Swordsman Online Glides into Open Beta
If you've got some free time this holiday weekend, you may want to check out the newly released Open Beta for Perfect World Entertainment's martial arts MMORPG, Swordsman Online. The studio pushed the wuxia-inspired MMO into Open Beta yesterday and with it, opened up cross-server functionality, allowing for a greater number of players across servers to participate in large-scale PvP.
For those who tried out Swordsman Online during the closed beta, PWE has special closed beta rewards ready for you upon your -potential- return. As with most Open Betas these days, Swordsman Online has also opened up its cash shop for use although given the rising number of cash shops appearing sometimes as early as alpha it's relatively commendable for PWE to show such restraint. Now if only developers could stop offering ridiculously priced "pre-purchase packs".
Players can download Swordsman Onlinenow through PWE's proprietary game manager app "Arc" with Swordsman Online representing the first of PWE's MMOs to ship exclusively through the system. It also means you're going to need an Arc account which you can signup for here if you haven't already.
For info on what we thought of Swordsman Online check out our closed beta impressions here or if you'd prefer not to read, you can watch our video coverage below.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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I guess you can say you've made it as a MOBA if you've got yourself a World Championship.
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Yes, you get to build your own walking bases.

And it hasn’t even left testing yet.

You're both pilot and engineer. If your mech has issues, you'll be the one fixing them.

Plenty to explore and plenty of balance changes and fixes arrive with the patch, too.
Battle mechanics:
Swosh swosh, enemies just stands there i meet a totall of 4 agressive enemies all four had an AI like a monkey.
How come they always fuck this up behind recognition? well its wierd its all over the place grindy stupid and no one in his right mind will use this shit.
Yes they sayd there would be humor well.... the cutscene u see of a fat chinese dude falling down a staircase in the trailer.. there u go thats it the whole way to 40.
Jumping on buildings soar in the winds and walking on water like jesus:
yes yes yes yes, but.... in cutscenes until u master the tripple jump then u can start raging over the invisible walls on all frigging buildings!
All in all.
3/10 the diffrent schols can be fun, u can prolly with some luck play this game for free since they are quite generous when it comes to mount,bag space.. unless u count for everything else. they also have a free pet that collects ur shit after level 25-30. but even with a proper starter pack ur bags will start to hurt. so its doible and still yet painful.
I would call this game the chinese tourture, jesus christ people cant u do one simple thing right its like PW stroke amnesia after the team worked game neverwinter, letts just shit on all the good stuff and put in the old P2w bullcrap that always work.
this game is an epic fail online.
Thank you PW u suck.
over and out from Aries.
And the game is in OBT,you can call it CBT available for everyone,did you seen League of Legends graphics in 2009? or Blade and Soul graphic and gameplay in 2010?no you did not,because if you did,it was worse than this game,so in few weeks or a month will come first patch,and the game will be better in time,you can`t make a game perfect in just a week.
Take example of Black Gold online,because the game mechanics are almost the same,you can change from tab target to action combat that looks almost to Tera online,but compared to that combat system it may take a whyle to be close to that.
you`re noob,idiot, fk you,etc. ...i mean you know better what you will tell to me.
So actually it should be a game made for every person in this world,i mean...if you don`t like something,other guy might love it,if you love something,another guy it might not love it.So people are different,no one is the same and can`t make every1 happy.
You might played high graphic choppy games with idiotic gameplay,with story that don`t have nothing with the game and with combat moves that makes the human like an alien or a robot.
The best way to be happy is by making a game by yourself,only for you.
The customization was nice, but... the hairstyles were just so limited. And I really did not want to have long hair with ponytails... (especially for a male). I then went to see how the customization for girls were, and to see that I could not get rid of their "bulging eyes." I'm glad I did not spend $60 for the open beta package...
Once again, PWE has disappointed me... :/
I played for 5 hours and followed everything everybody in game said and I still don't know what the hell is going on. All I get from the story is I am a hero. END OF STORY. Graphics are just awful even on max settings and it seems like you never need to open a solid steel door, just walk through it! Another thing is that I chose the only server it would let me, an NA server. In chat all I see is, "Ping teh wing dengg", some kinda Chinese or something. Took me a while to actually find some English speaking peeps.
Last but not least....LOOT. Wheres the loot? I mean sure ESO had minimal loot but loot non the less. In the 5 hours I played only a bowl of noodles dropped.
I felt like I was literally being held by the hand the entire time. I know people say that about themeparks and other games but this is for real. You never have to explore.
Oh and you get these world things, I forgot what their called, but after you run out you can no longer gain xp from enemies until a certain amount of time has passed or you somehow get more world stuff.
All in all it is closed beta and things could change. I hope they do because this game is a mess and I'll gladly go back to Age of Wulin/Wushu, a game I dislike, than this current state of a game.
Damn I was so excited for this too. I really thought, "Duh A kung fu game, it's gotta be golden der der". Damn was I wrong. I should have learned from every non successful martial arts game. And there are no successful martial arts games out. At least worth my time that is.
Open Beta is just as bad.
Oh yeah one more thing. When you choose action combat as your control scheme, be prepared to hit "Ctrl" a thousand times to click on everything. That means talking to npc's too. I tried to get used to it but it just annoyed the crap outta me.
"Already having a grand time, as you can tell, I finally came upon a quest where I had to do a kneel emote in front of an NPC. I pulled up the emote menu and was greeted with 50 cute little faces. None of them screamed “kneel” to me and there was no hover-over text."
Umm, What? There is a GLOWING (practically screaming "press me!") contextual button for "action" that allows you to interact with everything. It turns into "kneel" when you accept this quest. Why would anyone search for emotion animations in a CHAT window? What's happening to this world? Even though games get dumbed down more and more with every new release, gamers are still prevented from enjoying them because of their own cluelesness.
I can imagine a seven year old kid getting annoyed by this game because he can't figure it out. But a grown man? Who is supposed to write an article with a fair judgement of the game? This is so goddamn embarrassing. How can someone judge a game if he can't even SEE half its features?
when you go out in the wilderness, you see all of the same mobs in one place, then there is nothing, then its the next group of mobs, thats just pathetic
Get the combatsystem from C9 or maybe GW2, delete this "bot" that runs for you the most time and get smooth movements like WoW.
Voone out.