Aura Kingdom
Aura Kingdom, is an Anime MMORPG set in the wildly alive world of Azuria. In Azuria the power of Gaia remains ever-present. In times of crisis, this power awakens spiritual gifts in certain individuals. Those people become Envoys of Gaia, and their actions will shape the fate of the world. When the power awakens within the Envoy, a spirit of the Aura Kingdom is drawn to them.
This spirit takes its shape and its personality from the hopes and fears of the Envoy. In this way, the spirit becomes an Eidolon, an outward image of the best of what's inside the Envoy's heart. Together, Envoy and Eidolon stand against those who would destroy Azuria.
Players take the role of these Envoys, hoping to save Azuria from the oncoming darkness. Currently players can choose from one of eight classes; The Guardian, The Duelist, The Ravager, The Wizard, The Sorcerer, The Bard, The Grenadier, and The Gunslinger. Players then choose from one of the four starting Eidolon companions to team up with during battles to create spectacular combos.
Outside of combat these summoned spirits are more than lifeless drones. The Eidolons retain memories of players’ past accomplishments including boss kills, and will converse with the player about these experiences. As players journey forward they will have the opportunity to recruit additional Eidolons to join them.
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Additional Information
Latest Updates
There are quite a few things coming to both games.
2 years agoThe company is taking over operations from gamigo.
2 years agoThere’s a reskinned companion.
2 years agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32bit/64bit), Windows 8
Memory4 GB RAM
Storage6 GB available space
Intel Pentium4 2.8 GHz or better; AMD K8 2600 or better
GraphicsnVidia GeForce 6600 or better; ATI Redeon X1600 or better
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Aura Kingdom

but tbh its a good game,trust me ^^
cant recommend aeria server :/
play the private server instead and you will love it
other than that, a great game lol.
I never saw a game with so many bugs, bugs everywhere, bugs that are never fixed, and when an update comes, new bugs appears too.They just dont care about fix the bugs just want you to spend money in the game.
The other bad thing in this game is, if you like PVP, DONT PLAY THIS GAME, the pvp is totally unbalanced, the sorcerer can make you sleep for 6 seconds, and then make you unable to move for more 4 seconds while the duelist for example, cant do anything, dont even have a stun of 2,5 seconds like the Katar.And almost everybody use the same strategy to win, use bard, which is like a priest, and keeps healing the entire duel, and the Healing skills almost dont have cooldown and always recover almost 100% of the HP, in pvp arena or 1 vs 1 players use more healing skills than attack against players.its disgusting.Sometimes, a player is almost dying, then he heals and BOOM, hp 100% again, like new, logic ????????????
But if you dont like pvp, its "ok", i think the pve is very repetitive, even considering that the game have repeated dungeosn and monsters everywhere.
Aura Kingdom has that awesome anime character feel like Maplestory (you can customize your char with costumes and other goodies to make them unique but unlike Maple it's in 3D). The game has a great feeling of adventure that keeps you progressing like in WoW. A main reason I recently joined Aura Kingdom was to play an Anime Style MMO PVP game; and I couldn't be more impressed. The movement style is somewhat similar to Leauge of Legends as you can use the point and click style of the mouse to maneuver around other players while using Keybindings to make for easy access skill combos. The in-game community is very friendly; maybe if you run into the right person they will give you free things for being a NEWbie (My first 3 days into Aura Kingdom someone traded me an 800 gold 90% speed mount for free just for being new). The game has a decent amount of players judging by the numerous players that AFK in the main Town but it definitely needs more to take it to the next step (which game doesn't?)
I definitely feel as though Aura Kingdom will be around for a long time and grow a lot more in population from what it is now so I will be calling this home for awhile. HOPE to see you in Navea ^_^ (the main town of Aura Kingdom)
Leveling is great until level65, then is dungeon and daily quests grinds, not sure why would they increase level cap to 80 if they had no content for it. Dungeons have limited and timed lockouts, so dungeon runners will show right after lockouts reset, never to be seen again until next.
Large amount of achievements with Loyalty points rewards you can use on f2p shop. You can spend a lifetime trying to complete every achievement.
Raiding takes place only on weekends on scheduled preset hours, not when you want or when you can, but when they tell you. raids are massive 40 man groups, there is not raid interface for 40 players, you form parties of 5 and hope tanks have a healer in their group.
Lots of depth in when it comes to armors, gotta do lots of reading and forum discussion to learn which benefits you best...incredibly low drop chances in pve, double RNG (Element and bonus %). PVP as always, farm your hearts out and buy what you need, still subject to double RNG.
Professions like Fishing and Archaeology provide extra stats bonuses, cooking is a must, alchemy is a plus. Crafting is really the best way to obtain the best armors (not weapons), but requires you to farm dungeons for recipes or buy gold from bots or AP through Aeria and convert to gold in game through the sales of Ruby Coins.
Eidolons grant great advantages, and most are easily obtainable in game. If you plan to collect them all, you will need cash, as a few of them are only obtainable through cash shop. There is a lot of work involved on leveling and boosting their stats, but is rewarding work.
Players can work to way to riches through the Paragon Table, Ruby Coins required, which cash spenders can obtain on unlimited supplies (and even sell to other players), and free to play players can obtain non-tradeable versions on the Loyalty shop once a week.
Lots of visual customization with bonus stats boosts.
Overall is a great game.
Is the game pay to win?
Yes and no.
You can obtain anything in the game if luck and unlimited hours are on your side...over the next 6-12 months of gameplay.
Or you can purchase your way, convert to gold and gear up with current content gears before days end.
You decide.
Regarding population there are 3 servers Chimera , Hydra and Siren.
Chimera is the highest populated server , hydra is decently populated and unfortunately Siren is a dying server.
That's where the good ends though.
Don't plan on making a longer term investment on this game. Ultimately it's pay to win and to some extent now it's pay to play. Why? Because the cash shop it totally broken. The best "cosmetic" items in the game provide boosts to stats.. and they cost an exorbitant amount on the cash shop. There is a small chance of getting them through game play, or buying them from other players with gold, but both these options take ridiculous amounts of time. The game gets super grindy at 60+ if you want to keep progressing.
Also, now they've taken away the ability to upgrade your inventory via their loyalty system. So basically to have enough inventory to function you need to cough up roughly $1 per inventory slot.. you read right, it costs $13.97 to upgrade from a 5-slot bag to a 20-slot bag. While Aeria argues that storage is a convenience item, that's only true if you don't actually do anything in the game. If you fish, cook, craft, do end-game content... you'll need a lot of inventory and you'll need it fast.
Another problem with their cash shop is a lot of the items aren't guaranteed. Everything comes in "lucky" packs, that honestly aren't very lucky. So there's a good chance you end up spending real money on some trash you could just get in the game via playing.
Finally, Aeria actually encourages their player base to spend obscene amounts of money on their cash shop via the tiered spender system. They provide significant rewards for buying and spending $20, $50, $100 worth of stuff over a month, they even have bonus tiers for $500 and $1000.. that's right during a single month. Who the heck spends that kind of money on a game?! Especially on a game that isn't even an A-list title. Aeria should be ashamed of themselves.
TL;DR Play through the game once to 60, then drop it. This game is a ridiculous cash grab.
juego para fans de los vestiditos y gastos tontos de dinero .
Oh look another mmo claiming to be "unique" with a pet system. That's never been done before. (I'm being sardonic btw)
Repetitive combat that relies on almost no skill. You just roll your face over your hotkeys and if your gear is good enough you win. And how do you get this gear? The best gear is easily made/gotten if you pay money. But once you hit lvl 50 there is nothing to really do...
The char customization are also terrible. Everyone at your level basically looks exactly like you until you hit lvl 50, then you might see other people w/ the same face and hair, but now they have a blue outfit instead of a red one... *Gasp*...
Though not a fault of the game itself, the community, unsurprisingly, is full of people that jumped ship from Eden Eternal when AK was released. For anyone that also played EE, you know that that means. Expect absurd levels of drama in both public and private channels.
There's a DPS named Takedia from Siren who whined that Tanks are just a waste of Party space and that Full DPS party is better it may be true but it will not be forgotten.
In short,the game is fun,but also very easy.
Firstly, I honestly haven't had to grind at all; I'm nearly to the content cap (at which point I will stop playing until more stuff is released),and no grinding to speak of. I don't know if this is because more content has been released since everyone else posted their reviews,but I've leveled up just fine just doing plot,fame quest and the occasional rare monster hunt. But,as I mentioned,I'm almost at the content cap; not the level cap. But I see no point in grinding to max level if there is no new content to play; take of that what you will.
Secondly,it's not really pay 2 win,and I seriously doubt that half the people who whine about such things even know what that term is supposed to mean. That being said,a fair amount of the items in the cash shop are lucky packs; meaning that you could pay a decent chunk of change and not even get the item you were trying to pay for. Because of that,I've pretty much steered clear of the cash shop. Besides,it's easy enough to earn certain items with loyalty points if I really want something. I know that the Aeria games logo is sometimes seen as the kiss of death when it comes to cash shops,but the manged not to completely screw this one up.
Questing is a pretty generic experience in general,however the last quest at the end of every quest line is generally a bit more exiting. Sometimes you''ll have a "stealth" quest,and you'll almost always take control of an NPC (with unique skills) and be transported over to your own story area. It's an interesting way of doing things,and I wish more mmos would follow suit. Easter egg quest are also very fun and rewarding (quite possibly my favorite part of the game),but unfortunately few and fair between.
...Did I mention this game was easy? Combat is flashy and a bit more involved than one would expect out of a tab-targeted MMO,but most enemies go down pretty easily,and there is currently a serious lack of skill variation. There are also not very many penalties on the rare occasion that you die. At least dungeons offer up a bit more of a challenge.
The translation is good,and better than you would possibly expect coming out of a game like this. The story is nothing you haven't seen before,but offers a few interesting twist,and the dialogue is at least fairly well written. I've honestly read most of the quest text,which is something I rarely do.
All and all a good game,but there is certainty room for improvement.
quests--and that's where the game quickly becomes hideous.
Im now lvl 43 in Siren, if you wanna add me.
Hardly pay to win since there is virtually no pvp other than dueling or the battlefield/arena hosted twice a day lasting 30 minutes each.
Obviously the game is a grindfest, no doubt but it's fun to play on the side. Hell I play this on the side of counterstrike letting the autowalk deal with shit.
You have so much free time that you play at least 14~16 h/day, every day;
You don't mind having frequent lag issues/server crashes,
this game was made for you.
Else, stay far from that.
A game that is very demanding in terms of $$$ and time
If you will not spend $$$ it'll take you years to compete with other strong players.
I tried this game, and I spent alot shit on this game.
There is also a class favoritism
Ravagers get the least attention in terms of parties, they don't accept ravagers.
Whateves now lets go back to my game! You will surely love it! Might aswell try it urself! I don't know whyI love it too! But the truth is the thing I don't like about the company cause they will never ever reply your problems or whatever you send to them.Surely I hope u will really love this Anime mmo cause I love it very much! Many people hate it cause...I don't know why too! They've got their own problems >.< I read some reviews and someone said about walking straightly bug..Oh yes I really experienced that AHAHAHA probably like never they fixed it yet...Oh lemme tell u somethings that I experienced in the game.Ya know eidolons? You will know it if u played that game earlier than I wrote this reply..its those flying thingies you can pick and they will give...You pick before creating,you get after questing.You may really reply to me and ask some questions I have a level 65 too ya know! Spam dungeons ^.~ to receive much goldies and silvies!
Thank you for Reading!!!
Sadly, my aeriah game account got banned without any prior notice or any reason at all.. I was just leveling up like normal people do, load money on my aeriah game account when suddenly I can't log in my account anymore. I tried to use the forgot password but it shows that my account was blocked due to violation of terms and agreement or whatsoever it is.. I tried to contact them to ask for the reason why and it's been 4 days and I haven't gotten any response from the support team at all.. It's really dangerous to play with aeriah games because you can get banned without any reason at all which looks like they are banning random people! just search aura kingdom reviews and you'll see other people who experienced the same way I did..
when it comes to questing i guess lvl 1 to 40 is the basic or tutorial LOL yep 1 to 40 you can lvl your character playing for atleast 10 hours or 12 lol.
well after that when you reach 41 the grinding will eventually start im not saying that in the first lvl (1 to 40) there are no grindings but when you reach 41 and above the grinding is terrible killing the same monster for atleast 3 times already and take note they come from a different quest but the good side of it you will eventually unlock new eidolons(pets) and the second class system and you can actually feel that your character is getting stronger and strnger because of the additional class /sub class
the case shop i think it is mostly for vanity you can be strong WITHOUT paying real money all you have to do is to explore the crafting be friendly to others and most important is PATIENT
and warning for those who are lvl 43 please dont take the quest for eidolon accesory you will have to buy a particular item for that quest and lost a lots of gold for it. please dont take that stupid quest i think that is not a bug i think it is programmed to be that way LOL for the DEVS
if you like a game sometihing like EDEN ETERNAL RO2 or CABAL or simply an old fashion MMORPG and very patient in lvling or can handle grinding = getting stronger well this is the game for you
but if you love DN or graphics intesive games please don't download this this game is a crap for your taste.
for me i'll give it 3.5/5
Best regards,
Team Aura Kingdom
Which not only happens to one person, it happen thousands of players in Aura Kingdom . So, in a nutshell, if you want to play Aura kingdom is up to you, because if during the game you have any problem, they will not fix it and only just get you bored faster.
" Best regards"
Ex player of Aura Kingdom