending and I am not kidding thousands of dollars. I did the math, many items actually cost thousands of dollars, particularly for U. S. or European servers.
Some idiots actually spend that kind of money, even though there are many issues involved:
1. the game is glitchy as hell. It breaks and compensation, if it comes, never is equal to the value lost. This means if you spend to buy something in game and it breaks, you will not get that item or your money back, you know like you would in stores if this same thing happened with a physical product.
2. Customer service is terrible. They rarely address a situation, but when they do it usually results in some variation of "sorry dear player we cannot help you...". Um, yes, yes they can.
3. Despite whole forum threads, facebook threads, and more, sites that report on games such as LOA and other MMOs never and I mean NEVER expose this racket, which IS set up similar to high stakes electronic gambling outfits only with this there is never a chance of winning any real money.
4. Some servers are treated to better deals than others and packages to help them "catch up", even though other players spent the time and money to be where they are. The game is rigged.
5. Players and moderators exposed that League of Angels had seed accounts and were rigging events to go a certain way. They had screenshots of proof. LOA did nothing. Many players just quit, replaced by new, unsuspecting people.
Is everyone in the MMO gaming industry in this racket or do people simply accept it and play on? Seems rather unintelligent to me. Personally, I do not reward bad business with my money. I encourage others to do the same.
1. "This game promotes slavery!"
Its a game, get over it.
2. "It's all half naked women and boobs. Sexist!"
I really doubt even most of the female players want Bertha, the morbidly obese angel of temperance and modesty.
3. "There's mods playing this game taking up the highest rank spots to get people to pay more money. Scam!"
Its a business, get over it.
Now with that out of the way the best advice I can give to someone considering playing this game is to give it til about lvl 60 with your first char to get an idea of the game mechanics and the best methods for upgrading your character before you put any of your own money into this game. Certain methods of upgrade are more productive than others and if you mess up early, you can find yourself wasting some cash on a character that will never quite be in the upper echelon. Take the time on your first character to pay attention to what hero combinations work the best, what aegis work best for a particular scenario, and what gem combinations work best. Make use of the view details button on the top players on the game to see what they are doing different that put them on top, because the differences between good chars and mediocre chars are often (besides their ability to go through large stacks of cash) very subtle.
That being said, this game is at best decent. Glitchy doesn't quite begin to put into perspective the tweaks that could be made to increase the quality of game play. It is quite repetitive and to REALLY be the best player on the server, you will have to spend some money.
In short, despite the numerous downsides, this game can become somewhat addictive and due to the fact that this game does pander to a slightly older demographic, the mindless flaming is not as bad as many mmos. Give it a try, I would give it a 6/10.
these days most of games are going to Propound sex in lifes ...whats the aim ?
They have these planted accounts in every server and they are most all #1 in their servers sucking up all the best rewards.
They were caught doing this red handed by a GM that inspected an account that had millions of materials and things that the game hasn't even released yet in there inventory and whistle blew on what has been going on there.
This game is a total scam they have no customer support and instead rip off their customers with planted accounts not to mention it is completely riddled with bugs/glitches
STAY AWAY!!! save your self from being scammed by an unethical and fraudulent company.
They have these planted accounts in every server and they are most all #1 in their servers sucking up all the best rewards.
They were caught doing this red handed by a GM that inspected an account that had millions of materials and things that the game hasn't even released yet in there inventory and whistle blew on what has been going on there.
This game is a total scam they have no customer support and instead rip off their customers with planted accounts not to mention it is completely riddled with bugs/glitches
STAY AWAY!!! save your self from being scammed by an unethical and fraudulent company..
All game system is made around one fundamental principle: get you frustrating and recharging/spending that mean EVERY SINGLE FEATURE IN THE GAME IS MADE TO PUSH YOU SPENDING.
So if you think you can afford to recharge few bucks per month for p2w you will be happy, that is wrong, moderate spenders in this game is 200-300 usd/ month.
Because in majority of situations when you use diamonds for buy some items/heroes/angels and so on is preceded buy an draw YOU ALWAYS WILL GET SCAMED BECAUSE THOSE DRAWS ARE NOT FOR REAL and because of that you will spend far too much for everything. (they have different drop rate for valuable items).
If you think you will put 500 usd in game to buy all the best and no more recharge that is wrong too. 500 usd is less then dust in this game, you won`t get almost nothing for that and THEY CONSTANTLY BRING NEW BETTER MOUNTS/ ANGELS/HEROES AND SO ON SO WHAT YOU DID BUY FOR RIDICULOUS AMOUNT WORTH NOTHING IN 30-50 DAYS so to keep up you need to keep recharging.
THEY USE SEEDS ON ALMOST EVERY SERVER TO PUSH PPL SPENDING (that was proved buy 2 players recently and now gtarcade have to face an huge scandal) I copy-past one of the official anouncements:
Andrzej X from s684, who was the one with the most problems, was owned by one of our staff, who had taken advantage of his job to get his character a great number of rare stuff, which made him almost invincible. After we found this shocking fact, we placed severe punishment on this irresponsible man and took away the privilege. We also assure you that we'll put much work on the management of our staff, making sure such an occasion won't happen again.
^^^^^^ to beat this guy in event named TYCOON some ppl spend thousands of dollars and he is not the only one.
GAME IS VERY ADDICTIVE - MY ADVICE IS DO NOT TRY DO NOT TEST AND DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE i keep wandering why i still play this game which i hate right now, all the fun is gone, only the addiction was left right now.
At the begining i say oo they have gems minigame, oo they have quests minigame, oo they have chesslike minigame, now what was left is oo I HAVE TO DO THAT BORING STUFF OR THAT (FOR SOME EVENTS YOU HAVE TO STAY IN FRONT ON COMPUTER AND YOU HAVE TO CLICK ONCE PER 30 SEC 30-40 MIN for an boring repetitive activity)
They have some resources which can be collected at some particular time when the daily event is so YOU WILL END UP PLAYNG THIS GAME ON WORK AND DESTROY YOUR REALLIFE
The gameplay is straightforward, easy to learn, as you gain levels, you open new features. There is alot of strategy in the build of your main hero (yourself) and your angels, mount and party. By level 70 you will have opened up some fantastic mini games and group games, as well as have an opportunity to participate in server wide and cross server competitions.
Some features you will open - mounts, you will start with a basic mount at level 20 and can win or collect parts to upgrade or summon new mounts. Gemology, a mini game similar to bejeweled. gems are then synthed or socketed to expand stats on heroes. Angels - angels add stats to you and your party, you will summon them, bless them, provide cherubstones and assemble them as guardians to your party. Eternal spire, totem system, dragonsoul, Erebus, Team Dungeon, Inferno, Gauntlet, Guilds, Twilight Clash, Elemental training, Awakening skills, Wyrm races, so many things to do...
It is not NECESSARY to invest real world money, as there are always events that you can obtain goods for free, including the diamond "currency". It takes paying attention, skill and stratgy to build a strong party.
You have quests to run, daily events, and all sorts of fun stuff. getting to level 30 takes only a couple days, with getting to 50 or 60 within a couple weeks, after that gaining slows down but the amount of things to do has increased exponentially.
being an active player with both a free to play character and one that i do use money on, i can say that whichever you choose will be fun, try checking out an older server, ask questions, see what other people are doing and how they are setting up characters. Then, once you have figured it out ( in just about a weeks time or so) either continue on or recreate a new character, and take your learned knowledge to a new or newer server and compete with everyone trying to get that first kill announcement! special events and rewards are available when the server is brand new.
servers are available in PST, EST, HKT and GMT so that server activities can be convenient for your time zone.
You can view my posts spanning several months trying to get a refund here :
Are reviewers that daft and out of touch? Surely not! Are there so few browser games? Definitely not! Simply put, someone somewhere is paying for their game's glory. And every website that lists it in the "Best" games is obviously and helplessly corrupt.
There is little strategy to it, and daily play boils down to checking in, doing your dailies, and progressing inch by inch in an infinite vacuum where you are made to feel inferior, stupid, and annoyed because you are not putting in cash like the other good paying boys and girls. True player interaction is limited to chat, if that.
Don't be deceived. Even if you do follow the prompts that pop up all the time everywhere forever to pay cash, new servers pop up weekly. Being the leader of a server means nothing when there are a thousand of them, and has as much significance as a fairly large bowel movement. That image is surprisingly descriptive of the lack of game mechanics, follow-the-prompt-zombie-training gameplay, and skillfully polished art of barely clothed women with such inhuman proportions that even barbie would be jealous.
There are rumors that cheat programs exist. Even if you are paying in cash, are you getting duped by cheaters fabricating zillions of coins at the expense of a button?
1) Gameplay: Can be addictive at start, but indead very repetitive everyday as its a never ending grindfest and farm to get better.
2) Features: It promote slavery, thievery and give its player a messed up sense of competition.
a) Slavery: Free mean to get gold, do nothing bad to the player you enslave but hey, we're in 2014 and slavery killed millions of people, and it is still going in some countries so promoting something like this unacceptable.
b) Thievery: You can buy many items with diamonds (500 diamonds cost 5$) and some feature allow other people to come and steal from you (the garden, you can harvest plants, some cost 15 diamonds) and your garden is open to anyone on your friendlist to come and steal if you don't watch it closely. Its all about taking what others have for progress (which is what happen in most games of that kind) but which isn't fun if you have to start spending as much as some people do.
c) Player behaviour: As it is a P2W game, the cashers feel very entitled and have an aweful amount of ego, which give them a messed up sense of competition that goes up to online bullying.
3) Everything is locked behind money, they lure you with a Free to play advert, but this is temporary and the brainded cashers are there everyday to remind you of this fact.
Overall, its one of the most pathetic game you can come across, made for pathetic and petty people with too much money and ego, I could play that long because I met 3 nice persons who made it worth playing for me, but I could finaly feel good quitting because I get to talk to them with other means.
It's fair to say that whoever created the art and game were perverts and obviously are seeking to get members that just want to see naked angels.
Game supports slavery and teaches children that slavery is normal: with money you can get other players to your slaves. Text tells that when you slave, you are tortured and you are in pain.
Game discriminates homosexuals with its marriage system, where only heterosexual marriages are allowed. With real money you can by sex change card, though.
Only real big cashers (and cheaters?) qualify in this game to upper places.
Art was nice but not much more to see. I don't recommend it unless you just want to study the graphics.
The creator must really work on his idead about MMO games.
Of course, there are many microtransaction cash grabs that entice you to spend money to speed up progress. But these seem mostly optional (at least at first), and for the most part spending a short amount of time every day helps more than playing for hours on end, which might be disappointing to some. Even if you end up not liking the game pacing, it's a fairly fun way to casually kill some time over the course of a few days. As a bonus, the character and angel art is very nice, especially since they make up a part of your team.